Republican's Assault on Clean Water and Democracy

What about the new light bulbs we have to use?

The ones with mercury in them.

They're ending up in landfills all across the nation.

I don't see the dems, or reps reversing this dumb mandate.

Why don't the dems actually propose legislation to stop this.

Could it be because GE get's more representation than the people?


I guess you're alright with any small amount of mercury.

We don't have to put these light bulbs in the ground, but I guess you're ok with it.

I guess this is what you're saying.

What's the chart suppose to do for me?

Does it say massive amounts (in time) of mercury in the ground is a good thing?

Does it say that my water is going to taste better, and it's good for me and my family?

I guess you're alright with any small amount of mercury.

We don't have to put these light bulbs in the ground, but I guess you're ok with it.

I guess this is what you're saying.

What's the chart suppose to do for me?

Does it say massive amounts (in time) of mercury in the ground is a good thing?

Does it say that my water is going to taste better, and it's good for me and my family?


Yes, confused is the proper icon for you. Are you an adult?
Yes, confused is the proper icon for you. Are you an adult?

I'm sure I'm twice your age.

And here you go again, avoiding my question.

You worship the democrat faction, and will always get down on your knees for them.
I'm sure I'm twice your age.

And here you go again, avoiding my question.

You worship the democrat faction, and will always get down on your knees for them.

Then maybe you are senile, because the chart is easy to understand. Mercury from a CFL is contained in the lamp and can be recycled. Technology has created CFL's containing as little as 1 mg. of mercury, as opposed to 3-5 mg.

Mercury emissions from power plants is cast into the atmosphere and contaminates water, land and ends up being ingested by living creatures, including humans.
Dude, I went to grad school for environmental engineering.

And you can't answer the question? I even gave you the answer...

The 28 major environmental laws are crafted to return 'personal responsibility' and free market capitalism to the environment, make polluters responsible for their waste and internalize their costs, instead of internalizing their profits and externalizing their costs on US.
"Emote"? First of all, I never said I had a degree in EnvE. But more importantly I have real work experience working with environmental issues. The CO2 shit is an over-reach by the EPA, just like the wetlands issue was an over-reach by the Corps of Engineers.

There is a reason why we have a Legislative process and separation of powers. It prevents abuse. These agencies have bypassed the legislative process. Of course that doesn't bother liberals.
"Emote"? First of all, I never said I had a degree in EnvE. But more importantly I have real work experience working with environmental issues. The CO2 shit is an over-reach by the EPA, just like the wetlands issue was an over-reach by the Corps of Engineers.

There is a reason why we have a Legislative process and separation of powers. It prevents abuse. These agencies have bypassed the legislative process. Of course that doesn't bother liberals.

Name ONE industry that emits only CO2?

13,000 Americans die prematurely every year from coal burning power plant emissions. Thousands of children are born with lower IQ's because of mercury and heavy metals in their mother's embryonic fluids. Often the coal plant is in another state, so state and local 'legislation' is ineffective. Coal burned in the Ohio valley created dead lakes in New York.

Effects of Toxic Metals on Learning Ability and Behavior

So the EPA isn't doing enough, not too much. Unless money is more important than human beings, and our children's health.
Then maybe you are senile, because the chart is easy to understand. Mercury from a CFL is contained in the lamp and can be recycled. Technology has created CFL's containing as little as 1 mg. of mercury, as opposed to 3-5 mg.

Mercury emissions from power plants is cast into the atmosphere and contaminates water, land and ends up being ingested by living creatures, including humans.

I just don't understand why we have to be mandated to buy a light bulb that contains mercury just to have them end up in our landfills.

I don't care how small of an amount each have in them.

All this because GE bought off politicians, and for all I know they have a monopoly in these bulbs. Not to mention that these jobs are going to China, or Asia.

Why aren't you unhappy with all this?
What about the new light bulbs we have to use?

The ones with mercury in them.

They're ending up in landfills all across the nation.

I don't see the dems, or reps reversing this dumb mandate.

Why don't the dems actually propose legislation to stop this.

Could it be because GE get's more representation than the people?

That's because you don't understand the issue. First the amount of mercury in the fluorescent bulbs is very low (in the parts per million range), secondly they use substantially less energy (read coal consumption to produce the electricity) then incandescent lamps. The greater amount of energy used by incandescent lamps means a greater amount of mercury emitted into the environment via the increased combustion of coal. So the use of fluorescent lamps means less fossil fuels consumed (conservation), less greenhouse gases emitted, lower acid gas emissions (NOX and SOX), lower particulates emissions and lower heavy metals emissions (arsenic and mercury). Obviously trading off one source of pollution for another, in this case mercury going into a subtitle D landfill as opposed to being emitted into the air, is not ideal but a simple mass balance calculation shows that their is a tremendous strategic advantage in using fluorescent lamps vs incandescent lamps.