Repeal Health care

I'll lay it out for you ... who the hell do you think you are?

So lets put things into prespective ...PUNK. I mean if you want to start the name calling I could do it as well as you .. you fuckin twit.

Lets talk about France ... a Country with about 63 million in Population .. as compared to the USA with a population of 308 mil and growing. What works for France doesnt mean its going to work for the USA. The French System is the best system of all in Europe no doubt.. it has the best blend and least restrictions. We definitely can learn from it. One of the big hurdles is the cost of the average American physician who earns more than five times the average US wage while the average French physician makes only about two times the average earnings of his or her compatriots.

By the way you fuckin moron... France has National health insurance, not the fucked up hack job Health Care Mandate The Inept One shoved down our throats .

Why am I on Planet Nut Job..? Because I pointed out some real alternative Health Care Models that are really working.... not like this 2000 page full of slop and Tax Collection that your Heroes The Inept One and 'Ol Stretch Face out in Frisco shoved down our throats. Its Constitutionally incorrect fuck head ...if you were smart enough you would realize it you dip shit.

Why dont you tell your friend Apple that the Democrats had a Super Majority In Congress and could have passed any legislation they wanted to...instead they pushed this crap bill down our throats ....its crap ... if it looks like crap, walks like crap and smells like must be crap.

And one other thing Shit Head ... you and Cypress with the Fox News and Rush Limbaugh crap ...thats extremely weak ....

Now as far as my participation in these threads.. who the hell are you to set the rules for me?
And this is why I pointed out the obvious. That you simply don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I lay out the facts, you preach the gospel of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. That may do for you in make believe land of the right wing way it ought to be but the rest of us live in the world of reality where there are these ugly things called facts and you can dance on the head of a pin all you want to my extremist friend but it doesn't change the facts nor does it change that reality that you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about, which was so easy to demonstrate that it wasn't even funny. Now if you want to have an intelligent conversation on the subject, go read something from an objective source and no, Newsmax and the Drudge Report are not objective, then come back when you actually know something that is supported by the facts.
I realize that you get stuck in 3rd gear the whole time you're apologizing for the democrats, but maybe you should go back in time to my posts on healthcare reform and you'll see that I've ALWAYS said that if you're going to force this kind of reform, the first thing you NEED to do is control prices. You disagreed.
Like hell I did and I defy you to show where I have. The fact is, I was the first one here to post the three major health care reforms that ALL the wealthy industrialized nations have done except the USA to provide universal coverage. #1 All persons are required carry insurance. #2. They all have a single payer system and #3. They have all instituted price controls.

So if you have stated that you do support price controls as an essential aspect of health care reform, then you and I are in agreement. :clink:
i guess choosing freedom would just be way too horrific for you.
That depends on how you mean it. Do you mean "Freedom" as in how our founding fathers meant it, the right to self determination" or do you mean it in the sense that right wingers mean it as just a word to be honored.....unless some, god forbid, actually practices freedom.
Obama wanted a simple one-payer, national health care plan. Unfortunately, the super majority Democrats had a few members who didn't want to go along meaning there wasn't a super majority who would vote for it. If a few Repubs had joined in there wouldn't have been any problem but we all know the party of "NO".

Why would republicans vote for a single payer system when it smacks up against a fiscally conservative view??? They rightfully voted according to their party affiliation. Dems are the ones who let their party down. it was dems who were the actual no's that were anti-party; anti Obama; and anti single payer!

The fact of the matter is that dems had a super majority and could have passed whatever the fuck they wanted...they didn't
Why would republicans vote for a single payer system when it smacks up against a fiscally conservative view??? They rightfully voted according to their party affiliation. Dems are the ones who let their party down. it was dems who were the actual no's that were anti-party; anti Obama; and anti single payer!

The fact of the matter is that dems had a super majority and could have passed whatever the fuck they wanted...they didn't
Please explain to me how having a for profit payer system utterly lacking in standardization is more fiscally conservative then the more cost affective single payer system?
Please explain to me how having a for profit payer system utterly lacking in standardization is more fiscally conservative then the more cost affective single payer system?

How about the fact that there is NO FUCKING such thing as a cost effective government program i.e. medicare medicaid!

I would like to see some no cost reforms tried. The truth is that all 3rd party health care plans are fiscally impaired; whether they are employer or government options. Let's try a no middle man plan like we do with auto insurance. Where we can shop across state lines and even create co-ops for competitive pricing. Tailor fit insurnace i.e. people who don't want to buy coverage for pregnancy; drug addiction; mental health do not have to.

There are numerous private market solutions that idiot dems refuse to consider!
That depends on how you mean it. Do you mean "Freedom" as in how our founding fathers meant it, the right to self determination" or do you mean it in the sense that right wingers mean it as just a word to be honored.....unless some, god forbid, actually practices freedom.

I would think you have seen enough of me on here to know I mean 'self determination'.
Like hell I did and I defy you to show where I have. The fact is, I was the first one here to post the three major health care reforms that ALL the wealthy industrialized nations have done except the USA to provide universal coverage. #1 All persons are required carry insurance. #2. They all have a single payer system and #3. They have all instituted price controls.

So if you have stated that you do support price controls as an essential aspect of health care reform, then you and I are in agreement. :clink:

I'll rephrase. I said price controls must be done first, that was what you disagreed upon.
Please explain to me how having a for profit payer system utterly lacking in standardization is more fiscally conservative then the more cost affective single payer system?

in a free market world, it would be. the problem is by allowing government bureaucracy to dictate how it's run, it becomes ripe for corruption and gouging, as we've been seeing for decades.
Why would republicans vote for a single payer system when it smacks up against a fiscally conservative view??? They rightfully voted according to their party affiliation. Dems are the ones who let their party down. it was dems who were the actual no's that were anti-party; anti Obama; and anti single payer!

The fact of the matter is that dems had a super majority and could have passed whatever the fuck they wanted...they didn't

As I asked Klaatu in msg #21, "So what's the bottom line here? Are you saying the richest country on the planet can not look after it's ill citizens?"

I see Klaatu never responded to my question. Let's see if you do.

To sum up, the vast majority of Dems would have voted for a single payer system. As in any group there are always a couple of dissenters. Why didn't any of the Repubs agree to the one payer system? Do they not care about the citizens or does the "fiscally conservative view" include letting people suffer as long as it saves money?
I guess I'll have to repeat myself .... as I said to Apple ....

And what planet are you living on? No..the road and the car are not fine. Universal Health Care has proven to be a huge burden on their economy. Wake up, take off the blinders and study the facts.

Europe especially has suffered economically, paying for overloaded Worker Benefits its Governments have guaranteed. Many of these Countries...IE Greece, are trimming way back because of failed economies and new budget constraints. The big Socialism Experiment is proving once again to be a big failure.

What we have passed here is not Universal Health Care. What our Inept President and Swamp Draining Congress has forced on us, is a Mandate on the Public that is not going to do a damn thing except raise the cost of Premiums as is presently happening, and collect a whole bunch of new taxes. What was passed here is the biggest scam and Constitutionally incorrect piece of legislation of my lifetime.

What an effin hoax... lets mandate Insurance so we can say that we have provided Insurance Universally. How pathetic.
What makes you think that isn't their goal?
Obama wanted a simple one-payer, national health care plan. Unfortunately, the super majority Democrats had a few members who didn't want to go along meaning there wasn't a super majority who would vote for it. If a few Repubs had joined in there wouldn't have been any problem but we all know the party of "NO".


Hello!!!! Republicans and Conservatives are not going to go along with A Universal Health Care Welfare System such as the one that Hillary was trying to push ... never will. And I will vote against any member who ever does. The "Party of N"o slogan is as dumb and unprincipled as the legislation that your Democrats have swindled into law.
Could be. Makes you wonder if an office visit will cost you a hen and a fryer or if an MRI will cost you two laying hens, and a roaster. LOL

Dude I'm telling you can't pay for this kind of comedy at the movies as you get from these wingnuts! LOL LOL LOL
It just keeps getting funnier and funnier!
Hello!!!! Republicans and Conservatives are not going to go along with A Universal Health Care Welfare System such as the one that Hillary was trying to push ... never will. And I will vote against any member who ever does. The "Party of N"o slogan is as dumb and unprincipled as the legislation that your Democrats have swindled into law.

So we're back at square one. Obama and the Dems knew the Repubs would never agree to a health care system that included everyone so what would be the point of the Dems even discussing it with the Repubs?

Whether it's price controls or anything else the citizens would still be left with a "pay or suffer" system. That's what has happened every time it came up for discussion. That's why Obama said he didn't want to hear the tired, worn out arguments.

If the Repubs would never accept a universal health care system, as you say, then any effort to instill one would be criticized which is why their criticism is dismissed out of hand.
Why would republicans vote for a single payer system when it smacks up against a fiscally conservative view??? They rightfully voted according to their party affiliation.

Finally Ice Dunce admits what drives Congressmen and Senators to vote the way they do...

Concern for you and me? Ohhhhhh NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!

PARTY AFFILIATION is all that matters to hateful Righties.
Finally Ice Dunce admits what drives Congressmen and Senators to vote the way they do...

Concern for you and me? Ohhhhhh NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!

PARTY AFFILIATION is all that matters to hateful Righties.

With all due respect Zap, Democrats and Republicans have been voting along party lines for years. This is not some new revelation nor is it something that's hateful. It's the nature of the system.

Additionally I believe what ID meant was you are a Republican because you believe, in general, in the power of the free market to solve problems better than the government can. I believe she's saying one wouldn't be a Republican if they thought the government should take over and run health care. Her comment wasn't about voting on a party line.
With all due respect Zap, Democrats and Republicans have been voting along party lines for years. This is not some new revelation nor is it something that's hateful. It's the nature of the system.

Additionally I believe what ID meant was you are a Republican because you believe, in general, in the power of the free market to solve problems better than the government can. I believe she's saying one wouldn't be a Republican if they thought the government should take over and run health care. Her comment wasn't about voting on a party line.

So you're saying that every single Republican man, woman and child from sea to shining sea across this great land would vote against UHC if given the chance?
So you're saying that every single Republican man, woman and child from sea to shining sea across this great land would vote against UHC if given the chance?

No I'm not. And I can't speak for ID so I'm not trying to put words into her mouth but that was how I interpreted her comment.

My interpretation of her comment along with my added thoughts are if you are a Republican (and the same goes for being a Democrat) you have a certain set of beliefs that you carry that makes you identify with that party. Now of course it doesn't mean you believe what the party believes 100% of the time. But I get her point like I said above if you are a Republican you mostly likely believe in the power of market to better help solve the health care challenge rather than the government.

But no that doesn't mean every single person in America who says they are a Republican would be against UHC. But for those who are in Congress and have a vote then most likely.
With all due respect Zap, Democrats and Republicans have been voting along party lines for years. This is not some new revelation nor is it something that's hateful. It's the nature of the system.

Additionally I believe what ID meant was you are a Republican because you believe, in general, in the power of the free market to solve problems better than the government can. I believe she's saying one wouldn't be a Republican if they thought the government should take over and run health care. Her comment wasn't about voting on a party line.

So tell me, how does the "freemarket" plan on solving the Healthcare dilemma in this country?

We've tried the "free market" approach ever since the inception of this great nation and half the population still can't get the care they need.