Republican Party working for Hillary .. Why?

You all may be correct .. but I think they'd rather have Clinton to run against and North Carolina is her last stand .. and I think it's quite possible that the Clintons could have a hand in this.

No doubt they'd rather have clinton to run against! When all the nominess had to defend themselve and be on the offensive, Obama smoked McCain and I believe he can do it again when its just the two of them. He can kick his old rickety a$$ on the war and his flip flopping on taxes alone.

Republican campaign strategists are smart and they know that a hillary nomination will motivate their base to come out and vote. They've PO'd a substantial segment of their base - anti-immigrants, people are tired of the war, economic conservatives aren't thrilled.

An Obama nomination will draw independents in addition to the fact that they will have a hard time motivating their base to even vote. A hillary nod will at least get her core haters out to vote against her plus she won't get the independents that Obama has. Obama doesn't have legions of people hating him.
No doubt they'd rather have clinton to run against! When all the nominess had to defend themselve and be on the offensive, Obama smoked McCain and I believe he can do it again when its just the two of them. He can kick his old rickety a$$ on the war and his flip flopping on taxes alone.

Republican campaign strategists are smart and they know that a hillary nomination will motivate their base to come out and vote. They've PO'd a substantial segment of their base - anti-immigrants, people are tired of the war, economic conservatives aren't thrilled.

An Obama nomination will draw independents in addition to the fact that they will have a hard time motivating their base to even vote. A hillary nod will at least get her core haters out to vote against her plus she won't get the independents that Obama has. Obama doesn't have legions of people hating him.

All true .. and Obama represents a bigger threat to the plutocracy.
Maybe they're all racists and the secrectly know that racist americans will never vote for the colored man. They must fear hillary more than Obama.

I'm suprised you didn't think of this one.

What the hel! is your problem?
Has anyone read a post from this guy that wasn’t retarded, sneering, or foul? I haven’t. However, in the interest of full disclosure; I rarely read his posts.

He seems pretty obsessed with BAC and just about every post projects a caricature of an angry black man in the form of sarcasm.

Its old, was never funny, and not based in truth. So, what the he!! is the point?

BAC could post,"Its raining today" and tinfoil comes back with "You sure w hitey isn't pis sing on your house?".

Get a new schtick tinman. This one is old, tired and makes you look like a bitter old hack.