Rednecks Good Enough For Teddy!

LOL... So the Doctors are all from someplace else? Damn, they sure drive a long way to work! What about scientists at Marshall Space Flight Center, are they from somewhere else too? What about those who work at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta? What about the world-class Forensic Pathology Dept. at the University of Tennessee? All these "southerners" from someplace else? How about some of the greatest authors, musicians, entertainers and artists from the South? They from somewhere else too?

Here's the deal, you elitist little northern punks, who have probably never even been in the South, want to trash and bash people who are from here, because you don't like the political viewpoint of the majority of these people. Just as there are ignorant people everywhere, the South has it's share, but you want to illustrate this as the norm, when it is not the norm in the vast majority of the South. In almost every scientific, medical, educational, and research field, you can find connections to Southerners, and operations in the South.
LOL... So the Doctors are all from someplace else? Damn, they sure drive a long way to work! What about scientists at Marshall Space Flight Center, are they from somewhere else too? What about those who work at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta? What about the world-class Forensic Pathology Dept. at the University of Tennessee? All these "southerners" from someplace else? How about some of the greatest authors, musicians, entertainers and artists from the South? They from somewhere else too?

Here's the deal, you elitist little northern punks, who have probably never even been in the South, want to trash and bash people who are from here, because you don't like the political viewpoint of the majority of these people. Just as there are ignorant people everywhere, the South has it's share, but you want to illustrate this as the norm, when it is not the norm in the vast majority of the South. In almost every scientific, medical, educational, and research field, you can find connections to Southerners, and operations in the South.
They are just poking your bruise, dude.
LOL... So the Doctors are all from someplace else? Damn, they sure drive a long way to work! What about scientists at Marshall Space Flight Center, are they from somewhere else too? What about those who work at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta? What about the world-class Forensic Pathology Dept. at the University of Tennessee? All these "southerners" from someplace else? How about some of the greatest authors, musicians, entertainers and artists from the South? They from somewhere else too?

Here's the deal, you elitist little northern punks, who have probably never even been in the South, want to trash and bash people who are from here, because you don't like the political viewpoint of the majority of these people. Just as there are ignorant people everywhere, the South has it's share, but you want to illustrate this as the norm, when it is not the norm in the vast majority of the South. In almost every scientific, medical, educational, and research field, you can find connections to Southerners, and operations in the South.

HIS doctor was from someplace else. He wasn't a southerner, so your whole "he resorted to using southerners! how pathetic of him!" thing is just as bogus as everything you said before you left this board in shame.
HIS doctor was from someplace else. He wasn't a southerner, so your whole "he resorted to using southerners! how pathetic of him!" thing is just as bogus as everything you said before you left this board in shame.

Damn man, you really do have a severe reading disorder, it makes you read absolute nonsense from perfectly understandable English! How the hell do you manage to get by with that condition?

I never said that Teddy "resorted to using Southerners, how pathetic" those are your words. I never said that Teddy's doctor was born in the South, but I assume he doesn't commute to UNC from New York.

Left this board in shame? When did this happen? I wasn't shamed into leaving, I had personal business to take care of and didn't have Internet for several months. I was also bored and tired of you and your pathetic bunch of loser buddies, who didn't ever want to discuss topics. Maybe in your pea-brain pinhead you THOUGHT I was shamed into leaving, but what the fuck do we expect from a retard like you? You can't even read proper English! You probably think this thread is about me having sex with Paris Hilton! Seriously, your next reply will be something like... "Dixie, your girlfriend is not that hot and has a big nose!" It won't have a thing to do with what I posted, and I will be misquoted and shamed into logging off and going to bed for the evening. lol
Research Triangle Park is hardly full of rednecks. As a matter of fact I'd be willing to guess that a substantial amount of students hail from the north eastern coastal states and the west coast.

The Triangle is a rip-off of Stanford Industrial Park :)

I do find it odd that Kennedy wouldn't !represent! and go with Harvard Med though... That would be like Maria Cantwell not going to the UW Medical School (On the top 20 list in the country) and going to Oregon for surgery...
I just thought it was funny... we hear all this bluster about the ignorant southern rednecks who don't have any education and this is why the South votes solid republican. Yet, when a Kennedy needs brain surgery, where does he go? The NASCAR capitol of the world! Now, I am sure the Duke facility is chock full of liberal pinheads who are smarter than any southerner, and the whole place is probably surrounded by beer cans and trailers, but I wonder, do these people avoid voting in the elections because of the Klan or what? There must be some legitimate reason the smart liberals at Duke never show up in any demographic of NC voters.
I just thought it was funny... we hear all this bluster about the ignorant southern rednecks who don't have any education and this is why the South votes solid republican. Yet, when a Kennedy needs brain surgery, where does he go? The NASCAR capitol of the world! Now, I am sure the Duke facility is chock full of liberal pinheads who are smarter than any southerner, and the whole place is probably surrounded by beer cans and trailers, but I wonder, do these people avoid voting in the elections because of the Klan or what? There must be some legitimate reason the smart liberals at Duke never show up in any demographic of NC voters.

They do you moron. Durham county went blue in the last two presidential election cycles by huge margins (a growing margin in fact).
I just thought it was funny... we hear all this bluster about the ignorant southern rednecks who don't have any education and this is why the South votes solid republican. Yet, when a Kennedy needs brain surgery, where does he go? The NASCAR capitol of the world! Now, I am sure the Duke facility is chock full of liberal pinheads who are smarter than any southerner, and the whole place is probably surrounded by beer cans and trailers, but I wonder, do these people avoid voting in the elections because of the Klan or what? There must be some legitimate reason the smart liberals at Duke never show up in any demographic of NC voters.

Haah not surrounded by beer cans and trailers. A very nice campus and area around it.

You must be thinking about where toppy lives.

Why they don't show up voting, well many of them are from out of state.
And duke is a Con college not liberal.

UNC Chapel Hill is the liberal college in the area.