Reality Check: Ted Cruz Says Middle East Was Better Off Before War On Terror

WE were better off before the war on terror......the Muslims terrorist should never have started it in the first place....
Cruz was right.

But it's a trite observation. Kind of duh, of course the M.E. was better off with Saddam and co in power. It was also better off before the Radical Muslim [aka 'Arab'] Spring. It was better off before the Iranian revolution in 1979.

Going back even farther, it was better off before Mohammed came along.

Reality check.
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“Ted Cruz says the Middle East was better off under Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Can that possibly be true? Not only is it true but the numbers behind it will stun you! Reality Check!”

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The Cruz position on the ME wars and terrorism is absolutely correct and it has been the libertarian position since first Ron Paul predicted exactly what has happened in the ME and voted against the government's policies there while he was in the Congress. It has also been the position of Rand Paul.

But the RINOs & DINOs don't give a rat's ass they love wars and their bloated Military Industrial Complex.
“Ted Cruz says the Middle East was better off under Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Can that possibly be true? Not only is it true but the numbers behind it will stun you! Reality Check!”

Can't watch the video? Read the transcript @

Yep; in DUMBFUCK land, people are always much better off under the thumb of brutal tyrants who start wars with their neighbors, threaten the extermination of Israel and commit STATE sanctioned murder rather than the spontaneous terrorist kind we now see.

But the irony for Muslims is that at the present time, more Muslims are murdered and killed by fellow Muslims than by Western actions.

Cruz is an idiot for saying it just as those who agree with his baloney. Hell, if I want political rhetoric like that I can get it from the Democrats or Obama. This is why I would NEVER support Cruz; he's just as big a naive foreign policy fool as the ObanaTard.
The Cruz position on the ME wars and terrorism is absolutely correct and it has been the libertarian position since first Ron Paul predicted exactly what has happened in the ME and voted against the government's policies there while he was in the Congress. It has also been the position of Rand Paul.

But the RINOs & DINOs don't give a rat's ass they love wars and their bloated Military Industrial Complex.

I've got to find an ostrich gif for libertarian dumbfucks who still think isolationism and ignoring the acts of despots and tyrants is a good policy.
so you dumb fuck right wing traitors to this nation are you ready to ACCEPT that the left was correct?

We told you assholes you were being lied to war

we told you Sadam was shit but that he was THE CORK in the bottle of bees.

You trashed us for telling you the truth

You called us traitors for telling you the truth

Then you did the bidding of the OIL companies anyway

You fucked the entire world

then as if that wasn't fucking enough you CRASHED the entire world Economy with your ass licking of the big banks.

there is nothing you do or say that is correct and fact based anymore.

open your eyes ALL the way

accept the error or ALL your ways.

stop being fucking wealthy peoples tools
May or may not be right, but I'm pretty sure I don't like his idea of bombing the crap out of them until they glow in the dark. Probably not the best idea.
Had Hussein not invaded Kuwait it's fairly true. Muslims are only manageable with the heaviest of hands.
But the goon in him was too strong.
Yep; in DUMBFUCK land, people are always much better off under the thumb of brutal tyrants who start wars with their neighbors, threaten the extermination of Israel and commit STATE sanctioned murder rather than the spontaneous terrorist kind we now see.

You mean like the brutal Shah of Iran that came to power by way of the U.S. CIA and British Intel that deposed an elected official and replaced him with the Shah?

You mean like Saddam Hussein who came to power in Iraq by way of the U.S. CIA’s support for the Baath Party?

You mean like the dictators of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait who are allied with America and the western world?

Seems as though once upon a time the American and other western governments thought those rulers were the answer for middle eastern stability, huh?

Oh! But there came a time when America’s government decided changes in the middle eastern power structure needed to happen. SO, Saddam got deposed and radical Islamic rebels got armed in Libya who were the rise of ISIL/ISIS.

Seems installing tyrannical dictators was a bad idea so we depose them and create an even worse idea, huh genius?

Cruz is an idiot for saying it just as those who agree with his baloney. Hell, if I want political rhetoric like that I can get it from the Democrats or Obama. This is why I would NEVER support Cruz; he's just as big a naive foreign policy fool as the ObanaTard.

If you had just half a brain, you’d conclude that fucking around in the middle east politically was never a good idea and the more we fuck around in the middle east the worse the idea becomes. So much so, we have imported radical Islamic terrorism to our shores.

Take notice moron that nobody attacks Switzerland, because they’re what idiots like you define as “isolationist.” Actually they don’t get attacked because they’re “non-interventionist” who mind their own fucking business, asshole.
You mean like the brutal Shah of Iran that came to power by way of the U.S. CIA and British Intel that deposed an elected official and replaced him with the Shah?

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

You mean like Saddam Hussein who came to power in Iraq by way of the U.S. CIA’s support for the Baath Party?

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

You mean like the dictators of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait who are allied with America and the western world?

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Of course in dumbfuck land, where you wallow, it was perfectly okay for Saddam to invade Kuwait.

Seems as though once upon a time the American and other western governments thought those rulers were the answer for middle eastern stability, huh?

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Oh! But there came a time when America’s government decided changes in the middle eastern power structure needed to happen. SO, Saddam got deposed and radical Islamic rebels got armed in Libya who were the rise of ISIL/ISIS.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Of course, in dumbfuckland, where you wallow, Saddam got deposed for doing absolutely nothing.

Seems installing tyrannical dictators was a bad idea so we depose them and create an even worse idea, huh genius?

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

If you had just half a brain,

I think it is funny that you think you even have a brain dumbfuck.

you’d conclude that fucking around in the middle east politically was never a good idea and the more we fuck around in the middle east the worse the idea becomes. So much so, we have imported radical Islamic terrorism to our shores.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Take notice moron that nobody attacks Switzerland, because they’re what idiots like you define as “isolationist.”

Yeah; dumbfuck, because Switzerland liberated Europe right? Let’s be honest here, you’re a clueless classless AmeriKa hating dumbfuck on steroids who re-writes history to fit your retarded world views.

Actually they don’t get attacked because they’re “non-interventionist” who mind their own fucking business, asshole.

Wrong again dumbfuck; they don’t get attacked because even despots and tyrants need a place to put their money and they know Switzerland is irrelevant.

But because you’re a history moron, you have already forgotten that we were isolationist when we were attacked in WWI and WWII.

But you also stupidly think that 9-11 had something to do with us in the ME; but that just the terrorist propaganda you have so stupidly and gullibly swallowed.

I find your anti-AmeriKa stupidity repugnant and stupid. But heck, I am arguing with a moron on steroids with his head stuck up his own dumb asshole.

You’re dismissed shit-for-brains; you’re a constant reminder of how terribly our educational systems have failed our citizens.
so you dumb fuck right wing traitors to this nation are you ready to ACCEPT that the left was correct?

We told you assholes you were being lied to war

we told you Sadam was shit but that he was THE CORK in the bottle of bees.

You trashed us for telling you the truth

You called us traitors for telling you the truth

Then you did the bidding of the OIL companies anyway

You fucked the entire world

then as if that wasn't fucking enough you CRASHED the entire world Economy with your ass licking of the big banks.

there is nothing you do or say that is correct and fact based anymore.

open your eyes ALL the way

accept the error or ALL your ways.

stop being fucking wealthy peoples tools

The libertarians were uniformly against the war, whereas the left was divided over the matter. Suck on that, Daesh!
There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Of course in dumbfuck land, where you wallow, it was perfectly okay for Saddam to invade Kuwait.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Of course, in dumbfuckland, where you wallow, Saddam got deposed for doing absolutely nothing.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

I think it is funny that you think you even have a brain dumbfuck.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

Yeah; dumbfuck, because Switzerland liberated Europe right? Let’s be honest here, you’re a clueless classless AmeriKa hating dumbfuck on steroids who re-writes history to fit your retarded world views.

Wrong again dumbfuck; they don’t get attacked because even despots and tyrants need a place to put their money and they know Switzerland is irrelevant.

But because you’re a history moron, you have already forgotten that we were isolationist when we were attacked in WWI and WWII.

But you also stupidly think that 9-11 had something to do with us in the ME; but that just the terrorist propaganda you have so stupidly and gullibly swallowed.

I find your anti-AmeriKa stupidity repugnant and stupid. But heck, I am arguing with a moron on steroids with his head stuck up his own dumb asshole.

You’re dismissed shit-for-brains; you’re a constant reminder of how terribly our educational systems have failed our citizens.

BOBO even looks stupid when arguing with a certified moron ...
Poor BOBO.
There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

And someday when you grow a fucking brain and some real balls, you’re gonna actually make a rational argument filled with evidence to prove me wrong instead of crawling under your cowardly rock and just spew childish substance lacking insults, right genius?:dunno::rofl2:
There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

There you go again with the same dumb false bullshit; just a different day.

And someday when you grow a fucking brain and some real balls, you’re gonna actually make a rational argument filled with evidence to prove me wrong instead of crawling under your cowardly rock and just spew childish substance lacking insults, right genius?:rofl2::cof1:
Of course in dumbfuck land, where you wallow, it was perfectly okay for Saddam to invade Kuwait.

Personally I didn’t give a flying fuck that Saddam invaded Kuwait since Kuwait voted against the United States position on every issue in the United Nations more than anybody except for China and the old Soviet Union, then came crying to the U.S. when Saddam took back what was part of Iraq until the British redrew the map of the ME.

Besides that I saw no difference which ME Dictator America bought oil from. Of course morons like you think Kuwait is a democracy and or Constitutional Republic rewarding its citizens with individual rights and regular elections, huh genius?

And moreover, Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait was an issue for the middle eastern nations to deal with and it was none of our fucking business.:cof1:
hey you guys

why do you think Bush 41 went after Sadam?

why do you think Sadam tried to take Kuwait?

are you people so uninformed you don't understand that it was ALL about the ocean access for Oil transport?