Really Interesting

To know what the addled Republican base feels, I generally look to Dixie. Palin is now much more than a candidate...she is "the future." If this comes to light, they're not going to throw her to the curb. I agree that we'll get all kinds of Christian calls for forgiveness, and she'll end up an even bigger hero (with them) in the end.

The whole thing with Palin is so ironic. One week ago, the GOP narrative was that all the Dems had was a "rock star," who was only known for good speeches & no substance. Now, it's like "we've got our own rock star, you jealous Democrats! She's our future!"


Russian/Georgia conflict

60 dead innocent children


Global warming

Pakistan .. where we just killed more unnamed people and are provoking a backlash

Jobless rate


I'm sorry, I live in America, have we met?

Yeah I know bac, but guess what? We live in a reality television show "you go girl" society, and the majority of people don't know shit from shineola about the issues.
To know what the addled Republican base feels, I generally look to Dixie. Palin is now much more than a candidate...she is "the future." If this comes to light, they're not going to throw her to the curb. I agree that we'll get all kinds of Christian calls for forgiveness, and she'll end up an even bigger hero (with them) in the end.

The whole thing with Palin is so ironic. One week ago, the GOP narrative was that all the Dems had was a "rock star," who was only known for good speeches & no substance. Now, it's like "we've got our own rock star, you jealous Democrats! She's our future!"

LOL that is sooo true. Which just goes to tell us that they really were jealous the whole time. It's hysterical.
LOL that is sooo true. Which just goes to tell us that they really were jealous the whole time. It's hysterical.

I just saw one of them on TV. They were bursting, because McCain & Palin were at a rally this morning that looked like "what we saw with Obama" for the past year, while Obama was shown having a fairly subdued policy discussion with a small group of residents in PA.

They were loving it; the tables have turned! Celebrity, celebrity, celebrity!
yeah Palin now has the celebrity exemption from scandal. it wil only boost her popularity like Paris and Brittany.
I just saw one of them on TV. They were bursting, because McCain & Palin were at a rally this morning that looked like "what we saw with Obama" for the past year, while Obama was shown having a fairly subdued policy discussion with a small group of residents in PA.

They were loving it; the tables have turned! Celebrity, celebrity, celebrity!

I am really laughing about this, because it is so typical of them, everything they do is all about either projection or envy.
I'm sorry, I live in America, have we met?

Yeah I know bac, but guess what? We live in a reality television show "you go girl" society, and the majority of people don't know shit from shineola about the issues.

I agree with you and I guess the side-shows are fun .. but shouldn't the republicans be getting beat the fuck up on all of the above? .. and some?

Seriously .. who cares if she was "the other woman" .. the right does not operate on truth, logic, common sense, or facts.

The change I'm looking for is focus on the real .. which takes intelligence and cunning to get that real into the heads of so many hapless Americans.

From my perspective this was the year for democrats to do it right and focus on changing the bullshit into something more real. There are millions of Americans who do not participate in the system because it's a ridiculous merry-go-round of tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum and it works only in the interests of corporations.

It's just kinda sad watching what we have become.
I agree with you and I guess the side-shows are fun .. but shouldn't the republicans be getting beat the fuck up on all of the above? .. and some?

Seriously .. who cares if she was "the other woman" .. the right does not operate on truth, logic, common sense, or facts.

The change I'm looking for is focus on the real .. which takes intelligence and cunning to get that real into the heads of so many hapless Americans.

From my perspective this was the year for democrats to do it right and focus on changing the bullshit into something more real. There are millions of Americans who do not participate in the system because it's a ridiculous merry-go-round of tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum and it works only in the interests of corporations.

It's just kinda sad watching what we have become.

Well, but, this is not what Obama is talking about. He's out on the trail talking about the economy. This is just what the blogs are talking about...and might foretell what the MSM will be talking about, if it turns out to be true.

But yeah, I very much wish Americans were having a debate about all of the real issues and an honest discussion, without made up bs.
I agree with you and I guess the side-shows are fun .. but shouldn't the republicans be getting beat the fuck up on all of the above? .. and some?

Seriously .. who cares if she was "the other woman" .. the right does not operate on truth, logic, common sense, or facts.

The change I'm looking for is focus on the real .. which takes intelligence and cunning to get that real into the heads of so many hapless Americans.

From my perspective this was the year for democrats to do it right and focus on changing the bullshit into something more real. There are millions of Americans who do not participate in the system because it's a ridiculous merry-go-round of tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum and it works only in the interests of corporations.

It's just kinda sad watching what we have become.

I've gotta know...what are you looking for? I know you hate what Obama has said about Pakistan & Afghanistan; I get that, and concede that.

But what do you want on the rest? He has laid out proposals for energy, education, the economy & a variety of other issues with some real detail at this point, and I would hardly call some of his proposals "safe" or a form of triangulation. They are certainly - without doubt - positive change from where we're at now.

What, besides the war, are you upset with?
Well whoever she cheated with or on or whatever. I just think it is funny that there is this mad dash to cover something up in a simple divorce
I've gotta know...what are you looking for? I know you hate what Obama has said about Pakistan & Afghanistan; I get that, and concede that.

But what do you want on the rest? He has laid out proposals for energy, education, the economy & a variety of other issues with some real detail at this point, and I would hardly call some of his proposals "safe" or a form of triangulation. They are certainly - without doubt - positive change from where we're at now.

What, besides the war, are you upset with?

Good question my most intellegent brother ..

He's a centrist corporatist .. thus he is in bed with the element that endangers America most .. in my opinion.

Being a centrist he's never met an issue he doesn't agree with both sides of.

He's lacks the courage and backbone to change much of anything. His leadership skills come from the wind. The wind blows right and he flips on ...
off-shore drilling,
Cuba embargo,
decriminalization of certain drugs and the injustice of the "war on drugs",
North Korea,
The Patriot Act,
lobbyists and special interest,
the plight of the Palestinian people and Jerusalem,
meeting with foreign leaders,
now he wants Iran's Revolutionary Guard to be labelled as "terrorists",
he flipped on the threat of Iran,
he even had to restate and redefine the very issue that got him the nomination .. IRAQ

There's more flips but I'm sure you get my point.

Did I mention WAR?

His disdain for African-Americans is disgusting and I'm glad to finally see more of us awakening to his cowardice.

I feel no pride, none whatsoever, in the first possible African-American president being such a coward.

The republicans talked about his wife so he hid her ..

what a pussy
where's Obama's timetable for Afghanistan, do that and get with the 75% on drilling and your back to landslide territory.
Good question my most intellegent brother ..

He's a centrist corporatist .. thus he is in bed with the element that endangers America most .. in my opinion.

Being a centrist he's never met an issue he doesn't agree with both sides of.

He's lacks the courage and backbone to change much of anything. His leadership skills come from the wind. The wind blows right and he flips on ...
off-shore drilling,
Cuba embargo,
decriminalization of certain drugs and the injustice of the "war on drugs",
North Korea,
The Patriot Act,
lobbyists and special interest,
the plight of the Palestinian people and Jerusalem,
meeting with foreign leaders,
now he wants Iran's Revolutionary Guard to be labelled as "terrorists",
he flipped on the threat of Iran,
he even had to restate and redefine the very issue that got him the nomination .. IRAQ

There's more flips but I'm sure you get my point.

Did I mention WAR?

His disdain for African-Americans is disgusting and I'm glad to finally see more of us awakening to his cowardice.

I feel no pride, none whatsoever, in the first possible African-American president being such a coward.

The republicans talked about his wife so he hid her ..

what a pussy

Yeah, I agree he is a pussy and a typical politician. I probably won't be able to vote for him. But I still hope he wins as McCain is far worse.
Yeah, I agree he is a pussy and a typical politician. I probably won't be able to vote for him. But I still hope he wins as McCain is far worse.

I'm not sure that is even true anymore.

Being a pussy, he can be intimidated, cajolled, pushed, and tricked into adapting almost any position the right wants to take .. and he'll have a democratic Congress .. which is always weak in the knees .. to back him.

McCain on the other hand would have to deal with the weak-kneed democratic congress that would at least be more compelled to buffer McCain's nefarious thoughts.

In the end though .. they are all plutocrats

How do you say, "We're fucked" in spanish?