Recommend Political Books You Think Everybody Should Read Here

Seriously, read Das Kapital.

Because the majority of people who spout all manner of nonsense about 'Marxism' should actually educate themselves as to what Marxism is.

(clue: it is not what Barack Obama thinks, or does, or dreams about when he's smoking a joint on the Whitehouse lawn)
I have, though not in German. ;) Also "The Communist Manifesto."

I never associate your posts with half witted attempts to associate things like taxes or democrats with the philosophy of Marx so i'm more than willing to believe you. :)

Unfortunately, i fear you are the exception.
Seriously, read Das Kapital.

Because the majority of people who spout all manner of nonsense about 'Marxism' should actually educate themselves as to what Marxism is.

(clue: it is not what Barack Obama thinks, or does, or dreams about when he's smoking a joint on the Whitehouse lawn)
To true. I read it when I was in college along with Adam Smith's Capitalism.
For people who truly understand American politics:

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde.

Why? Because no book is ever going to persuade any voter to change his or her mind. All the do is preach to the choir, so it would be better for all to read the wit and wisdom of the above.
I love "The Art of War"... I've read it twice and reference it. One of the first books I downloaded to my phone's "reader" software.

In the original Chinese?

Better to read 'The Hidden Persuaders' by Vance Packard.
I love "The Art of War"... I've read it twice and reference it. One of the first books I downloaded to my phone's "reader" software.

I have both books in my personal library and I review them both on a regular basis. To be fair, The art of war is written in the context of Taosim so if you have a copy of it you should have a copy of the Tao Te Ching as well.

My understanding of the Art of War is part of why I stand for withdrawing from both Iraq and Afghanistan. We have violated so many of the fundamental principles of AoW in both conflicts.

I actually prefer The Prince in the context of politics. The Art of War is really a treatise on strategy that applies to war, politics, business, sports or any avenue in which one must compete and apply strategy.

Where as The Prince is specifically a "How to" manual on applied politics.
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With out a doubt the worst recommendation listed so far. A more accurate title should be "How to be a conservative apologist and rationalize ignorance."

Levin's absolutism is a perfect example of simple solutions for simple minds. Not only does he factually twist and distort American history and the views of our founding fathers he also equates any dissent from his abysmally narrow conservative views as tyranny. It's purely sophistry for the anti-intellectual conservative. The manner in which Levin cherry picks American historical events which supports his thesis while ignoring about half of our history that inconvienantly contradicts his rather prosaic manifesto, particularly any information that demonstrates conservatisms well known weaknesses, is intellectual dishonesty at it's worst.

Do your self a favor, even if your a devoted conservative partisan, don't waste your precious time reading this piece of tripe, you'll never get that time back.
With out a doubt the worst recommendation listed so far. A more accurate title should be "How to be a conservative apologist and rationalize ignorance."

Levin's absolutism is a perfect example of simple solutions for simple minds. Not only does he factually twist and distort American history and the views of our founding fathers he also equates any dissent from his abysmally narrow conservative views as tyranny. It's purely sophistry for the anti-intellectual conservative. The manner in which Levin cherry picks American historical events which supports his thesis while ignoring about half of our history that inconvienantly contradicts his rather prosaic manifesto, particularly any information that demonstrates conservatisms well known weaknesses, is intellectual dishonesty at it's worst.

Do your self a favor, even if your a devoted conservative partisan, don't waste your precious time reading this piece of tripe, you'll never get that time back.

I have to agree with this, unfortunately. After listening to his radio show for a couple of weeks, I wanted to tear my hair out in frustration. He got so many things wrong about the constitution that I was amazed he called himself a constitutional expert.