Really Interesting


This is what Sullivan just reported:

Todd Palin's former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.

I can’t get to the page he is linking to – it's probably down from traffic already. But Palin’s business partner is the one the National Enquirer is reporting Palin had an affair with. So…this is a very interesting development. And I know, I know…but I can’t help myself, and in my defense…it’s been eight years. Eight long, hard, frustrating, and very destructive to everything I care about, including you know, stuff like oh, HUMAN LIFE, and the PLANET. So, if you don’t like it, screw you.
This is what Sullivan just reported:

Todd Palin's former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.

I can’t get to the page he is linking to – it's probably down from traffic already. But Palin’s business partner is the one the National Enquirer is reporting Palin had an affair with. So…this is a very interesting development. And I know, I know…but I can’t help myself, and in my defense…it’s been eight years. Eight long, hard, frustrating, and very destructive to everything I care about, including you know, stuff like oh, HUMAN LIFE, and the PLANET. So, if you don’t like it, screw you.

Definitely interesting, because it means one of two things...

1) He did have an affair with Palin and it is mentioned in the papers


2) He doesn't want his divorce proceedings picked through by the press

I will admit... #1 sounds more likely... which would not be good (unless you are an Obama supporter)
Definitely interesting, because it means one of two things...

1) He did have an affair with Palin and it is mentioned in the papers


2) He doesn't want his divorce proceedings picked through by the press

I will admit... #1 sounds more likely... which would not be good (unless you are an Obama supporter)

Well, between you and me, I’d much rather have her lose on merits. I have an email exchange between a close friend of mine and myself, from this morning. She is one of my old friends who is not involved in politics as I am. And it was very telling, it frightened me. So I had to lay out Palin’s positions for her (she didn’t even know she wasn’t pro-choice), and she was like “ohhh, thanks”. Well, I can’t do that for every woman in this country, and we live in a reality show culture. People seriously don’t know what politician’s positions on the issues are. It’s hard for people like us to believe, but it’s true. And they won’t follow the intricacies of troopergate, or the bridge to nowhere bs story.

But…she f’d someone? Whoa, stop the presses, because you have their attention now. And, if this is true, IF..then she moves, on our reality show society (this is not how I view it), from a MILF to an available piece of ass in one second, and that is deadly to the McCain campaign. They will become a couple, not a presidential ticket. Period.
I told you many woman would vote for her. Most are not party hacks like you and supertool with your silly litmus test. Life is much more complex!!!
If she was the cheating other woman it will be interesting to see the repubs once again tell us that is in the past and has NOTHING to do with her character now. Again, only matters to a republican if the cheater is a democrat.
If she was the cheating other woman it will be interesting to see the repubs once again tell us that is in the past and has NOTHING to do with her character now. Again, only matters to a republican if the cheater is a democrat.

Well, we’ll see. Hard to believe she wouldn’t have moved to have him try and conceal these before today, if she’s named in them. But this whole thing has been so weird, so who knows.

The R’s will be too busy telling us it was “a youthful mistake” which they know “jesus has forgiven her for”. Not like Bill Clinton and John Edwards – Jesus hates them.
Well, we’ll see. Hard to believe she wouldn’t have moved to have him try and conceal these before today, if she’s named in them. But this whole thing has been so weird, so who knows.

The R’s will be too busy telling us it was “a youthful mistake” which they know “jesus has forgiven her for”. Not like Bill Clinton and John Edwards – Jesus hates them.

LMAO.... well I do admit, if it was something that happened when she was 20, it would have less relevance to me than if it happened five years ago.... but either way... if she did have an affair.... game over. McCain loses.
If she was the cheating other woman it will be interesting to see the repubs once again tell us that is in the past and has NOTHING to do with her character now. Again, only matters to a republican if the cheater is a democrat.

"if she was cheating other woman". did you mean to throw a 'with' in there? (serious question - i have not heard any story about her cheating so I don't know if it is a man or a woman)
No her husband is trying to get his divorce records sealed and there is some speculation that she may have been the "other woman". Who knows. Not really pertinent to her abilities but IF it is true I would like to see some consistency with the republicans and their family values schtick.
LMAO.... well I do admit, if it was something that happened when she was 20, it would have less relevance to me than if it happened five years ago.... but either way... if she did have an affair.... game over. McCain loses.

No, I think he filed recently…but I don’t know what it’s all about. There is some gossip on the Alaskan blogs that this has more to do with a vengeful firing, so who knows. It’ll all come out, within days, I’m sure, weeks at the most. I have no feel for this one, because I want everything to be true. With Edwards, I took a look at that, and I knew right there, it was true, and said so here. With this…too much wishful thinking for me is involved, I can’t get a true feel to cut through all of the bullshit.
"if she was cheating other woman". did you mean to throw a 'with' in there? (serious question - i have not heard any story about her cheating so I don't know if it is a man or a woman)

No, he meant if "she was the cheating 'other' woman"

The Enquirer came out with a story that she cheated on Todd with his ex business partner. That same business partner just moved to have his divorce papers sealed.
No, I think he filed recently…but I don’t know what it’s all about. There is some gossip on the Alaskan blogs that this has more to do with a vengeful firing, so who knows. It’ll all come out, within days, I’m sure, weeks at the most. I have no feel for this one, because I want everything to be true. With Edwards, I took a look at that, and I knew right there, it was true, and said so here. With this…too much wishful thinking for me is involved, I can’t get a true feel to cut through all of the bullshit.

from your source, the divorce just happened a couple years ago... and the most recent filings were on the 3rd of Sept.

But that doesn't mean that the affair (if it happened) just occured... it could mean that the wife just found out. That said, it could have nothing to do with an affair and might have other details they do not want displayed.

The court denied the motion to make the case confidential... so you are right... whatever is in there is going to come out.

Side note... what AK blogs are you looking at???
I can't see McCain's vetting team being THAT inept. But stranger things have happened.

That is why he is toast if an affair did occur. Whether people care about the affair or not.... McCain still should have known about it prior to picking her as VP. (again, IF it occured)
No her husband is trying to get his divorce records sealed and there is some speculation that she may have been the "other woman". Who knows. Not really pertinent to her abilities but IF it is true I would like to see some consistency with the republicans and their family values schtick.

Um... now you are confusing the issue I think... it is not Sarah's husband trying to seal the documents.... is it?

I thought it was Richter who filed to have them sealed?


Russian/Georgia conflict

60 dead innocent children


Global warming

Pakistan .. where we just killed more unnamed people and are provoking a backlash

Jobless rate

Well, we’ll see. Hard to believe she wouldn’t have moved to have him try and conceal these before today, if she’s named in them. But this whole thing has been so weird, so who knows.

The R’s will be too busy telling us it was “a youthful mistake” which they know “jesus has forgiven her for”. Not like Bill Clinton and John Edwards – Jesus hates them.

I don't know. I don't think even Repubs would buy that. If she were a man, maybe, but not for a woman. I think they'd be looking for some way to dump her.
I don't know. I don't think even Repubs would buy that. If she were a man, maybe, but not for a woman. I think they'd be looking for some way to dump her.

I disagree, I do not think they want to dump her. But the ticket is dead either way if this turns out to be true.
from your source, the divorce just happened a couple years ago... and the most recent filings were on the 3rd of Sept.

But that doesn't mean that the affair (if it happened) just occured... it could mean that the wife just found out. That said, it could have nothing to do with an affair and might have other details they do not want displayed.

The court denied the motion to make the case confidential... so you are right... whatever is in there is going to come out.

Side note... what AK blogs are you looking at???

Like I am going to tell you! Sorry, we don't need any R trolls over there, and I know you will grab Damo and the two of you will book ass over there and ruin everything. Go away!