Republican Party working for Hillary .. Why?


The Force is With Me
The North Carolina Republican Party is rolling out a new ad against Barack Obama today that once again rehashes the Wright "controversy." Supposedly it's aimed at two democrats who are running for state office, but it's coming out just before the crucial NC primary .. a contest more important than Indiana because it's a "big state" with more delegates. The timing, if not its sole purpose, is designed to help Clinton.

McCain asked the NCRP not to run the ad .. but they gave him the finger and said no.

How does that work? Your presidential candidate and standard bearer for your party asks a state party not to run an ad, and they say no.

Additionally, as previously mentioned in another thread, the "Willie Horton" team of race-baiting admen are adding their stench to the mix (eb).

The question is why are republicans helping Clinton if Obama is easier for them to beat as they claim? Ed Rollins is making that claim right now.
The North Carolina Republican Party is rolling out a new ad against Barack Obama today that once again rehashes the Wright "controversy." Supposedly it's aimed at two democrats who are running for state office, but it's coming out just before the crucial NC primary .. a contest more important than Indiana because it's a "big state" with more delegates. The timing, if not its sole purpose, is designed to help Clinton.

McCain asked the NCRP not to run the ad .. but they gave him the finger and said no.

How does that work? Your presidential candidate and standard bearer for your party asks a state party not to run an ad, and they say no.

Additionally, as previously mentioned in another thread, the "Willie Horton" team of race-baiting admen are adding their stench to the mix (eb).

The question is why are republicans helping Clinton if Obama is easier for them to beat as they claim? Ed Rollins is making that claim right now.

I'm sure they probably think the longer the campaign goes on the more it helps the Repubican Party. So it may not be they want Hillary to win as much as they want her to do well in these primaries so she stays in the race.
they want to make the civil war go as long as possible. also they know that obama will be vp if hillary gets in so its not a waste of money.
I'm sure they probably think the longer the campaign goes on the more it helps the Repubican Party. So it may not be they want Hillary to win as much as they want her to do well in these primaries so she stays in the race.

But if Obama is the easy candidate, why would they want to give Clinton any opening?

Shouldn't Obama be getting campaign contributions from the RNC?

Obama is the greater threat, not only to the general election, but also to the status-quo.
they want to make the civil war go as long as possible. also they know that obama will be vp if hillary gets in so its not a waste of money.

Obama won't be the VP for Clinton, nor the other way around.

Wanting the civil war to continue is plausible, but I suspect they know that Clinton would be a lot easier and she would draw far fewer independents and republicans .. and democrats.

I also suspect that the Clintons are far closer to republican puppetmasters than most would believe.
But if Obama is the easy candidate, why would they want to give Clinton any opening?

Shouldn't Obama be getting campaign contributions from the RNC?

Obama is the greater threat, not only to the general election, but also to the status-quo.

I have no idea who the national campaign feels is the easier candidate. I'm just surmising they believe the longer the campaign goes on the more it helps themselves.
That is plausible, but I suspect something deeper.

It seems two fold #1) They know he's going to be the nominee - so they should start breaking him down now it will help them in the general

#2) its exactly what cawacko says, the more infighting between dems, the more untouched McCain is right now and the longer that goes on, the better off he will be in the general. Its a smart strategy.
I'm sure they probably think the longer the campaign goes on the more it helps the Repubican Party. So it may not be they want Hillary to win as much as they want her to do well in these primaries so she stays in the race.

Hey you are catching on
It seems two fold #1) They know he's going to be the nominee - so they should start breaking him down now it will help them in the general

#2) its exactly what cawacko says, the more infighting between dems, the more untouched McCain is right now and the longer that goes on, the better off he will be in the general. Its a smart strategy.

You all may be correct .. but I think they'd rather have Clinton to run against and North Carolina is her last stand .. and I think it's quite possible that the Clintons could have a hand in this.
Hey you are catching on

What do you mean 'catching on'? I'm aware of what people are saying. I'm also aware some say this long process actually helps the Democrats so I don't really have strong feelings one way or the other.
You know I was jsut thinking. Bush kept classified some of Clintons papers which were going to be released. I have been wondering why Hil just keeps staying in when she cant win? Maybe just maybe she will be in trouble too if someone like Obama takes office and ends all the fucking secracy going on these days?
What do you mean 'catching on'? I'm aware of what people are saying. I'm also aware some say this long process actually helps the Democrats so I don't really have strong feelings one way or the other.


check post number 7
You know I was jsut thinking. Bush kept classified some of Clintons papers which were going to be released. I have been wondering why Hil just keeps staying in when she cant win? Maybe just maybe she will be in trouble too if someone like Obama takes office and ends all the fucking secracy going on these days?

Bill Clinton is running around the world selling influence, and there is no telling what secrets may be uncovered in any investigation of Bush.

The Clintons dance to the same drummer that Bush does.
Because they are running against Obama. They know he'll be the nominee as much as all of us here do.
But if Obama is the easy candidate, why would they want to give Clinton any opening?

Shouldn't Obama be getting campaign contributions from the RNC?

Obama is the greater threat, not only to the general election, but also to the status-quo.

BAC is right. The internationlist fascist shitheads are happy with hillary. Barack scares them.