Repeal Health care

Yes! Let's remain the only industrialized nation to keep the worlds most expensive pay or suffer system and see if by doing so we can go from rating 37th in the world while paying the most per capita of any nation on the planet to say the 68th best system while paying half of GDP!

You know what the reich wings opposition to health care reform really boils down to the fact that ya'll have this philosophy. "I got mine so FUCK YOU!"

Real big of ya.
Yes! Let's remain the only industrialized nation to keep the worlds most expensive pay or suffer system and see if by doing so we can go from rating 37th in the world while paying the most per capita of any nation on the planet to say the 68th best system while paying half of GDP!

You know what the reich wings opposition to health care reform really boils down to the fact that ya'll have this philosophy. "I got mine so FUCK YOU!"

Real big of ya.

I don't have shit and I don't want this new health care. And it is not reactionary to oppose 'reform' that does nothing to control costs and will ultimately limit the quality of our care.
I don't have shit and I don't want this new health care. And it is not reactionary to oppose 'reform' that does nothing to control costs and will ultimately limit the quality of our care.
Gotta excuse Mott and those like him. Anything in opposition to their emo bullshit is "reactionary". For someone who claims to not be a democratic pundit, it sure is amazing how 99.9% of his drivel comes straight from the pages of the DNC.
Yes! Let's remain the only industrialized nation to keep the worlds most expensive pay or suffer system and see if by doing so we can go from rating 37th in the world while paying the most per capita of any nation on the planet to say the 68th best system while paying half of GDP!

You know what the reich wings opposition to health care reform really boils down to the fact that ya'll have this philosophy. "I got mine so FUCK YOU!"

Real big of ya.

Fricking drama queen response there mott!

Obamacare is not reform it's deform. There are real solutions to our high costs and this monstrosity isn't it!
Yes! Let's remain the only industrialized nation to keep the worlds most expensive pay or suffer system and see if by doing so we can go from rating 37th in the world while paying the most per capita of any nation on the planet to say the 68th best system while paying half of GDP!

You know what the reich wings opposition to health care reform really boils down to the fact that ya'll have this philosophy. "I got mine so FUCK YOU!"

Real big of ya.

we told you before this shit was even passed what you needed to do first, but NOOOOO, you said it was more important to pass THIS bill before we do price controlling, so you're just way wrong and off.
we told you before this shit was even passed what you needed to do first, but NOOOOO, you said it was more important to pass THIS bill before we do price controlling, so you're just way wrong and off.

And how many years should the people have waited for price controlling? Another 50 or 75 years like they've waited for health care reform?

It's just one more tired, worn out argument opposing health care for everyone.

That's why Obama said, "NO!" That's why he went ahead with the bill. Now that more and more people will be covered there's a reason to discuss costs. There wasn't any motive or incentive before. Just talk, talk, talk.

Sometimes you just have to put the car in "D" and step on the gas. :)
I don't have shit and I don't want this new health care. And it is not reactionary to oppose 'reform' that does nothing to control costs and will ultimately limit the quality of our care.

How is it going to limit the quality of our care any more than insurance companies already do?
And how many years should the people have waited for price controlling? Another 50 or 75 years like they've waited for health care reform?

It's just one more tired, worn out argument opposing health care for everyone.

That's why Obama said, "NO!" That's why he went ahead with the bill. Now that more and more people will be covered there's a reason to discuss costs. There wasn't any motive or incentive before. Just talk, talk, talk.

Sometimes you just have to put the car in "D" and step on the gas. :)

A-MEN! This article is from 2007 and costs have risen a damn sight higher since then. RWs would rather bloviate than act; they've pushed this away even when their man Nixon proposed it almost 40 years ago.

"Health expenditures continue to grow very rapidly in the U.S. Since 1970, health care spending has grown at an average annual rate of 9.8%, or about 2.5 percentage points faster than the economy as measured by the nominal gross domestic product (GDP). Annual spending on health care increased from $75 billion in 1970 to $2.0 trillion in 2005, and is estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2015. As a share of the economy, health care has more than doubled over the past 35 years, rising from 7.2% of GDP in 1970 to 16.0% of GDP in 2005, and is projected to be 20% of GDP in 2015. Health care spending per capita increased from $356 in 1970 to $6,697 in 2005, and is projected to rise to $12,320 in 2015."
And how many years should the people have waited for price controlling? Another 50 or 75 years like they've waited for health care reform?

It's just one more tired, worn out argument opposing health care for everyone.

That's why Obama said, "NO!" That's why he went ahead with the bill. Now that more and more people will be covered there's a reason to discuss costs. There wasn't any motive or incentive before. Just talk, talk, talk.

Sometimes you just have to put the car in "D" and step on the gas. :)

thats funny. something i noticed about you reactionaries is this particular notion that 'puttin the car in D and drive' never bother to consider what happens when the throttle sticks. yes, that horrific crash is comin, thanks to obama and you.
A-MEN! This article is from 2007 and costs have risen a damn sight higher since then. RWs would rather bloviate than act; they've pushed this away even when their man Nixon proposed it almost 40 years ago.

"Health expenditures continue to grow very rapidly in the U.S. Since 1970, health care spending has grown at an average annual rate of 9.8%, or about 2.5 percentage points faster than the economy as measured by the nominal gross domestic product (GDP). Annual spending on health care increased from $75 billion in 1970 to $2.0 trillion in 2005, and is estimated to reach $4 trillion in 2015. As a share of the economy, health care has more than doubled over the past 35 years, rising from 7.2% of GDP in 1970 to 16.0% of GDP in 2005, and is projected to be 20% of GDP in 2015. Health care spending per capita increased from $356 in 1970 to $6,697 in 2005, and is projected to rise to $12,320 in 2015."

Talk about bloviating!! You cite these statistics but fail to mention that the Health Care Scam that was forced on us is not going to do a damn thing but add huge expenditures all the way around for everyone. If you would ever bother to do some research instead of hoping and praying for Uncle Sam to pay your Health Care Bills.. you would find that there are many ways to curb costs and create a Health Care System user friendly to all. I shared a couple of links in a previous post of some Health Care Models that were ignored by your fuck head Democrats.
thats funny. something i noticed about you reactionaries is this particular notion that 'puttin the car in D and drive' never bother to consider what happens when the throttle sticks. yes, that horrific crash is comin, thanks to obama and you.

Not to worry. To continue the analogy the road has been walked up and down, for years. Dozens of other cars (countries) have driven on it, for years. The car (budget) has been checked and double checked. Both the road and car are fine and the way is clear. :)
I don't have shit and I don't want this new health care. And it is not reactionary to oppose 'reform' that does nothing to control costs and will ultimately limit the quality of our care.
Except that's pure speculation on your part. We have the evidence from other industrialized nations who have implemented these reforms that they do work, they do cut cost and they do improve delivery across the board. We know that all the wealthy industrialized nations on the planet, have adopted these reforms (to a much further degree then we have but we'll get there), not one of them have gone back to a pay or suffer system, they pay far less then us as a percentage of GDP and they obtain superior results across the board for their populace. You on the other hand have unsubstantiated claims.
Gotta excuse Mott and those like him. Anything in opposition to their emo bullshit is "reactionary". For someone who claims to not be a democratic pundit, it sure is amazing how 99.9% of his drivel comes straight from the pages of the DNC.
Hmmmm, I guess the DNC must use the facts then. My basic comment is correct though. Your opposition stems from fear of change and the fact that you got yours so fuck everyone else.
Not to worry. To continue the analogy the road has been walked up and down, for years. Dozens of other cars (countries) have driven on it, for years. The car (budget) has been checked and double checked. Both the road and car are fine and the way is clear. :)

And what planet are you living on? No..the road and the car are not fine. Universal Health Care has proven to be a huge burden on their economy. Wake up, take off the blinders and study the facts.

Europe especially has suffered economically, paying for overloaded Worker Benefits its Governments have guaranteed. Many of these Countries...IE Greece, are trimming way back because of failed economies and new budget constraints. The big Socialism Experiment is proving once again to be a big failure.

What we have passed here is not Universal Health Care. What our Inept President and Swamp Draining Congress has forced on us, is a Mandate on the Public that is not going to do a damn thing except raise the cost of Premiums as is presently happening, and collect a whole bunch of new taxes. What was passed here is the biggest scam and Constitutionally incorrect piece of legislation of my lifetime.

What an effin hoax... lets mandate Insurance so we can say that we have provided Insurance Universally. How pathetic.
Fricking drama queen response there mott!

Obamacare is not reform it's deform. There are real solutions to our high costs and this monstrosity isn't it!
Hey, you're learning to identify sarcasm! Big improvement ID. Now one day you may learn math, though that's probably to much to hope for.
we told you before this shit was even passed what you needed to do first, but NOOOOO, you said it was more important to pass THIS bill before we do price controlling, so you're just way wrong and off.
Really? LOL You're for price controls in health care? LOL LOL LOL

Oh that's rich. Hell that's the most controversial aspect of health care reform that we do need to implement and now you say you're for price controls? Excuse me if I seem a bit skeptical that you really mean that! LOL

Oh and dude, just for the record, I pointed out to you a long time ago that price control would be an essential aspect of health care reform.

The Obama health care reform were compromised to death and fell far short of where they needed to go. I'm ok with that for now as it establishes a legal precedent that will get us heading in the right direction.
And how many years should the people have waited for price controlling? Another 50 or 75 years like they've waited for health care reform?

It's just one more tired, worn out argument opposing health care for everyone.

That's why Obama said, "NO!" That's why he went ahead with the bill. Now that more and more people will be covered there's a reason to discuss costs. There wasn't any motive or incentive before. Just talk, talk, talk.

Sometimes you just have to put the car in "D" and step on the gas. :)
Exactly, or at least in our case we had to. I'm ok with that even though it falls far short of where it needs to be.
Exactly, or at least in our case we had to. I'm ok with that even though it falls far short of where it needs to be.

I guess I'll have to repeat myself .... as I said to Apple ....

And what planet are you living on? No..the road and the car are not fine. Universal Health Care has proven to be a huge burden on their economy. Wake up, take off the blinders and study the facts.

Europe especially has suffered economically, paying for overloaded Worker Benefits its Governments have guaranteed. Many of these Countries...IE Greece, are trimming way back because of failed economies and new budget constraints. The big Socialism Experiment is proving once again to be a big failure.

What we have passed here is not Universal Health Care. What our Inept President and Swamp Draining Congress has forced on us, is a Mandate on the Public that is not going to do a damn thing except raise the cost of Premiums as is presently happening, and collect a whole bunch of new taxes. What was passed here is the biggest scam and Constitutionally incorrect piece of legislation of my lifetime.

What an effin hoax... lets mandate Insurance so we can say that we have provided Insurance Universally. How pathetic.