Reality check: wingnuts encourage security threat

Why are you repeating something that I already logically and factually disproved. I stated that YOU MOCKED the article and it's subject by "threaten[ed] liberals in general"....I stated that you make light of the threat. Either you're just being insipidly stubborn, lying or you truly don't comprehend sentence structure.

Not exactly a serious "threat", wouldn't you say?

Either way, you can't logically or factually disprove the original subject thread/post that I created here. Dwelling on something that has already been explained to you and settled is pointless.
Wow you're afraid of Muhahaha! :)
And yet you and every other willfully ignorant neocon parrot swear that the main stream media is controlled by liberals. Yet right here you contradict yourself.....not surprising.

Scary that (once again) the foreign media seems to be more up on what's going in America than most of it's citizens.

But then again, all that is needed is a little concentration to news other than NewsMax, the WND and the like:

From my home paper Newsday

And CBS News:

"The Secret Service says Kessler's allegations aren't true. "The Secret Service assisted Mr. Kessler as we would any author writing a book about the agency," the denial states. "We provided briefings, on the record interviews and accurate responses to his numerous questions. However, Mr. Kessler chose to base his criticisms of the agency on unnamed sources whose motives, knowledge and experience level remains unknown.

"Any suggestion that the Secret Service has "cut corners" in carrying our protective mission is just false. It is always difficult to defend your record against anonymous sources. However, it should be noted that we currently dedicate more personnel, funding and technical assets to our protective mission than at any time in our history and our protective measures and methods continue to increase in scope and complexity, not diminish.

"The safety of those we protect remains this agency's highest priority. Failure is not an option.""

Please, tell us why we should believe Kessler and anonymous sources over the agency itself?
You just printed a steaming load, pal. To date, NO ONE is taking anyone's gun away....recent gun sales dictate that.

The current "militia" mindset is the same BS that any anti-gov't/separatist/hate mongering group uses to justify their actions. What it all boils down to is paranoia and ignorance and/or hatred of the facts sprinkled with a genuine dislike for the people in power.

recent gun sales are based on the fear that they will restrict gun purchases.
Now try acting like an adult and just admit you were wrong...instead of BS'ing here like you actually live up to your screen name.

You made a statement, and I provided PROOF that a key portion of your statement is incorrect. Go back and read carefully and comprehensively. If you STILL don't get it, I'll explain.

just an fyi... when you change the font color to blue, it is tough to read your responses. Red is ok, but still, if it is all the same to you... white is easier to read. This is no way means you HAVE to do so, just a request.
Once again, I'm forced to school you on reading comprehension. I'll break it down for you:

Here's what you wrote: "most people in the 'militia' mindset don't have a huge problem with some social liberal ideologies. I have no problem with this statement. It's when those liberal ideologies start dictating how the 'conservative' side must adhere to some rule of law to implement those liberal ideologies. Gun control is a huge no no. This is what I point out is total BS on your part. My link clearly shows that to date there is NO such process going on, because the gun shops in my home area are having trouble keeping up with the orders. As I've said many times before, the ONLY state that nearly had virtual prohibited gun ownership was Washington, DC and that was overturned after 30 years. Law abiding citizens have access to guns and rifles.

Understand now, genius? I've just pulled out a cornerstone of the militia BS regarding weapons with FACTS. So wipe the spittle off the screen and stop braying like an ass everytime someone effectively proves you wrong on a point of contention. Like I said, you're screen name is a joke, and this little exchange (yet again) proves it. Carry on.
you didn't school me on shit. you jumped to conclusions like a raving liberal lunatic, as usual. If you were even a quarter of intelligent as you claim to be, you'd know that even though there are no bills with any hope of passing a committee, there is always still talk and plans of new gun laws.

stop trying to elevate yourself to my level and just accept that you aren't a fucking genius, like me.
just an fyi... when you change the font color to blue, it is tough to read your responses. Red is ok, but still, if it is all the same to you... white is easier to read. This is no way means you HAVE to do so, just a request.
I think Touch should post with white text on a white background....
just an fyi... when you change the font color to blue, it is tough to read your responses. Red is ok, but still, if it is all the same to you... white is easier to read. This is no way means you HAVE to do so, just a request.

Thanks....I think you're the second person that's said this. I'll try to remember, although I'll miss my signature color. :(
"The Secret Service says Kessler's allegations aren't true. "The Secret Service assisted Mr. Kessler as we would any author writing a book about the agency," the denial states. "We provided briefings, on the record interviews and accurate responses to his numerous questions. However, Mr. Kessler chose to base his criticisms of the agency on unnamed sources whose motives, knowledge and experience level remains unknown.

"Any suggestion that the Secret Service has "cut corners" in carrying our protective mission is just false. It is always difficult to defend your record against anonymous sources. However, it should be noted that we currently dedicate more personnel, funding and technical assets to our protective mission than at any time in our history and our protective measures and methods continue to increase in scope and complexity, not diminish.

"The safety of those we protect remains this agency's highest priority. Failure is not an option.""

Please, tell us why we should believe Kessler and anonymous sources over the agency itself?

Because about a year ago or so there was an ex-FBI agent who specialized in domestic "groups" like white supremacists, separatists, ultra-right wing and neo nazis making the talk media rounds. He was WARNING people that the larger, more immediate threat to national security wasn't Al Qaeda, but the groups he had worked against for years.

Fast forward to today, where you have all sorts of yahoos going into allergic shock because of Obama's election for various reasons. Our alleged "liberal" main stream media hasn't really been keeping tabs on these folks....mainly because the more "sane" and "stable" extreme reactionaries to Obama's policies are taking the spotlight.....and taking their act (many sponsored by such neocon groups as Freedomworks) to town hall meetings. Also, you should remember the angry yahoos showing up at McCain's and Palin's stump speeches during the 2008 campaign...the birther's who have been encouraged by neocon media punditry. The Secret Service, of course, is not going to stoke the flames by corroborating Kessler's story....but that heightened status of personnel and equipment is VERY coincidental, wouldn't you say?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You just printed a steaming load, pal. To date, NO ONE is taking anyone's gun away....recent gun sales dictate that.

The current "militia" mindset is the same BS that any anti-gov't/separatist/hate mongering group uses to justify their actions. What it all boils down to is paranoia and ignorance and/or hatred of the facts sprinkled with a genuine dislike for the people in power.

recent gun sales are based on the fear that they will restrict gun purchases.

True enough....fear based on the bogus propaganda that the NRA and it's affiliates have been stoking for the last 20 years (at least). Some militias follow suit on this. And as the article shows, business is booming as a result of that fear.....which kind of contradicts the propaganda that has sounded the death nell every time some politico proposes a gun control law. Once again, the weapons manufacturers and sellers are making a killing off public fear.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, I'm forced to school you on reading comprehension. I'll break it down for you:

Here's what you wrote: "most people in the 'militia' mindset don't have a huge problem with some social liberal ideologies. I have no problem with this statement. It's when those liberal ideologies start dictating how the 'conservative' side must adhere to some rule of law to implement those liberal ideologies. Gun control is a huge no no. This is what I point out is total BS on your part. My link clearly shows that to date there is NO such process going on, because the gun shops in my home area are having trouble keeping up with the orders. As I've said many times before, the ONLY state that nearly had virtual prohibited gun ownership was Washington, DC and that was overturned after 30 years. Law abiding citizens have access to guns and rifles.

Understand now, genius? I've just pulled out a cornerstone of the militia BS regarding weapons with FACTS. So wipe the spittle off the screen and stop braying like an ass everytime someone effectively proves you wrong on a point of contention. Like I said, you're screen name is a joke, and this little exchange (yet again) proves it. Carry on.

you didn't school me on shit. That's because you are quite proficient at shoveling it. My schooling was of another subject, so pay attention. you jumped to conclusions like a raving liberal lunatic, as usual. A false claim based on your insipid stubborness, as I've already addressed the issue accurately above. If you were even a quarter of intelligent as you claim to be, you'd know that even though there are no bills with any hope of passing a committee, there is always still talk and plans of new gun laws. Hmmm, that's what jokers like you said about the Brady Bill 16 years ago. But aside from that, what you posted here DOES NOT alter what I've put forth above one iota. I'll make it simple for you: Gun manufacturers are making a killing based on fear propaganda, and my article proves that. The "dictating liberal ideologies" that fools like you have been wailing about for the last 20 years or so has NOT prevented law abiding citizens from getting weapons....PERIOD. Business is booming (pardon the pun)!
stop trying to elevate yourself to my level and just accept that you aren't a fucking genius, like me.

There you go folks.....once these deluded neocon blowhards are properly challenged, they just lose it! This fool is only "Smarter Than You" if you are totally ignorant of any recent history, current events or anything beyond your birthday (with a total lack of cognitive reasoning to boot).

Carry on, Einstein! :cof1:
Now you're back tracking. First you claim that I "threaten[ed] liberals in general", and now you're saying that I didn't. If I didn't, then why make the accusation?

Tais' assertion, contained in Message # 11, is as plain as day. Its essence states, regarding you, "YOU were the one...threatening liberals in general."

His problem is that he consistently exempts himself from the hair-splitting anal-retentive semantic precision he demands of others. The next predictable step was to claim he "disproved" your obviously correct analysis and declare victory. Expect his attacks to get uglier and more personal as the give and take goes increasingly your way.

Tais' assertion, contained in Message # 11, is as plain as day. Its essence states, regarding you, "YOU were the one...threatening liberals in general."

His problem is that he consistently exempts himself from the hair-splitting anal-retentive semantic precision he demands of others. The next predictable step was to claim he "disproved" your obviously correct analysis and declare victory. Expect his attacks to get uglier and more personal as the give and take goes increasingly your way.

Coming in on a 'last post', how in the hell does anyone 'threaten liberals in gereral'? Some smart bomb?
Every time you lose an argument, you claim the link doesn't work. Yet I recall how others can use the same link with no problem.
The link goes to Senator Waxman's sight...he was (and still is, I think) the Chairman of the Senate Oversight and Gov't Reform Committee. If this link doesn't work, google it yourself, read it and get educated on how things work before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less foolish.

I never said the link didn't work, I said it was no help in proving your claim that "the President is restoring Congressional oversight" or how one branch of government can "restore" oversight by another branch.

I've made my points plainly enough. It's looking more and more like President "Change" isn't bringing much change at all. You are free to cling to your single-word straw. I'm willing to let others decide who has the better grasp of the over-all picture. I also invite them to peruse Message # 51 for a crash course in your, shall we say, style...
Translation: NJ makes a false claim, and when challenged to simply produce the post to support his claim in no uncertain terms, he bluffs and blusters and blows more neocon smoke.

You're a liar and a fraud, are not interested in discussing the original thread, but instead to just attack, distort and discredit anything I post out of sheer childish vengence. I'm sorry if I make you look foolish, but you bring it upon yourself.

Say goodnight gracie...shows over for you.

Since my point has been long since lost (as happens so frequently with you), here it is again, from Message # 26 :

You're the one who's "blowing smoke". I said "continues" Bush policy, not "passes" any new laws. Not that your attempt at obfuscation comes as any great surprise...

Enjoy :

"NEW YORK – The Obama administration told a federal court late Friday that military detainees in Afghanistan have no legal right to challenge their detention. The move, which is a continuation of the Bush administration's detention policy, comes in a lawsuit filed on behalf of several prisoners who have been indefinitely detained at the Bagram Air Force base for years without trial. The American Civil Liberties Union calls on the new administration to reconsider this troubling position."


The point remains plainly made. Can't say I'm surprised that you keep harping on my use of the word "continuing". I'm happy to let the other posters decide if there's anything else you can do.
Originally Posted by nji098

Tais' assertion, contained in Message # 11, is as plain as day. Its essence states, regarding you, "YOU were the one...threatening liberals in general."

His problem is that he consistently exempts himself from the hair-splitting anal-retentive semantic precision he demands of others. The next predictable step was to claim he "disproved" your obviously correct analysis and declare victory. Expect his attacks to get uglier and more personal as the give and take goes increasingly your way.

Coming in on a 'last post', how in the hell does anyone 'threaten liberals in gereral'? Some smart bomb?

Hey Annie, before you wracked your brain for that devastating quip of yours, did you happen to notice that NJ EDITED the line from my post in order to suit his supposition? It's called "out-of-context"....something essential for willfully ignorant neocon parrots to continue the facade of honest discussion.

These should clear up the situation for you (hopefully):

That's why I put the little dope on IA....he's basically dishonest and childishly vindictive when faced with inevitable facts that prove him wrong. That you support such nonsense does not speak well of your intelligence level.
Last edited:
There you go folks.....once these deluded neocon blowhards are properly challenged, they just lose it! This fool is only "Smarter Than You" if you are totally ignorant of any recent history, current events or anything beyond your birthday (with a total lack of cognitive reasoning to boot).

Carry on, Einstein! :cof1:

you, sir, are a complete and utter moron. beyond help. :wall:

this is why I hate arguing with liberals. it's like wrestling with pigs. I get dirty and the pig likes it.

Tais' assertion, contained in Message # 11, is as plain as day. Its essence states, regarding you, "YOU were the one...threatening liberals in general."

His problem is that he consistently exempts himself from the hair-splitting anal-retentive semantic precision he demands of others. The next predictable step was to claim he "disproved" your obviously correct analysis and declare victory. Expect his attacks to get uglier and more personal as the give and take goes increasingly your way.
Thanks for the "reality check". lol
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
There you go folks.....once these deluded neocon blowhards are properly challenged, they just lose it! This fool is only "Smarter Than You" if you are totally ignorant of any recent history, current events or anything beyond your birthday (with a total lack of cognitive reasoning to boot).

Carry on, Einstein!

you, sir, are a complete and utter moron. beyond help. :wall:

this is why I hate arguing with liberals. it's like wrestling with pigs. I get dirty and the pig likes it.

Translation: Junior just got his ass whupped in a debate using FACTS and the logic derived from them. He doesn't like it. That's why he takes out of context what he thinks will help support his BS. Here's why he's taking the wussy way out, folks:

Another neocon clown bites the dust!:)