Religious belief among scientists

And I bet the largest one segment believe the current concept of god under western religion is false

I could call my non god beliefs as a belief in a kind of god

I believe there is something after this life

I don’t pretend to know it’s perimeters

But I don’t believe it is anything like the image of a king god like western religions claims exits
^ a very reasonable agnostic or even deistic posture on the nature of ultimate reality.
Science it’s self has recorded a certain group of the human population has a Brain wiring to believe in a higher being

Science is not data. It is not a record of any kind. It is a set of falsifiable theories.

No one knows the schematic of any individual brain. The best we can determine is what regions of the brain tend to control what. The brain is actually several brains, each designated to a particular task. The cerebral cortex, the thinking and analyzing part of the brain, is quite plastic. Much of it can be damaged or destroyed, and we can still think and analyze the world around us (although it takes longer and it can be difficult). If no further damage occurs, this capability can remap itself around to the working sections and we can actually gain some of this capability back again.

Is there a 'higher being' (namely a god or gods of some type)? Many feel there is. Yes, it is part of their reality. It does not matter which God, god, or gods are believed in here.
Some will not accept that on face value. They allow for the possibility of it, but do not just accept it as a fact. These are atheists.
Some do not accept any 'higher being'. To them, there is no god or gods of any kind. This is a religion. I call it the Church of No God. It tends to be a fundamentalist style religion. These people mistakenly call themselves atheists, though they are not. They are theists, and they are often fundamentalists.

As for what is 'wired', we simply don't know.

I believe it kept people alive longer to the effect of procreating and leaving offspring

Fine. This is your belief. It has the same standing as anyone else's belief.
What is your point? Serious inquiry. You always post about how it is okay to be religious. If you are not proselytizing, what is your agenda?
The bolded is not even remotely close to being true and this can be easily corroborated by going to my profile page and pulling up the list of threads I have authored.
Science it’s self has recorded a certain group of the human population has a Brain wiring to believe in a higher being

I believe it kept people alive longer to the effect of procreating and leaving offspring

I think it gave them a common reason to band together with a common factor, which leads to better survival. The history of religion has been one of a current faith being supplanted by a new, different one whether by peaceful contact with a different group of people, or warfare and subjugation. One day the current world's religions will be supplanted by something else. We can see this already occurring as secularism grows more common.
My religion is facts

And anyone who doesn’t honor facts is a liar or an idiot

WRONG. A religion is not facts. If someone disagrees with ANY fact, that fact ceases to exist and becomes an argument.

ALL religions are based upon some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that. Christianity, for example, has for it's initial argument is that Christ exists, and He is who He says He is (namely the Son of God). ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from that initial argument. Circular arguments in and of themselves is not a fallacy. They are also called the Argument of Faith, or simply 'faith'.

It is not possible to prove any circular argument either True or False. Attempting to do so creates the Circular Argument fallacy. This is what a fundamentalist does. This is what YOU are doing.

You are simply stating here that anyone that does not agree with YOUR facts is a liar and an other words an insult fallacy...based on your own fundamentalism.
How could anyone think facts are a problem?

Facts are not a problem. They are simply an accepted predicate to arguments in a conversation. The very moment someone in that conversation disagrees with that predicate, it ceases to be a fact. It becomes an argument.
It is interesting how people can balance their training in an inductive empirical scientific inquiry system with a personal moral code based on spiritual tenets and beliefs. I have known a lot of scientists who are agnostic, and I also know physicists and geologists who are Mormons, Jews, Evangelical Christians, Muslims, Catholics.

I have also known a lot of scientists that were atheists.

Big hairy deal. Science itself is atheistic by nature. It simply does not enter the realm of the existence of any god or gods or try to prove or disprove any religion. Science has no proofs. It is an open functional system.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
What is your point? Serious inquiry. You always post about how it is okay to be religious. If you are not proselytizing, what is your agenda?

His point is exactly as he made it. Scientists are from many different religions. NONE of it affects science itself in any way. Science is atheistic by nature. It simply does not go into any kind of religion at all. It does not try to prove or disprove the existence of any god or gods.
I think it gave them a common reason to band together with a common factor, which leads to better survival. The history of religion has been one of a current faith being supplanted by a new, different one whether by peaceful contact with a different group of people, or warfare and subjugation. One day the current world's religions will be supplanted by something else. We can see this already occurring as secularism grows more common.

I agree

Science will explain it eventually

Which is why I realized what I believe in is facts

Once we can explain it with facts to prove it’s nature it will merely be called science

Science based on facts is my god
And I bet the largest one segment believe the current concept of god under western religion is false

I could call my non god beliefs as a belief in a kind of god

I believe there is something after this life

I don’t pretend to know it’s perimeters

But I don’t believe it is anything like the image of a king god like western religions claims exits

Fine. Your beliefs and your choice. Each and every scientist also has their beliefs and choices they've made.

Science itself doesn't care. Science isn't scientists. It isn't even people at all. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Facts are not a problem. They are simply an accepted predicate to arguments in a conversation. The very moment someone in that conversation disagrees with that predicate, it ceases to be a fact. It becomes an argument.

This is utter stupid dude

Things don’t cease to exist because some smuck doesn’t believe it exists

You are as magical thinking as trump

You suck at life
Fine. Your beliefs and your choice. Each and every scientist also has their beliefs and choices they've made.

Science itself doesn't care. Science isn't scientists. It isn't even people at all. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

You think your profound huh

You are merely pounding your pud and looking like a clown
I think it gave them a common reason to band together with a common factor, which leads to better survival. The history of religion has been one of a current faith being supplanted by a new, different one whether by peaceful contact with a different group of people, or warfare and subjugation. One day the current world's religions will be supplanted by something else. We can see this already occurring as secularism grows more common.

If you look at the ancient Greeks and the Renaissance there is a common attitude toward religion (at least by the intelligentsia).

Religion was not taken to be an absolute truth but a part of a society. There was more tolerance.