Report upgrade bugs here.


Staff member
If you see something that is a bug, report it here and I will see if I can fix it.

We're almost done with the upgrade, there's still mods and other stuff I am installing in the background, but we'll get there with a bit of help from the members.

It appears as if the groan/thanks mod is working like it is supposed to now. I've installed some table code (I may have to change it later, it seems to conflict with a different portion of the site yet to be published, one that is more designed for new folks than it is for forum members. You may want to change your bookmark to include forum.php at the end, like this:

Thanks for being patient with me while I work on fixing the remaining bugs. I installed this because new updates for the software I was using is now stopped, and I wanted to keep the site as secure as possible ensuring new updates were installed when they became available.

Bugs fixed:
1. Groans not showing up all the time. FIXED!
2. Today's Posts Link poorly positioned, redundant "New Posts" link in navbar links. FIXED!
3. Facebook Connect Button right on top of the Login area. FIXED!
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Now to see if I can get the "publish to facebook" checkbox to move down to post options area. It's a sorta neat feature, but it is way too much in your face the way they set it up.
I have no clue why the thanks/groans are always on either side of the "blog" stuff, both at the bottom and in the stats of the postbit. I'll try to work on that, but right now it finally appears to be working.

Does anybody else have any other bugs they've noticed?
There are different options in your user CP for different editors. I tried duplicating your problem with the standard editor and was unable to create the problem. The words I highlight get the tags, it doesn't displace the tags onto other words.

I was wondering if you might be using a different type of editor box, like maybe the WYSIWYG editor.
There are different options in your user CP for different editors. I tried duplicating your problem with the standard editor and was unable to create the problem. The words I highlight get the tags, it doesn't displace the tags onto other words.

I was wondering if you might be using a different type of editor box, like maybe the WYSIWYG editor.

No, it was set at standard.

Ok so I switched to WYSIWYG editor and now it works-differently then before-but I have to double click on tabs while in the forum to move from one page to the next. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
WTH!!! I refreshed the screen and the page turned all hot pink and red and I can't get back to the default colors!

This is Pepto-Bismol nasty!
IDK... I'll look into it... I don't see that, but that's two people now who said something about it.