Remove Individual Thread ban feature now!

I use the thread ban feature for three specific reasons.

1) I like my threads queer free

2) I thread ban those who claim to have me on IA for their own protection so they won't be tempted to respond on any of my threads. As we know, libbies need to be protected from themselves.

3) just to fuck with certain people
Wow, I forgot how long you've been gone, Asshate! I fought long and hard against this feature, but to no avail.

You should at least compose one thread where you ban everyone from it. It's a fun way to mock the feature. :D
I've never used it. Then again, I start very few threads here. I acknowledge there would be little point in doing so.
Wow, I forgot how long you've been gone, Asshate! I fought long and hard against this feature, but to no avail.

You should at least compose one thread where you ban everyone from it. It's a fun way to mock the feature. :D

This is not in accordance with the value system of the Damocles I though I knew. Maybe he has turned dark. Damo?
I think it's better that we are exposed to a horse asses once in a while than that we move to a paradigm of censorship and totalitarianism.

you are a good voice to have on here. I respect your position. No I am not just saying that.

This is an option, it's not forced on anyone. If you have a problem with it, it should be on an individual level with those that choose to use the feature.

It's not really censorship, because if someone is banned from a thread they can just start their own and still say what they want to say. Nobody is prevented from speaking their mind or getting their own opinion out there. If ones opinion is valid and interesting, there will always be an audience for it, merely one click away.

Howey banned me from a zimmerman thread once and I just went and addressed everything he was saying in my own space, and plenty of people viewed my thread and made comments. Howey had the option of completely ignoring me if he wanted. I got to say what I wanted, howey got to say what he wanted. Those that wanted to not bother with one of us were free to do so.

Having your threads fucked up by trolls isn't really contributing to a place of free and open discussion.

Additionally you realize pretty quick it's a pain in the ass to list out all the people you don't like. The feature sort of actualizes itself into only having trolls banned from discussion.

Not allowing obvious trolls to speak doesn't really hinder discussion, because trolls aren't really contributing to the discussion in the first place.

The board voted on this feature and I think it won with a 2:1 ratio.
I still would love to see a feature that would allow us to create a default thread ban list. That would be a great tool to get rid of the trolls like n-AHZ-i.

I think having to put effort into thread banning means the worst of the worst are the ones that are kept out as they are always at the top of everyones minds.
I think it's better that we are exposed to a horse asses once in a while than that we move to a paradigm of censorship and totalitarianism.

I'm just here for the conversations .. not the moronic posturing.

I don't need to know what dumb and racist people think. They can create their own threads and use the N word as many times as they like, but I don't have to see or read it.

There is no moderation here, thus, the morons can ruin any thread they choose .. unless we have the ability to ban them.

I say leave the ability to ban in place. Without it, it's hardly worth posting here.
you are a good voice to have on here. I respect your position. No I am not just saying that.

This is an option, it's not forced on anyone. If you have a problem with it, it should be on an individual level with those that choose to use the feature.

It's not really censorship, because if someone is banned from a thread they can just start their own and still say what they want to say. Nobody is prevented from speaking their mind or getting their own opinion out there. If ones opinion is valid and interesting, there will always be an audience for it, merely one click away.

Howey banned me from a zimmerman thread once and I just went and addressed everything he was saying in my own space, and plenty of people viewed my thread and made comments. Howey had the option of completely ignoring me if he wanted. I got to say what I wanted, howey got to say what he wanted. Those that wanted to not bother with one of us were free to do so.

Having your threads fucked up by trolls isn't really contributing to a place of free and open discussion.

Additionally you realize pretty quick it's a pain in the ass to list out all the people you don't like. The feature sort of actualizes itself into only having trolls banned from discussion.

Not allowing obvious trolls to speak doesn't really hinder discussion, because trolls aren't really contributing to the discussion in the first place.

The board voted on this feature and I think it won with a 2:1 ratio.

you are a good voice to have on here. I respect your position. No I am not just saying that.

This is an option, it's not forced on anyone. If you have a problem with it, it should be on an individual level with those that choose to use the feature.

It's not really censorship, because if someone is banned from a thread they can just start their own and still say what they want to say. Nobody is prevented from speaking their mind or getting their own opinion out there. If ones opinion is valid and interesting, there will always be an audience for it, merely one click away.

Howey banned me from a zimmerman thread once and I just went and addressed everything he was saying in my own space, and plenty of people viewed my thread and made comments. Howey had the option of completely ignoring me if he wanted. I got to say what I wanted, howey got to say what he wanted. Those that wanted to not bother with one of us were free to do so.

Having your threads fucked up by trolls isn't really contributing to a place of free and open discussion.

Additionally you realize pretty quick it's a pain in the ass to list out all the people you don't like. The feature sort of actualizes itself into only having trolls banned from discussion.

Not allowing obvious trolls to speak doesn't really hinder discussion, because trolls aren't really contributing to the discussion in the first place.

The board voted on this feature and I think it won with a 2:1 ratio.

It is censorship. People can tell when others are being idiots. And if you cant even beat a troll in arguing, you must just suck.
Hey...liked your debate piece. Tight work!

I hadn't logged in in a while. So i missed the invite. Then i got removed from the invitation list. Additionally the topic is not that appealing. There are many great americans that participated in beating back corporate abuse. Arguing over which one is most significant is rather trivial.

A better topic is " is the labor movement still necessary" . Neoliberals cant even admit it ever was and just keep parroting their worn our phrases about the moral superiority of unrestrained capitalism, forgetting it was the labor movement which moderated capitalism into a force for good for everyone. But now it seems to back to the old days of the gilded age.
I hadn't logged in in a while. So i missed the invite. Then i got removed from the invitation list. Additionally the topic is not that appealing. There are many great americans that participated in beating back corporate abuse. Arguing over which one is most significant is rather trivial.

A better topic is " is the labor movement still necessary" . Neoliberals cant even admit it ever was and just keep parroting their worn our phrases about the moral superiority of unrestrained capitalism, forgetting it was the labor movement which moderated capitalism into a force for good for everyone. But now it seems to back to the old days of the gilded age.

Next time don't volunteer if you're afraid of losing.