Republican vision for America:

You sure do hate gay people... But are completely wrong about those two

Rachel Levine is not in charge of Veterans Affairs. She is an assistant secretary of health. She is a medical doctor, who was a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry health. She has a 25 year history in public health.

Pete Buttigieg is an actual veteran, but is also not in Veterans Affairs. He is the Secretary of Transportation.

So again, why would trump think he should not consult with veterans over veterans affairs. he did not even want to consult with people who have a background in health and social services.
Why would Trump consult with a trans freak and a perverted deviant, Walter?

Why don’t you know that Trump is a proper noun and requires the upper case?

Poor Walter.
I am sure trump will get rid of all the people who are not christian, white, and straight.
It's their wet dream.
You sure do hate gay people... But are completely wrong about those two

Rachel Levine is not in charge of Veterans Affairs. She is an assistant secretary of health. She is a medical doctor, who was a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry health. She has a 25 year history in public health.

Pete Buttigieg is an actual veteran, but is also not in Veterans Affairs. He is the Secretary of Transportation.

So again, why would trump think he should not consult with veterans over veterans affairs. he did not even want to consult with people who have a background in health and social services.

Wally, Who said I was in favor of having either of those mentioned as candidates for heading up veterans affairs? Hell, I don't think they are capable of tying their shoes. I am not surprised at your total lack of history of dealing with vets with respect to Gary Sinsise. He has had a passion for and collected millions of dollars to help vets in need.

Levine is a Levine is a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry, four star admiral that never served in the military. I don't have any idea whether he/she/insert alphabet is gay or not. Given the degree in psychiatry, I would say. physician, heal thyself.

Pothole pete, that little chestfeeder that took weeks off rather than tend to the country's transportation issues, devotes his life to EV's and having a Chevy Suburban drive his bicycle to a location a couple of blocks from his office just to make people think he rides a bike to work. The $9 BILLION allocated for charging stations has netted the US taxpayers less than a dozen.

I don't hate gays, I hate incompetence. Mayor pothole pete is high on the list.

I still love sammy brinton the luggage thief brandon left in office long after he was caught twice. He.she/insert alphabet is the poster child of the brandon administration.
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Does my not respecting trump make you want to cry?

Not in the least. But it sure is funny watching you leftist asshats get so triggered by Trump. :laugh:

I have some bad news for you, very few people in the world respect trump. he is a joke.

You don't speak for the world. The massive crowds that show up at Trumps campaign speeches suggest that you are delusional and stupid.

The joke is actually you and the whiny triggered leftist loons you represent.
You sure do hate gay people... But are completely wrong about those two

More dumb lies.

Rachel Levine is not in charge of Veterans Affairs. She is an assistant secretary of health. She is a medical doctor, who was a professor of pediatrics and psychiatry health. She has a 25 year history in public health.

Rachel Levine is a man with a severe mental disorder and gender confusion. She should be kept under observation and helped to understand that one cannot change who they are no matter how ridiculously they dress.

Pete Buttigieg is an actual veteran, but is also not in Veterans Affairs. He is the Secretary of Transportation.

He is an incompetent boob and actual moron who doesn't have the slightest clue of what he is doing as evidenced by the mess his administration is in.

So again, why would trump think he should not consult with veterans over veterans affairs. he did not even want to consult with people who have a background in health and social services.

Why do you continue to lie your dumb ass off? Because you're a moron?