
Im simply saying, dont run from who you are, be proud of it. If you want Perry to win, say so.

are you drinking on the job again? i have repeatedly said i don't support perry. in fact, if you read my post 7 in this thread you can easily ascertain that.

your problem is that you want to lump all republicans or conservatives into one mold.
are you drinking on the job again? i have repeatedly said i don't support perry. in fact, if you read my post 7 in this thread you can easily ascertain that.

your problem is that you want to lump all republicans or conservatives into one mold.

Look you are the one who keeps claiming he wont win.
I dont want Perry to be the Republcian nominee, you misunderstand the phrase "counting your chickens before they hatch."

Please explain to me what the phrase 'count your chickens before they hatch' means. Where I come from it means don't call a victory before you've won. You claim Republicans are starting to claim victory in 2012 already. But that is somehow different than you declaring Perry winning the Republican nomination (which has nothing to do with whether you support or like Perry or not).
Please explain to me what the phrase 'count your chickens before they hatch' means. Where I come from it means don't call a victory before you've won. You claim Republicans are starting to claim victory in 2012 already. But that is somehow different than you declaring Perry winning the Republican nomination (which has nothing to do with whether you support or like Perry or not).

To me it is counting on a good thing>>> like money. Dont spend your money until you get it.
To me it is counting on a good thing>>> like money. Dont spend your money until you get it.

Dont spend your money until you get it ?

Dont spend your money until you get it ?
What a very odd thing for a Democrat to expouse....very unDemocratic at this time
Learn some basic logic, you can presume something while still not counting on it...

So instead of saying Obama vs. the Republican nominee you say Obama vs. Perry because you are PRESUMING Perry will win the nomination. But you are telling Republicans NOT to PRESUME that Obama will lose. Do you really not see the issue with your statement?
So instead of saying Obama vs. the Republican nominee you say Obama vs. Perry because you are PRESUMING Perry will win the nomination. But you are telling Republicans NOT to PRESUME that Obama will lose. Do you really not see the issue with your statement?
Double standards are central to the way modern progressives think. Dems=good. Repubs=bad. It does not matter that they practically mirror each other in their actions. Guantanamo still open, still in Iraq (even though "combat operations are over") Afghanistan expanded, a third conflict in Libya started, Patriot Act expanded, NSA warrantless wiretaps expanded, 100s of billions in corporate giveaways, deficit spending through the roof and still climbing, etc. etc. etc. These are now okee-dokee, or at worst not worthy of criticism, because a DEMOCRAT is in charge.

974 days ago, these were all bad things because a republican was in charge.

Rebutting presumption of victory while presuming a victory is but minor pittance in the world of double standards.
Double standards are central to the way modern progressives think. Dems=good. Repubs=bad. It does not matter that they practically mirror each other in their actions. Guantanamo still open, still in Iraq (even though "combat operations are over") Afghanistan expanded, a third conflict in Libya started, Patriot Act expanded, NSA warrantless wiretaps expanded, 100s of billions in corporate giveaways, deficit spending through the roof and still climbing, etc. etc. etc. These are now okee-dokee, or at worst not worthy of criticism, because a DEMOCRAT is in charge.

974 days ago, these were all bad things because a republican was in charge.

Rebutting presumption of victory while presuming a victory is but minor pittance in the world of double standards.

I'm not sure what you guys are reading. Many, many libbies are absolutely sick about Obama; I'm still a bit surprised we're not hearing about more serious primary challenges. I would guarantee you that if Hillary ran, she'd win.

Btw, I can't say that I see a lot of "Republicans bad" posts from you. Just sayin'...
I suspect Hillary has decided her best chance is still 2016. If Obama wins in 12', she is the clear choice to succede him for the Democrats and if Obama does not win in 12', she will try to unseat the Republican (Perrry) like her husband did to Bush.