Reasons why Liberals Dont Like John Edwards

um.. no darla. Canadiankid has been around for a long time... almost 5 years now.. before you came around these parts... he's a liberal for sure.

No he's not. He's a schtick. He's on here to lob insults and then bask in the attention. He's said so himself.
um.. no darla. Canadiankid has been around for a long time... almost 5 years now.. before you came around these parts... he's a liberal for sure.

Grind anyone who believes that Rudy Guliani is a moderate, is not a liberal.

The guy is the biggest neocon going, bush on steroids, his fp advisors advocate an attack on Iran.

It doesn't matter how long he's been around, he's not a liberal.
And what I said about Rudy Giuliani is I like the fact that he pisses the mainstream Republican base off on social issues...

And unlike you Darla I was one of the original posters on arguing conservatives such as Stories4u....

I am one of the originals...not like your johnnycomelately...

Which reminds me alot of John Edwards and the War in Iraq...

CK why dont you name a democrat you like?

Ive never said anything bad about Al Gore...cause I like Al Gore...

I also like Paul Wellstone

2 Democrats that I am a fan of.... I even like Barack Obama...

Democrats who I dont like include John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Desh, Darla, Cypress, Lieberman, Feinstein, Nelson, etc...

Republicans I like: Lincoln Chafee

Republicans I dont like: Bush, Cheney, Chuck Hagel, John Warner, Mitt Romney, John McCain 2.0
Like I've always said I'm an equal opportunity offender...I bitch slap the democrats republicans and libertarians equally....

There is nobody else that does that....

Ive never said anything bad about Al Gore...cause I like Al Gore...

I also like Paul Wellstone

2 Democrats that I am a fan of.... I even like Barack Obama...

Democrats who I dont like include John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Desh, Darla, Cypress, Lieberman, Feinstein, Nelson, etc...


If they were running I somehow think you would find a reason to hate them.

I have watched you over the years and you do nothing but bash liberals and destroy your own arguemnets with blatent stupidity.

You will never convince me you are not a trolling con.
I am by FAR the most unbiased guy on here....You guys all have your ideologies that you wont admit...You defend your own side and attack the others...

Unlike you Desh I know a liberal when i see one...and Desh you are not a liberal in the least bit....Your just a Democratic apologist...

Um...Desh you obviously havent seen my bitchslapping these neolibertarian bitches...

Or owning Damocles and SR..... the Republicans....

You are truly blind Desh....Go back to your retirement home...

Well since we got Desh and Cypress and Darla on here thinking that Edwards is such a good guy, Democratic apologists all of them. Sure Edwards is a Democrat but he aint no liberal. Thats why liberal bloggers like myself, and others on Dailykos, Mydd hate this motherfucker...

I give this trolling effort a 2 out of 10.

Edwards is, and always has been the favorite candidate of Dailykos readers. He crushes in every dailykos straw poll. And I know for a fact that Markos doesn't hate him.
In his time in the Senate, Edwards co-sponsored 203 bills.[15] Among them was Lieberman's 2002 Iraq War Resolution (S.J.Res.46) which he co-sponsored along with 15 other senators

What do you know?

Darla, Desh and all the other Democratic apologists...You just got owned...


I have to hand it to are the master at unearthing common knowledge, figuring out how to post it, and acting like it won you something.