Republican Gen. Bolduc Physically Attacked by Individual Outside Wednesday’s Debate

They think they're violent, but really don't know real violence. The type of real violence that has allowed them to grow up in America without fear.

And now they attack the structure that has kept them safe. And think they will win. They will not.

100% correct. Most know nothing of real violence although if they keep pushing with the bullshit they just might end up getting a good tutorial that could be a good teaching/learning moment for them. :cool:
It's like kids having trouble in school. You don't want to discourage them. They might become competent in the future.

I respect your hope, but...

A lot of the alt right posters are older. I wonder if there is much of a future for them.
100% correct. Most know nothing of real violence although if they keep pushing with the bullshit they just might end up getting a good tutorial that could be a good teaching/learning moment for them. :cool:

So if we disagree with you politically, you are threatening to give us a "good tutorial" in violence? And you fail to see how you have just destroyed your whole claim?
I actually would like MAGA to explain how a confrontation between a Republican and a Libertarian gets blamed on Democrats.

A random Black person with no political affiliation commits a crime, and the alt right blames it on Democrats, because they claim all Blacks are Democrats... That is extreme, but OK. A random young woman with no political affiliation commits a crime, and the alt right blames it on Democrats, because they claim all young people are Democrats... Again, not true, but OK.

Then a Conservative with strong Conservative ties announces he is shouting at a Republican because he is not Conservative enough, and they blame Democrats? So now all Conservatives are Democrats?
not all the violent people are demmycrats......the one who attacked Pelosi was a Green Party member........

He was a Democrat when he was young.

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Sadly, he wasn't trained properly when he was young..
A random Black person with no political affiliation commits a crime, and the alt right blames it on Democrats, because they claim all Blacks are Democrats... That is extreme, but OK. A random young woman with no political affiliation commits a crime, and the alt right blames it on Democrats, because they claim all young people are Democrats... Again, not true, but OK.

Then a Conservative with strong Conservative ties announces he is shouting at a Republican because he is not Conservative enough, and they blame Democrats? So now all Conservatives are Democrats?

I don't think truth matters to a lot of message board MAGA. Which raises the question that if truth doesn't matter when typing on a keyboard, then are they equally untruthful with family, friends, spouses in real life?
They will probably "find" a red hat in the guy's "prison pocket" so that lefties can continue to pretend they have a moral high ground.
100% correct. Most know nothing of real violence although if they keep pushing with the bullshit they just might end up getting a good tutorial that could be a good teaching/learning moment for them. :cool:

You spent November and December of 2000 screaming about Kraken conspiracy theories, Trump told you dark forces had stolen the election and the fate of the Republic was in the balance, but when the MAGA cult showed up to stop the steal on J6, were were sitting comfortably at home or work just typing on a keyboard.
Republican Gen. Don Bolduc was physically attacked by an unknown individual before the Wednesday debate with Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Bolduc’s campaign told Breitbart News.

Kate Constantini, Bolduc for Senate spokeswoman, told Breitbart News that before the General went on the debate stage, he was physically attacked outside the building by an individual in the crowd.

It is not known if the individual is a Hassan supporter.

Law enforcement was quickly on the scene and apprehended the individual.

“Prior to the debate, an individual in the crowd gathered outside attempted to punch the General and was quickly apprehended and arrested,” Constantini explained.

“We are grateful to the quick response from law enforcement on the scene,” she said.

“As the General said on stage tonight, it’s time to lower the temperature of the political discourse in this country,” she added.

Good … about time
They will probably "find" a red hat in the guy's "prison pocket" so that lefties can continue to pretend they have a moral high ground.

Hart is a life long, and loud conservative. He was shouting that Bolduc was not conservative enough. These are just facts.
I don't think truth matters to a lot of message board MAGA. Which raises the question that if truth doesn't matter when typing on a keyboard, then are they equally untruthful with family, friends, spouses in real life?

There are people on all sides of all issues who do bad things. A good movement turns on those bad people, but the alt right is led by emotions, and worse yet emotions of hate. They will believe whatever lie supports their views. That encourages bad people to join their movement, because they know they can get away with bad things.
It is a fact that Joseph Hart is a Libertarian, who angrily shouted at Bolduc for not being conservative enough. Democrats have nothing to do with this.

The evil that is the left is still in his blood.