Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I have a bit more time to be on this site this week because we made an impromptu trip to the in-laws in Kentucky. My MIL is still having afib trouble and is depressed so we wanted to come out here and cheer her up a bit.

I have to report to school next Wednesday for the fabulous necessary evil that is inservice. This will be year number 36 of teaching but it will be year 5 of being retired and working part time. This summer has flown by. The two week trip didn’t help. To tell how bad it is I haven’t been fishing one time this summer. I ought to be horsewhipped for neglecting my mental health like that. :)

This summer has been cooler and wetter than normal. As a result my garden has been really showing off. I have had all the tomatoes and squash that I need and I have given away more than 90 lbs of tomatoes and more than 30 lbs of squash. My okra is starting to really turn on as it is a hot weather vegetable. I’m getting about 3-4 pounds every other day off of the two rows that I have planted. I also planted two rows of okra and a small melon patch (cantaloupe and watermelon) at my dad’s place. If they make we’ll have plenty of okra and melons. I can’t believe the price of watermelons this summer…some larger ones are $20 apiece. This one that dad raised a couple of years ago would fetch a retirement level price this year.

This is a view off my neighbor’s back porch from last weekend. Like I said it’s been a nice summer … even for the bears.

We plan to be here in Kentucky through the weekend and head home Monday. We’re giving that Tahoe a workout right off the bat. We picked it up last Monday, drove the 640 miles here this Tuesday. It’s a good way to test out the “new” vehicle I guess. So far we really like it.
Addendum: I spent the evening shooting with a new acquaintance from New York. He and his wife (she’s from Iowa) are fairly new neighbors to the west of my in-laws. He had a shooting burn and a room full of guns The one’s I shot were s-w-e-e-t. All of them were pistols. He was impressed with my marksmanship and I was impressed with his handguns. I told him that if he grew up only being able to afford to shoot the junk that I grew up shooting he’d understand why I found it so easy to score so well with his pistols. The shooting was an unexpected but fun evening. I will start bringing more guns and ammo every time we come to see my wife’s folks now.
School has officially started. We actually had to report yesterday but today is our open house. Parents are bringing their kiddos to meet the teachers and learn where their classes will be as many are transitioning from a self-contained classroom to having to move about from class to class. People who could see our little campus would likely laugh but it is a big transition for some of these kids. I'm excited for them.

We have gone through much of our PD yesterday and this morning. Blood Borne Pathogens, Child Abuse and Neglect, FERPA, etc. I have been through them so much (this is year 36) I could probably teach them myself. But as I was doing my continuing ed on CPR training I looked around at the young teachers, many of whom had never touched a defibrilator, and I was happy to be there. This is training that has been added during my years of teaching that we did not have to do when I started. I have come to think that it is necessary, especially for where we live. Fortunately I had the CPR training as a member of the volunteer fire department so when a kid quit breathing and collapsed from an allergic reaction to a girl's perfume (for conservatives, see, it happens ... and has been happening even before the COVID vaccine) during my 4th year of teaching, his PE teacher and I were able to do CPR and stabilize him until the paramedics arrived 45 minutes later. Sadly, years later he died in an car accident but I taught all three of his children as well, the last on graduating 3 years ago.

I had a mom of a 7th grade girl just come in. Mom was a student of mine several years ago. She was telling her daughter about getting caught in my Algebra II class with a dip of snuff. I know it's gross but that's the way of things. I had forgotten about it until she mentioned it today. She had the dip and I could tell she had it, but continued teaching until I finished going over the lesson. There were a few minutes left in class for them to work on their assignment so I just sat right in front of her and watched her. She couldn't spit without me seeing her, obviously, her bottle hid under her desk. After about 3 or 4 minutes she asked to go to the bathroom...and puked. LOL I'm glad that worked because some of these gals are tough and don't need to spit. She had to give me a hug before leaving my classroom today.

I'll be here until 4 pm today so I'm listening to sports talk radio and perusing the web. Got to go to town after we get out of here. I guess I'll have to spring for supper for me and the wife somewhere this evening.
School has officially started. We actually had to report yesterday but today is our open house. Parents are bringing their kiddos to meet the teachers and learn where their classes will be as many are transitioning from a self-contained classroom to having to move about from class to class. People who could see our little campus would likely laugh but it is a big transition for some of these kids. I'm excited for them.

We have gone through much of our PD yesterday and this morning. Blood Borne Pathogens, Child Abuse and Neglect, FERPA, etc. I have been through them so much (this is year 36) I could probably teach them myself. But as I was doing my continuing ed on CPR training I looked around at the young teachers, many of whom had never touched a defibrilator, and I was happy to be there. This is training that has been added during my years of teaching that we did not have to do when I started. I have come to think that it is necessary, especially for where we live. Fortunately I had the CPR training as a member of the volunteer fire department so when a kid quit breathing and collapsed from an allergic reaction to a girl's perfume (for conservatives, see, it happens ... and has been happening even before the COVID vaccine) during my 4th year of teaching, his PE teacher and I were able to do CPR and stabilize him until the paramedics arrived 45 minutes later. Sadly, years later he died in an car accident but I taught all three of his children as well, the last on graduating 3 years ago.

I had a mom of a 7th grade girl just come in. Mom was a student of mine several years ago. She was telling her daughter about getting caught in my Algebra II class with a dip of snuff. I know it's gross but that's the way of things. I had forgotten about it until she mentioned it today. She had the dip and I could tell she had it, but continued teaching until I finished going over the lesson. There were a few minutes left in class for them to work on their assignment so I just sat right in front of her and watched her. She couldn't spit without me seeing her, obviously, her bottle hid under her desk. After about 3 or 4 minutes she asked to go to the bathroom...and puked. LOL I'm glad that worked because some of these gals are tough and don't need to spit. She had to give me a hug before leaving my classroom today.

I'll be here until 4 pm today so I'm listening to sports talk radio and perusing the web. Got to go to town after we get out of here. I guess I'll have to spring for supper for me and the wife somewhere this evening.

A few things that I don't understand, beginning with why school starts in early August instead of early September?
I guess western kids don't get much of a summer holiday.
I had some of the best fun of my youth in August.

Also, we don't see much snuff around these parts, but when I had a team of eight and nine year olds, we had bubble gum that came in a pouch and was extruded like spaghetti. I think it was called Big League Chew. I taught my little ones to mix Tootsie Rolls with it so that they could spit brown, just like the players on TV back then.

The mothers weren't completely impressed with that, but any idiots who would put somebody like me in a position to care for eight and nine year olds
more than deserves what they get. I also showed them how to scratch their balls as well, with or without a cup.
Very few of them could hit, fewer could field, but other than that,
they looked major league.

I'm exhausted. I've been going all day. First I had to go to the podiatrist for a pedi.
Lots of Traffic.
Then I had to gas up the Jeep and buy my Lottery Tickets.

Then I bought some beer, some Chianti, some Coke, some lemonade, some cut fruit, some desert and some Sambuca for the coffee.
I still have to order the pizza.

I'm having an old friend and his new wife over tonight--they live in some backwater state not on an ocean so their being in town was a big surprise.

Should be better than the old days since the first wife and I loathed one another, God rest her precious soul.

Also, they're bringing their pup to meet the Avatar, so let's hope for the best there.
A few things that I don't understand, beginning with why school starts in early August instead of early September?
I guess western kids don't get much of a summer holiday.
I had some of the best fun of my youth in August.

We've always started somewhat early here. I understand that it stems from schools taking time off in late September so the boys could help with the harvest. I wasn't around for that so I really do not know. I know that school used to start in the middle of August and we were always out by squirrel season (May 15). Now we start more towards the beginning of the month because...Republicans.

Republicans in our state have tried to starve school districts, especially small ones like the one I've worked at all my life. About 6 years ago they were making it really hard on those small districts. Superintendents found that they could save the school district in the neighborhood of $150,000 a year by going to a 4 day week. In order to do that we had to work longer days Monday through Friday. We were on an hourly schedule of the school year so that worked. Then the Republicans decided they'd try to make that more difficult on the small districts but wouldn't pass an outright ban on a four day week. Superintendents found they could still do a four day week for most of the year but they'd have to start somewhat earlier in order to still get out in mid-May. So here we are.

Also, we don't see much snuff around these parts, but when I had a team of eight and nine year olds, we had bubble gum that came in a pouch and was extruded like spaghetti. I think it was called Big League Chew. I taught my little ones to mix Tootsie Rolls with it so that they could spit brown, just like the players on TV back then.

The mothers weren't completely impressed with that, but any idiots who would put somebody like me in a position to care for eight and nine year olds
more than deserves what they get. I also showed them how to scratch their balls as well, with or without a cup.
Very few of them could hit, fewer could field, but other than that,
they looked major league.

Copehagen and Skoal have been staples in mom's shopping carts (albeit usually just for dad) for a long time here. At over $6 a can I am glad I never developed the habit.

I'm exhausted. I've been going all day. First I had to go to the podiatrist for a pedi.
Lots of Traffic.
Then I had to gas up the Jeep and buy my Lottery Tickets.

Then I bought some beer, some Chianti, some Coke, some lemonade, some cut fruit, some desert and some Sambuca for the coffee.
I still have to order the pizza.

I'm having an old friend and his new wife over tonight--they live in some backwater state not on an ocean so their being in town was a big surprise.

Should be better than the old days since the first wife and I loathed one another, God rest her precious soul.

Also, they're bringing their pup to meet the Avatar, so let's hope for the best there.

Awesome. I'm supposed to meet an old friend at the golf course at 3 so I gotta split. We got 5 inches of rain last night so there won't be any extra roll on those drives today.
School is in full swing here and it is HOT! No hotter than normal but hot just the same. I remember when I was kid my mom dragging me to the Choctaw Festival on Labor Day. I hated having to go because of how hot it always was. As soon as she let me stop...I stopped. The day before yesterday some creative elementary teacher fastened crayons to poster board and set it out in the sun. Of course the crayons melted and ran down the poster board, giveing her an opportunity to ask why the darker colors ran the earliest and the fartherest. Great stuff.

The son called about 2 o'clock yesterday and told me his pickup had broken down. The oil pressure guage was bouncing back and forth and when it showed low, of course the alarm went off. So the wife and I drove my old hunting truck to Norman and I determined that we could limp his the three hour drive back home to have our mechanic look at it. We think it is the oil sending unit. I take it in tomorrow morning and he thinks he'll have it done by tomorrow evening. But my boy can just drive my old truck until we have a convenient time to make the run back up there. He'll likely get a lot of comments about the Whitetail Hunter license plate. At least I took the dog box out of the back before I took the truck to him.
Pats got drubbed by the Cowboys yesterday, but the Red Sox finished their horrific season with a win over the Orioles.

I didn't watch either game.

I watched Downton Abbey reruns on Prime.

Maggie Smith performs at a much higher level than Mac Jones.
Pats vs. whatever the hell they're calling the Redskins these days right about now at one.

That's a three hour recliner nap for sure [unless it's momentarily disturbed by having to pee].

This year's edition of the Patriots is better than secanol if you can't sleep.
I guess that I'm not the only one who's forgotten about this thread.

It's been dark since November.

I wish that I had something interesting to post on it, but tonight, I've got nothing.

May as well sign off tonight with a favorite song.

When I was a young man courting the girls
I played me a waiting game
If a maid refused me with tossing curls
I'd let the old Earth take a couple of whirls
While I plied her with tears in lieu of pearls
And as time came around she came my way
As time came around, she came

Oh, it's a long, long while from May to December
But the days grow short
When you reach September
When the Autumn weather turns the leaves to flame
One hasn't got time for the waiting game

Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November
And these few precious days
I'll spend with you
These precious days
I'll spend with you