Reality Check: Ted Cruz Says Middle East Was Better Off Before War On Terror

Yeah; dumbfuck, because Switzerland liberated Europe right? Let’s be honest here, you’re a clueless classless AmeriKa hating dumbfuck on steroids who re-writes history to fit your retarded world views.

I’ll wait for your posting of something of mine with evidence that I hate America.:rofl2::cof1:

I’ll wait for you to post something of mine that you can prove is is a “re-write” of history to fit my world views. I won’t hold my breath genius. :rofl2::cof1:

Wrong again dumbfuck; they don’t get attacked because even despots and tyrants need a place to put their money and they know Switzerland is irrelevant.

And you’re gonna supply the evidence that ME despots and tyrants keep their money in Switzerland, right? And while you’re at it you’ll prove that’s why Islamic Terrorist, i.e. Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL don’t do attacks in Switzerland, right genius? :rofl2::cof1:

But because you’re a history moron, you have already forgotten that we were isolationist when we were attacked in WWI and WWII.

Yeah! That’s why we fought in both wars, right genius? Because we were “isolationist,” right?:rofl2::cof1:

You Sir trash-mouth don’t know the difference between an “isolationist” and a “non-interventionist.”

“Isolationism” is what RINOs & DINOs do when they sanction other nations and cut off all trade, military and diplomatic intercourse with them, i.e. North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

A “non-interventionist,” is someone that maintains trade and diplomatic relationships with other nations and avoids entangling military alliances.:cof1:
But you also stupidly think that 9-11 had something to do with us in the ME; but that just the terrorist propaganda you have so stupidly and gullibly swallowed.

No genius! I know we fuck around in the middle east because of the ”OIL” even idiots like you should know that.:rofl2::cof1:

I find your anti-AmeriKa stupidity repugnant and stupid. But heck, I am arguing with a moron on steroids with his head stuck up his own dumb asshole.

You don’t even know the difference between anti-Americanism and anti-BIG progressive, corrupt, interventionist, fucking insane government, Bunky!

You’re the American hater! You’re the BIG government progressive RINO, Bunky!:rofl2::cof1:

You’re dismissed shit-for-brains; you’re a constant reminder of how terribly our educational systems have failed our citizens.

I’m still waiting for you to educate me Bunky! I’m still waiting for you to provide the constitutional text that mandates that a Congress can only declare war by request of a President and can only declare war against nation states.:rofl2::cof1:
Cruz was right.

But it's a trite observation. Kind of duh, of course the M.E. was better off with Saddam and co in power. It was also better off before the Radical Muslim [aka 'Arab'] Spring. It was better off before the Iranian revolution in 1979.

Going back even farther, it was better off before Mohammed came along.

Reality check.

:rolleyes: Of course no people ever were violent before Muhammad. Christians, Jews, Mongols, Vikings, Russians, Chinese, Hittites, Aztecs et cetera, all as gentle as doves.
:rolleyes: Of course no people ever were violent before Muhammad. Christians, Jews, Mongols, Vikings, Russians, Chinese, Hittites, Aztecs et cetera, all as gentle as doves.

Trite observation again lol. H. sapiens is a war-like species.

Imagine if Mohammed never came along. 'Religious war' could go back to meaning squabbling over gay wedding cakes and abortion. And the Middle East, and the world, would be a very different place.