Republican Slime


I know this shouldn't amaze me after the race to the bottom of the filth barrel that we've seen from the warmongers, but somehow, it still does.

A complete and total fabrication and yet...they are still repeating it as fact. I suppose we can only hope that no Democrat tells these pukes to shove it...I'd hate to see them lose Damo's vote for showing a "lack of class".

By E&P Staff

Published: February 14, 2007 9:00 AM ET updated 9:00 PM Thursday

NEW YORK The drive by some political and military figures -- and pundits -- to paint those who oppose the war in Iraq as traitors or at least not supporting the troops has hit another low, with a Washington Times columnist trumpeting an incendiary quote from Abraham Lincoln shown to be a fabrication last year.

Frank Gaffney, Jr. opened his latest column with this: "Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." — President Abraham Lincoln.

He continues: "It is, of course, unimaginable that the penalties proposed by one of our most admired presidents for the crime of dividing America in the face of the enemy would be contemplated — let alone applied — today. Still, as the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate engage in interminable debate about resolutions whose effects can only be to 'damage morale and undermine the military' while emboldening our enemies, it is time to reflect on what constitutes inappropriate behavior in time of war."

One problem: Lincoln never said it.

Brooks Jackson at, the Annenberg Public Policy Center group, studied the sudden appearance of the quote last August. Why? He had found that his Web search "brought up more than 18,000 references to it."

He reported: "Supporters of President Bush and the war in Iraq often quote Abraham Lincoln as saying members of Congress who act to damage military morale in wartime 'are saboteurs, and should be arrested, exiled or hanged.'

"Republican candidate Diana Irey used the 'quote' recently in her campaign against Democratic Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, and it has appeared thousands of times on the Internet, in newspaper articles and letters to the editor, and in Republican speeches.

"But Lincoln never said that. The conservative author who touched off the misquotation frenzy, J. Michael Waller, concedes that the words are his, not Lincoln's. Waller says he never meant to put quote marks around them, and blames an editor [at the magazine Insight] for the mistake and the failure to correct it. We also note other serious historical errors in the Waller article containing the bogus quote."

Jackson later provided this update: "Candidate Irey retracted the quote and apologized hours after this article appeared."

Waller wrote to Jackson concerning the 2003 article: "Oddly, you are the first to question me about this. I'm surprised it has been repeated as often as you say. My editors at the time didn't think it was necessary to run a correction in the following issue of the magazine, and to my knowledge we received no public comment."

Gaffney is a regular columnist at the Washington Times.


UPDATE: As of Thursday night, The Washington Times had neither removed the quote from the Gaffney column nor run a correction.

On Thursday, Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) cited the quote on the floor of the House during the debate on the Iraq war "surge."
soooo, they ''created'' this quote and attributed it to lincoln, and used the internet then the media to spread it, so they could reuse it over and over again pretending it was a real quote?

wow! what a great marketing scam!
soooo, they ''created'' this quote and attributed it to lincoln, and used the internet then the media to spread it, so they could reuse it over and over again pretending it was a real quote?

wow! what a great marketing scam!
Glad you like it but, really, it's a minor effort. Marijuana is a gateway drug: now that one I'm proud of.
Glad you like it but, really, it's a minor effort. Marijuana is a gateway drug: now that one I'm proud of.

Did you know that all heroine abusers drank milk as toddlers? Milk is a path to hell for sure. Plus, it comes from a mammary, which makes it way too sexual a thing to serve to minors, EVER!
And if the babies had been aborted they would not have become drug addicts ?

I forsee genetic advances ripping the abortion debate wide open in the future. Ie if a test shows your fetus to be defective, ie downs syndrome or some other defect....
Not judging, just predicting.
And if the babies had been aborted they would not have become drug addicts ?

I forsee genetic advances ripping the abortion debate wide open in the future. Ie if a test shows your fetus to be defective, ie downs syndrome or some other defect....
Not judging, just predicting.

Genetic Criminal. Gene Crime.

"The state has forbidden you from reproduction, due to gene linked mental illness found in your family history.

Request Denied. your testicles will not be loaned to you.

Failure to comply with this decision will result in your deletion from the database of life."
Could be asshat, preemptive abortion ?
Possible but unlikely, I think. Not in our culture. Maybe in China or Indonesia but even then I'd bet against it.

Now, I do think we'll get to the point where you'd need some sort of "parenting license" before having kids. Mostly to regulate the number of kids.
Yep, and I think marriage liscences should have to be renewed every five years.
think of all the revenue from renewal fees... :rolleyes:
Milk is a path to hell for sure. Plus, it comes from a mammary, which makes it way too sexual a thing to serve to minors...

I think marriage liscences should have to be renewed every five years.

where you'd need some sort of "parenting license" before having kids

The state has forbidden you from reproduction, due to gene linked mental illness found in your family history.

Request Denied. your testicles will not be loaned to you.

You know... I have changed my mind about you pinheads, I don't want any of you to ever convert to Christianity! My God, can you imagine what sort of messed up world we'd be living in, if you people ran the moral show? You'd make Jerry Falwell look like Howard Stern!

What a bunch of bigoted, uptight, intolerants!
Milk is a path to hell for sure. Plus, it comes from a mammary, which makes it way too sexual a thing to serve to minors...

I think marriage liscences should have to be renewed every five years.

where you'd need some sort of "parenting license" before having kids

The state has forbidden you from reproduction, due to gene linked mental illness found in your family history.

Request Denied. your testicles will not be loaned to you.

You know... I have changed my mind about you pinheads, I don't want any of you to ever convert to Christianity! My God, can you imagine what sort of messed up world we'd be living in, if you people ran the moral show? You'd make Jerry Falwell look like Howard Stern!

What a bunch of bigoted, uptight, intolerants!

Dixie's "christian values":

DIXIE (fullpolitics): "I am going to tell you something Liberals, and you need to take heed... this country is getting sick and tired of this shit, and we are not going to just keep taking it. If you want to push it to the very end, you will find yourself looking down the barrel of an AK-47 one day, because Americans will eventually take this matter into their own hands. When you have pushed it to that point, there will be no turning back, you won't be able to go on TV with a non-apologetic statement and make it all go away anymore. It will be far too late for you to "get along" with us, we will have had our fill of your shit, and you will be defeated just like we defeated alQaeda and the Taliban! Don't read this as a threat, read it as the reality of what is going to happen if you don't stop assisting the enemy and trying to destroy America in your zeal to shame Bush! We had an election, and WE SPOKE! You BETTER LISTEN!"
there is a lot of truth to the phrase that pot is a gateway drug. now, if it were legal, that probably would not be the case since you wouldn't be buying the pot from the same guy who sells coke and meth.
Milk is a path to hell for sure. Plus, it comes from a mammary, which makes it way too sexual a thing to serve to minors...

I think marriage liscences should have to be renewed every five years.

where you'd need some sort of "parenting license" before having kids

The state has forbidden you from reproduction, due to gene linked mental illness found in your family history.

Request Denied. your testicles will not be loaned to you.

You know... I have changed my mind about you pinheads, I don't want any of you to ever convert to Christianity! My God, can you imagine what sort of messed up world we'd be living in, if you people ran the moral show? You'd make Jerry Falwell look like Howard Stern!

What a bunch of bigoted, uptight, intolerants!

You're such an ingrown pube. You're unwilling to fight human slavery, but you are willing to fight for an ill-conceived Jewish Nationalism. Good one.

Miami Indians are taking over an area of rural ohio with m-16's. For it or against it?
Last edited:
Carter is writing a new book. It's called "Anti-semitic like me".

anti-semites are the new black people.

"One of my good friends is an anti-semite.... "

Yeah, yeah. Save it pal. it's offensive.
You're such an ingrown pube. You're unwilling to fight human slavery, but you are willing to fight for an ill-conceived Jewish Nationalism. Good one.

LMAO... No, I am willing to barter friendly diplomatic and trade relations with China, in hopes of someday effecting a political change for the people there. You support an isolationist ignroance of the problem, and are just fine with the people there remaining enslaved another hundred years. You continue to envoke the Jews into this discussion for some reason, I am starting to think it's because you are anti-Semitic, and hate Jews, because they really have nothing to do with American trade with China, or the human rights issues in China.

None of this has anything to do with this thread, you are just venting because I have owned you in the other thread. I understand, it's sad, but I fully understand. Carry on!:foil:
You're such an ingrown pube. You're unwilling to fight human slavery, but you are willing to fight for an ill-conceived Jewish Nationalism. Good one.

LMAO... No, I am willing to barter friendly diplomatic and trade relations with China, in hopes of someday effecting a political change for the people there. You support an isolationist ignroance of the problem, and are just fine with the people there remaining enslaved another hundred years. You continue to envoke the Jews into this discussion for some reason, I am starting to think it's because you are anti-Semitic, and hate Jews, because they really have nothing to do with American trade with China, or the human rights issues in China.

None of this has anything to do with this thread, you are just venting because I have owned you in the other thread. I understand, it's sad, but I fully understand. Carry on!:foil:

You can gloss over reality with your state department ese, that doesn't change the fact that your "scheme" to subvert chinese hegemony by making them rich is not working, nor is there even any rational reason it should work.

I invoke jews because you're a jew brainwashed self hating white boy.

I am your owner.
You can gloss over reality with your state department ese

Whuuu? State Department ese? Gloss over reality? I'm sorry, but you are the one who is split from reality here, not me.

that doesn't change the fact that your "scheme" to subvert chinese hegemony by making them rich is not working, nor is there even any rational reason it should work.

Well, I don't have a scheme, just a concept... the idea that trading and being diplomatic offers a better chance for change, than isolationism and ignorance. It's a lot more rational to believe that, than to believe ignorance and isolation without any motivating factor, will ever work. Plus, we tried it your way for the better part of a century and the conditions only worsened for the people of China, so let's try my way for a century, and see if we get the same result? Your problem is impatience, you want the Chinese to wake up this morning and suddenly become Western capitalists, and denounce their ancient ways, and regardless of who's idea we follow, that simply isn't going to happen. It's also inherently unreasonable to expect something to happen that is inherently impossible.

I invoke jews because you're a jew brainwashed self hating white boy.

Wow, when did the Jews brainwash me? I wasn't even aware of it! Anyway, I know the last part is inaccurate, I actually love myself! Ask anyone here! Plus, I'll let you in on a little secret, but you mustn't let the rednecks find out... I'm not 100% white!

I am your owner.

You wish! In your dreams maybe! Hell, I bet that's not even the case, you probably dream about wishing you could own me, as I parade you around on your jackass leash.

Let's be clear, to "own" someone on a message board, you must first refudiate their points with substance, and you have not done that. On the other hand, that is precisely what I have done with your points, and it's why you felt compelled to run off to another thread and pout about it. Now... come along my pet ass, you have a pinhead birthday party to perform at!
You can gloss over reality with your state department ese

Whuuu? State Department ese? Gloss over reality? I'm sorry, but you are the one who is split from reality here, not me.

that doesn't change the fact that your "scheme" to subvert chinese hegemony by making them rich is not working, nor is there even any rational reason it should work.

Well, I don't have a scheme, just a concept... the idea that trading and being diplomatic offers a better chance for change, than isolationism and ignorance. It's a lot more rational to believe that, than to believe ignorance and isolation without any motivating factor, will ever work. Plus, we tried it your way for the better part of a century and the conditions only worsened for the people of China, so let's try my way for a century, and see if we get the same result? Your problem is impatience, you want the Chinese to wake up this morning and suddenly become Western capitalists, and denounce their ancient ways, and regardless of who's idea we follow, that simply isn't going to happen. It's also inherently unreasonable to expect something to happen that is inherently impossible.

I invoke jews because you're a jew brainwashed self hating white boy.

Wow, when did the Jews brainwash me? I wasn't even aware of it! Anyway, I know the last part is inaccurate, I actually love myself! Ask anyone here! Plus, I'll let you in on a little secret, but you mustn't let the rednecks find out... I'm not 100% white!

I am your owner.

You wish! In your dreams maybe! Hell, I bet that's not even the case, you probably dream about wishing you could own me, as I parade you around on your jackass leash.

Let's be clear, to "own" someone on a message board, you must first refudiate their points with substance, and you have not done that. On the other hand, that is precisely what I have done with your points, and it's why you felt compelled to run off to another thread and pout about it. Now... come along my pet ass, you have a pinhead birthday party to perform at!

I have repudiated you. You use these economic arguments to justify things which are stupid from a security, morality, sovereignty point of view. You're not seeing things in a balanced manner. I fail to see how your way will work, even from a theoretical standpoint. You are rewarding their activities as sweatshop slavedrivers.

Wanting to not buy slave goods is NOT isolationism. you're resorting to overhyped rhetoric to create a straw man argument.