Religion or Philosophy?


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The flourishing of philosophy and culture in ancient Athens and the Renaissance in Europe have similarities.
Each still had the practice of religion but it was not reactionary and restrictive.

Looking at religion today makes you see that it corresponds to very conservative politics. Especially fascism. The idea that there has to be one right wing to do things.
One reason religion tries to suppress philosophy.
Bertrand Russell at the end of his short book, The Problems of Philosophy (1912):

Philosophy is to be studied, to its questions, since no definite answers can, as a rule, be known to be true, but rather for the sake of the questions themselves; because these questions enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual imagination, and diminish the dogmatic assurance which closes the mind against speculation; but above all because, through the greatness of the universe which philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good.
Atheism was invented by Christians to describe (accuse) anyone not completely buying into their religion and converting.
Atheism was around at least 600 years before Jesus was born.

World's first atheists, 600 BCE

was a philosophical school of thought, developed in India c. 600 BCE, stressing materialism as the means by which one understands and lives in the world.

Materialism holds that perceivable matter is all that exists; concepts such as the soul and any other supernatural entities or planes of existence are simply inventions of imaginative people.

The Charvaka vision rejected all supernatural claims, all religious authority and scripture, the acceptance of inference and testimony in establishing truth, and any religious ritual or tradition. The essential tenets of the philosophy were:

-Direct perception as the only means of establishing and accepting any truth
-What cannot be perceived and understood by the senses does not exist
-All that exists are the observable elements of air, earth, fire, and water
-The ultimate good in life is pleasure; the only evil is pain
-Pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain is the sole purpose of human existence
-Religion is an invention of the strong and clever who prey on the weak.
Religion is not the problem

Organizing religion so that someone can be the king of the religion is the problem
Religion is not the problem

Organizing religion so that someone can be the king of the religion is the problem

Erasmus maintained that being a good Christian meant just living your life in emulation of the example Jesus set.

Any institution that becomes an arm of the State tends to be conservative. That applies to State churches, the military, police, the corporate powers, the oligarchs.
It’s always organized so some one can have power over the believers

While the believers claim god is their only king
It’s always organized so some one can have power over the believers

While the believers claim god is their only king

All human institutions have organization and leaders. Greenpeace, ACLU, and Red Cross have organization, bureaucracy, leaders.

I'm not sure why organization and leaders in a church is evil, while it's not in Amnesty International and Red Cross.

It's the type of leadership and nature of organization that matter. The most democratic and horizontally organized religious organization I have ever had experience with are the Quakers.
Erasmus maintained that being a good Christian meant just living your life in emulation of the example Jesus set.

Any institution that becomes an arm of the State tends to be conservative. That applies to State churches, the military, police, the corporate powers, the oligarchs.

All religion is bad.
All human institutions have organization and leaders. Greenpeace, ACLU, and Red Cross have organization, bureaucracy, leaders.

I'm not sure why organization and leaders in a church is evil, while it's not in Amnesty International and Red Cross.

It's the type of leadership and nature of organization that matter. The most democratic and horizontally organized religious organization I have ever had experience with are the Quakers.

all religion is bad
All human institutions have organization and leaders. Greenpeace, ACLU, and Red Cross have organization, bureaucracy, leaders.

I'm not sure why organization and leaders in a church is evil, while it's not in Amnesty International and Red Cross.

It's the type of leadership and nature of organization that matter. The most democratic and horizontally organized religious organization I have ever had experience with are the Quakers.

Religion is for dumb people. Why Christians hate philosophy.