Reality check: wingnuts encourage security threat


Shaken, not stirred!
I remember a few years ago a retired FBI agent who warned that the real threat to America was not so much Al Qaeda but the home grown version of terrorist....hate groups, separatists, anti-gov't advocates. Well, it seems that his fears may be taking form with the help of our current anti-Obama hysteria that's been condoned and in some cases encouraged by GOP congressional reps.
blaa blaa blaaa blaa

the dailykos..good grief

have you every read some the crap they write over there..they've wished every Republican dead and then some...get a grip..some of the violent protesters we have seen is on the left..:rolleyes:
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blaa blaa blaaa blaa

the dailykos..good grief

have you every read some the crap they write over there..they've wished every Republican dead and then some...get a grip..some of the violent protesters we have seen is on the left..:rolleyes:

Funny how this startling statistic escaped our Media (oh yeah, I keep forgetting, it's dominated by Conservatives...) and was "revealed" by an English paper ("according to a new book")....
Funny how this startling statistic escaped our Media (oh yeah, I keep forgetting, it's dominated by Conservatives...) and was "revealed" by an English paper ("according to a new book")....

Sorry, here's the Link on the Kos site :

"threats against the president multiplied by 4 times"
this story first ran on Abc or Nbc..the all day Hugo Obama channel..

man, are you all behind the times.
most people in the 'militia' mindset don't have a huge problem with some social liberal ideologies. It's when those liberal ideologies start dictating how the 'conservative' side must adhere to some rule of law to implement those liberal ideologies. Gun control is a huge no no.
Sorry, here's the Link on the Kos site :

"threats against the president multiplied by 4 times"

And yet you and every other willfully ignorant neocon parrot swear that the main stream media is controlled by liberals. Yet right here you contradict yourself.....not surprising.

Scary that (once again) the foreign media seems to be more up on what's going in America than most of it's citizens.

But then again, all that is needed is a little concentration to news other than NewsMax, the WND and the like:

From my home paper Newsday

And CBS News:
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Not at all fascist to defend oneself from fascism. You've got it backwards as usual. *shrug*

Pay attention, genius. YOU were the one mocking the article by threatening liberals in general. Being that you have staunchly supported the Shrub's executive centric gov't and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law now chuckle with glee at the thought of threats against the President. See genius, one has to encompass everything in a discussion of a subject...and YOU have demostrated a willingness to support any type of quasi-fascist actions/legislation of a gov't that favors your viewpoints.

In other words, mastermind...YOU said it, I didn't. And since there is nothing fascist about offering a gov't alternative to private health care, you're statement above is absurd at best. Carry on.
most people in the 'militia' mindset don't have a huge problem with some social liberal ideologies. It's when those liberal ideologies start dictating how the 'conservative' side must adhere to some rule of law to implement those liberal ideologies. Gun control is a huge no no.

You just printed a steaming load, pal. To date, NO ONE is taking anyone's gun away....recent gun sales dictate that.

The current "militia" mindset is the same BS that any anti-gov't/separatist/hate mongering group uses to justify their actions. What it all boils down to is paranoia and ignorance and/or hatred of the facts sprinkled with a genuine dislike for the people in power.
And yet you and every other willfully ignorant neocon parrot swear that the main stream media is controlled by liberals. Yet right here you contradict yourself.....not surprising.

Scary that (once again) the foreign media seems to be more up on what's going in America than most of it's citizens.

But then again, all that is needed is a little concentration to news other than NewsMax, the WND and the like:

From my home paper Newsday

And CBS News:

Here's the relevant portion of the Post I was following-up, for those viewers who can't recognize sarcasm :

"Funny how this startling statistic escaped our Media (oh yeah, I keep forgetting, it's dominated by Conservatives...)".

So you cite a CBS story which states "[I'm getting] buyers from every group -- all races, creeds and economic backgrounds; guns in every price range," said Andrew Chernoff, owner of Coliseum Gun Traders Ltd. in Uniondale." and a single-source CBS story, neither of which supports your fevered claim that "the real threat to America was not so much Al Qaeda but the home grown version of terrorist....hate groups, separatists, anti-gov't advocates."
Not at all fascist to defend oneself from fascism. You've got it backwards as usual. *shrug*

I note the "rebuttal" to your post in RED :

"Being that you have staunchly supported the Shrub's executive centric gov't and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law enforcement...and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law enforcement..." Just like the current President, his campaign blather aside...

P.S., Speaking of "support[ing] the Shrub's executive centric gov't" how many current "T'sars" can you count ? ?
You just printed a steaming load, pal. To date, NO ONE is taking anyone's gun away....recent gun sales dictate that.

The current "militia" mindset is the same BS that any anti-gov't/separatist/hate mongering group uses to justify their actions. What it all boils down to is paranoia and ignorance and/or hatred of the facts sprinkled with a genuine dislike for the people in power.

now try reading my post again, in context, and in whole without the liberal translators. maybe then you'll actually understand just what it is I printed.
I note the "rebuttal" to your post in RED :

"Being that you have staunchly supported the Shrub's executive centric gov't and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law enforcement...and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law enforcement..." Just like the current President, his campaign blather aside...

P.S., Speaking of "support[ing] the Shrub's executive centric gov't" how many current "T'sars" can you count ? ?
Pay attention, genius. YOU were the one mocking the article by threatening liberals in general. Being that you have staunchly supported the Shrub's executive centric gov't and the sidestepping of probable cause and habeus corpus for our law now chuckle with glee at the thought of threats against the President. See genius, one has to encompass everything in a discussion of a subject...and YOU have demostrated a willingness to support any type of quasi-fascist actions/legislation of a gov't that favors your viewpoints.

In other words, mastermind...YOU said it, I didn't. And since there is nothing fascist about offering a gov't alternative to private health care, you're statement above is absurd at best. Carry on.
Where have I threatened liberals in general?

Just pointing out that the current President, despite his heated campaign trail indignation over Bushs' "immoral", "illegal" detention policies, is quietly continuing said "outrages", and appointing an unprecedented number of "Czars" accountable to no one after bemoaning Bushs' supposed attempts to centralize power in the Exective branch...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And yet you and every other willfully ignorant neocon parrot swear that the main stream media is controlled by liberals. Yet right here you contradict yourself.....not surprising.

Scary that (once again) the foreign media seems to be more up on what's going in America than most of it's citizens.

But then again, all that is needed is a little concentration to news other than NewsMax, the WND and the like:

From my home paper Newsday

And CBS News:

Here's the relevant portion of the Post I was following-up, for those viewers who can't recognize sarcasm :

"Funny how this startling statistic escaped our Media (oh yeah, I keep forgetting, it's dominated by Conservatives...)".

So you cite a CBS story which states "[I'm getting] buyers from every group -- all races, creeds and economic backgrounds; guns in every price range," said Andrew Chernoff, owner of Coliseum Gun Traders Ltd. in Uniondale." and a single-source CBS story, neither of which supports your fevered claim that "the real threat to America was not so much Al Qaeda but the home grown version of terrorist....hate groups, separatists, anti-gov't advocates."

Only a truly dumb neocon would try to take things out of context when the actual thread is present for all to see. All one has to do is follow the chronology to see your folly.

Your original response was to follow up that moron meme's neocon blathering. Your "sarcasm" was lame, as I adequately pointed out.

Secondly, the quote you gave was from a source that was provided as a response to another neocon numbskull who tried to dilute the original post here by bringing in an appropo subject.

Once again, NJ, you're dishonesty in a simple debate rings clear. Now, unless you're willing to discuss the subject matter in an honest, logical fashion...I'll just ignore your worthless drivel.
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