Republican Popularity Plummeting!


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Consider the variety of overtly racist rhetoric that has plagued us since Obama's election. Haley Barbour's "right hand" speaking at a racist conference. Racist emails circulated by Republican staffers. Republicans demonstrating in Klan outfits. Republican mayors depicting the White House behind a watermelon patch. And campaign tactics which included depicting Obama's face surrounded by fried chicken and watermelon, posters and websites attempting to link Obama to bin Laden, Pakin praising a racist writer, and more.

In July, Senator George Voinovich (R-Oh) publicly complained that the GOP is "being taken over by southerners." Tim Pawlenty voiced similar fears a year ago. Senators Snowe and Collins are worrying about the GOP's increasingly narrow base. The future does not hold much hope for the GOP when the response of various demographics are taken into account.

America is becoming increasingly multi-cultural, and support for the GOP amongst minorities is at the bottom of the barrel.

ha ha

You mean the racist sons of bitches are getting what's coming to them?
Of course, it's not from the democrats - they're too afraid to fight.

But the less-white-every-day voters are angry with the party of racist bastards.

Can we hold the 2010 elections early?

just another article in a long series of articles to paint any and all opposition to the current admin in a racist slant. I say keep it up. throw more gas on the fire as you ignore those that have no concern over race.
Ken's a veteran so god bless him but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. For starters the Republican Party was pretty low in 2008 so it would be difficult to plummet much from those depths. And if as projected the Republicans actually pick up a few House seats and maybe something in the Senate that would hardly define plummeting unless the Democrats are giving new meaning to the word and are plummeting 2, 3 or 4X even further than the Republicans.
Republicans are plummeting becuase their mantras have been proven to be false.

Balanced budget.
Short war in Iraq, Iraqi oil will pay for it.
Tax cuts work.
The economy is fine just a little housing bubble.
Both parties have pretty low approval ratings right now. We'll be bringing up Bush as often as possible until after the mid-terms.
I will keep reminding the Bushites of their stupidity until I die.
There is not any expiration date on that degree of stupidity.
just another article in a long series of articles to paint any and all opposition to the current admin in a racist slant. I say keep it up. throw more gas on the fire as you ignore those that have no concern over race.
You're starting to sound like PiMP. That's a circular argument and ignores the great deal of racist rhetoric being used by southern conservatives. George Voinavich is right. The Republican party has become dominated by the perochial interest of white southern conservatives. Their base IS becoming increasingly narrow in a society that is growing more diverse daily. This is a huge problem for the Republican party and reform will be very painful.

By the way, how long have you had your drinking problem?
Ken's a veteran so god bless him but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. For starters the Republican Party was pretty low in 2008 so it would be difficult to plummet much from those depths. And if as projected the Republicans actually pick up a few House seats and maybe something in the Senate that would hardly define plummeting unless the Democrats are giving new meaning to the word and are plummeting 2, 3 or 4X even further than the Republicans.
We'll see in a year. I see no indication of reform in the Republican party. In fact I see the opposite. I see it going farther to the right, becoming more extreme, narrow and parochial. How will this help the Republican party given the demographic changes that are occurring? I see them proactively alienating almost all minority groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays and Women are voting overwhelmingly for Democrats while the Republican party is becoming more and more the party of angry white southern/rural males.
You're starting to sound like PiMP. That's a circular argument and ignores the great deal of racist rhetoric being used by southern conservatives. George Voinavich is right. The Republican party has become dominated by the perochial interest of white southern conservatives. Their base IS becoming increasingly narrow in a society that is growing more diverse daily. This is a huge problem for the Republican party and reform will be very painful.

By the way, how long have you had your drinking problem?

and you're starting to sound like Mott.....lacking comprehension, relying on insults.....
We'll see in a year. I see no indication of reform in the Republican party. In fact I see the opposite. I see it going farther to the right, becoming more extreme, narrow and parochial. How will this help the Republican party given the demographic changes that are occurring? I see them proactively alienating almost all minority groups. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Gays and Women are voting overwhelmingly for Democrats while the Republican party is becoming more and more the party of angry white southern/rural males.

I'm only saying what the polls show. Polls are a lot like high school recruits they may verbal to one school but nothing is in stone until signing day. As is often the case voters were fed up Republicans and voted the Democrats into office. Now the Democrats have power and you can sense some voters already getting fed up with them. A seemingly never ending cycle. So back to original point Republican popularity was pretty low in '06 and '08. Short of all hard core Republicans leaving the party it would be pretty hard for the party popularity to 'plummet' in '09 from its previous depths.
Ken's a veteran so god bless him but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. For starters the Republican Party was pretty low in 2008 so it would be difficult to plummet much from those depths. And if as projected the Republicans actually pick up a few House seats and maybe something in the Senate that would hardly define plummeting unless the Democrats are giving new meaning to the word and are plummeting 2, 3 or 4X even further than the Republicans.
Hey, that wasn't nice. Are you one of the sharpest? Just asking?
just another article in a long series of articles to paint any and all opposition to the current admin in a racist slant. I say keep it up. throw more gas on the fire as you ignore those that have no concern over race.

No one said everyone in the GOP is racist. Just like no one said there aren't any Democratic racists.

The problem is your party tolerates racism to a degree which is unprecendented. You refuse to run them out of your party. Which is an indication that the GOP is comfortable with enabling racism. You've got dudes like Tinfoil, Webbway, Dixie, and other goons wandering around message boards spewing racist crap, and its a rare occassion when any GOP poster calls them down on it, or tells them to get the fuck out of their party.

You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas I believe is the operative saying.