Republican Dream Team

I don't know what being socially liberal or conservative has to do with anything right now. With the economic mess our country is in should we be worrying about abortion or other social issues?
Yes, if you're an uninformed idiot. Most of the social conservatives dont' stop to consider how quickly those issues become irrelevent when you can't feed your family or keep a roof over their heads.
I think we are at the point where the next few years will decide whether the future of the US is to be another Spain or France or whether it will remain relevant in the world......


Oh yes, we represent the worlds mightiest military and over 25% of the Worlds economy and in a couple of years were going be irrelevent cause little Suzy can get an abortion or because he have a public health care option


I think she did well against Biden in debate. The old man glared her down, and that only furthered her resolve, making her more articulate. Lots of folks can't get past her good looks, home town common sense and their bigoted first impression. They want an elitist, which she ain't.
LOL You and Dxie and Meme. The rest of the free world was falling out of their chairs laughing their ass off at her while Poor Joe had to take it easy to keep from coming off as too big a prick. Hell even Dan Quayle did better against Lloyd Bentson! LOL
Yes, I want you to leave the party, and take John McCain, Chuck Hagel, Lindsey Graham, and Olympia Snowe with you please! There is no room under our tent for people who are going to proactively undermine conservatism.

Plain has no problems with an INTERVIEW, but when she is foist into a liberal ambush buzz-saw, she doesn't come across well. McCain in all his infinite moderate wisdom, trotted her out to the liberal media elites, as if they were going to be impartial and fair with her. Can you imagine if the only interviews of Obama we had to review, were by Fox News talking heads? I bet the perception would be, Obama doesn't do very well in interviews... oh wait, that IS the perception we have... whenever that goofball gets 3 feet away from a teleprompter, he can't form coherent sentences... at least you can understand what Palin is trying to say!
See my point Yurt? This is why the Republican party is losing relevency and why you would make more of a difference in helping to develop the Democratic platform as a Blue Dog. Dixie's right. There's no room for people like you and I in the Republican party, so why enable them?
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LOL You and Dxie and Meme. The rest of the free world was falling out of their chairs laughing their ass off at her while Poor Joe had to take it easy to keep from coming off as too big a prick. Hell even Dan Quayle did better against Lloyd Bentson! LOL

The Palin-Biden debate was the most widely watched VP debate in history, and it damn sure wasn't because Joe Foot-in-the-Mouth Biden was there. I hate to break this to ya, I know it will come as a major shock, but Mott, you are a total partisan hack. Your assessment of Palin, the VP debate, the right, or politics in general, is from a far left-wing perspective, because that is where you reside on the political spectrum. Now, I understand how this effects the way you personally see things, but I wonder sometimes if YOU know that?

No one was laughing their asses off, the left did as they always do, and smeared Palin after the debate, despite what the polls showed. Every objective political pundit with any credibility for fairness at all, admitted that Palin did well, and at worst, held her own with the far more experienced Biden.

I thought Biden may have set an all-time record for the most lies told in a single political debate. Given the history of liars on the Democratic side, this is no small feat for Joe! You should be proud!!
See my point Yurt? This is why the Republican party is losing relevency and why you would make more of a difference in helping to develop the Democratic platform and a Blue Dog. Dixie's right. There's no room for people like you and I in the Republican party, so why enable them?

The Republican party is actually GAINING relevancy. Have you not been paying attention to the polls? Tea Party rallies? Obama, Pelosi, and Reid's declining approval ratings? All of these things help the Republican party.

And yes, you are right, there is no room in the Republican party for liberal goofballs like yourself and Yurt. If you want to side with Liberals on social issues, go join the Liberals in the Democrat party, maybe you two can talk some sanity into them, someone needs to!
If you really believe no one tried to undermine Palin, you are more pathetically stupid and mentally vacant than I had imagined. As for the rest of your rant, it is clear evidence of the smear campaign, otherwise you wouldn't be spewing it.

You can have your opinion, and you can denigrate Palin supporters by mocking them and making fun of them, but she has as much (if not more) support than Obama has ever had. Apparently people don't really believe she is any "less" qualified than the current president.

As for Romney, he is not a social conservative, and our nominee in 2012 will have to be. Sorry! McCain was a moderate, we tried that, it doesn't work. The GOP will have to listen to the base this time, or they will lose again, that's the bottom line.

Mott, I don't take your political analysis very seriously, you are not often very right about the 'pulse of America' and your record speaks for itself on that. Rather than embarrassing yourself like this, why don't you try to be a little more objective and admit there is a possibility you've missed the boat?
Un Huh, I may have been wrong about the 2004 Presidential election but need I remind you of who controls both houses of congress and the administration? Need I also remind you that "The pulse of the nation" isn't just a bunch of rural southern rednecks.

But again, if Sarah and social conservatism is what you want. Have at it! LOL
The Palin-Biden debate was the most widely watched VP debate in history, and it damn sure wasn't because Joe Foot-in-the-Mouth Biden was there. I hate to break this to ya, I know it will come as a major shock, but Mott, you are a total partisan hack. Your assessment of Palin, the VP debate, the right, or politics in general, is from a far left-wing perspective, because that is where you reside on the political spectrum. Now, I understand how this effects the way you personally see things, but I wonder sometimes if YOU know that?

No one was laughing their asses off, the left did as they always do, and smeared Palin after the debate, despite what the polls showed. Every objective political pundit with any credibility for fairness at all, admitted that Palin did well, and at worst, held her own with the far more experienced Biden.

I thought Biden may have set an all-time record for the most lies told in a single political debate. Given the history of liars on the Democratic side, this is no small feat for Joe! You should be proud!!
Dixie, you're a partisan hack. I'm sure every time Biden opened his mouth you thought he was a liar and that every time Sarah opened her mouth she opined with the prescience of Einstein. But the fact of the matter is, the rest of the free world was laughing at the light weight. Like I said, she made Dan Qauyle look good and he's probably the only one that enjoyed that debate more than Joe Biden did! LOL
That's the second group inside the Republican party they need to sandbag. Wingnut rednecks are first cause their just plain ignorant idiots and don't have that first clue about good governance. The Libertarian wing of the Republican party is the next most damaging group inside the Republican party and they need to be punted to the sidelines as well. Effective governance is critically important to our nation and libertarianism is a self fullfilling prophecy for incompetent and ineffective government.

Mott, I don't think you understand libertarianism very well. And as an aside if the recipe for good and effective governance is to be a fan and big supporter of government why are so many cities so corrupt and poorly run with Democrats in charge? San Francisco and especially Oakland, for example, are horribly run yet there are no Republicans or Libertarians in office here. They are run by Democrats or Greens, people who supposedly back and support the government and believe in its powers the most. Why is that?

As far as Libertarians go, to say there needs to be less government involvement in the economy for example does not mean that they want the government that is needed to be run poorly and ineffectively. It seems people like yourself on the left continually equate wanting less government with wanting no government. That's not the case.
Mott, I don't think you understand libertarianism very well. And as an aside if the recipe for good and effective governance is to be a fan and big supporter of government why are so many cities so corrupt and poorly run with Democrats in charge? San Francisco and especially Oakland, for example, are horribly run yet there are no Republicans or Libertarians in office here. They are run by Democrats or Greens, people who supposedly back and support the government and believe in its powers the most. Why is that?

As far as Libertarians go, to say there needs to be less government involvement in the economy for example does not mean that they want the government that is needed to be run poorly and ineffectively. It seems people like yourself on the left continually equate wanting less government with wanting no government. That's not the case.
Cawacko, you can't advance libertarianism based on others records. It has to stand on it's own merits and I've studied it enough to know that it can't even crawl. Libertarianism is built upon fairy dust and wishful thinking and collossal niavete. As a governing and political philosophy it's as impractical as it is ineffective. I stand behind my statement. How can you expect competent governance from those who believe that government is essentially a bad thing? Libertarians never seem to want to bridge that credibility gap. That is why they cannot build a winning political coalition and that makes them a waste of time. The contradiction that Libertariansim poses with reality is so glaring I don't see how anyone can miss them.
Cawacko, you can't advance libertarianism based on others records. It has to stand on it's own merits and I've studied it enough to know that it can't even crawl. Libertarianism is built upon fairy dust and wishful thinking and collossal niavete. As a governing and political philosophy it's as impractical as it is ineffective. I stand behind my statement. How can you expect competent governance from those who believe that government is essentially a bad thing? Libertarians never seem to want to bridge that credibility gap. That is why they cannot build a winning political coalition and that makes them a waste of time. The contradiction that Libertariansim poses with reality is so glaring I don't see how anyone can miss them.

It's not stating government is a bad thing. It's stating government has a particular role to play and that role is needed. If it didn't Libertarianism would just be anarchists.

And if you've studied Libertarianism as you claim you know there's a difference between a big L and little l.

And I know you've worked in the business world so I'm know you've experienced bureacracy at its worst and if you're telling me the desire to make government more efficient and less beauracratic means you want to eliminate it completely welll that's just as 'wingnut' as the 'wingnuts' you like to mock.
LOL You and Dxie and Meme. The rest of the free world was falling out of their chairs laughing their ass off at her while Poor Joe had to take it easy to keep from coming off as too big a prick. Hell even Dan Quayle did better against Lloyd Bentson! LOL
LOL @ U. Your position is that only three people in the world thought that she did a good job? You may want to re-think that rather tenable position.
LOL You and Dxie and Meme. The rest of the free world was falling out of their chairs laughing their ass off at her while Poor Joe had to take it easy to keep from coming off as too big a prick. Hell even Dan Quayle did better against Lloyd Bentson! LOL

you know, this thread is the first I had heard that ANYONE thought Biden won that debate......
But Romney is not a "Real Christian". They'd rather have a light weight like Palin who cries when she tells you about her personal relationship with Jesus.

I agree with you, Mitt's a man of remarkable intelligence and formidable abilities and these clowns prefer a Neophyte? The mind fairly boggles.

I can't believe how so many are so ignorant about the Mormon Church.

Followers of the Church profess a belief in Jesus as the Christ and the leaders of the church, for nearly 200 years, have taught Christian principles (such as loving your neighbor, being redeemed from sin and putting faith in God.)