Republicans boo McCain in Minnesota

what and insult his base?

its about all he has left now.

it would still be the right thing to do

a lot of what mcsame says and has done are good things, even if i do not agree with enough of his policies to vote for him - i chalk his doing this as mark for him
John McFrankinstein cannot control the monster his party has created. Some leader there.

i do not think that he created the party, he chose it as a means to an end that i do not agree with

i rather wish that he had won in 2000, but rove sank him
YOu could also remember it. The CROWD boo'd him. This was a group of people from Minnesota that all came to a meeting and NO ONE but McCain tried to shut this stupid old bitch up who was calling Obama an AyRab and people boo'd when McCain said he was a good guy with whom he has differences. This was not a whole group of people all pulled from the same fucking trailer park in Minn. They were a broad spectrum of Republicans.

Im not a republican, but you ARE an idiot.
Im not a republican, but you ARE an idiot.

why, just curious - the idiot part that is

it would be interesting to sample reps to see just what percentage agree with the woman - i agree with mc's response and think the same of him - now palin and rove...
why, just curious - the idiot part that is

it would be interesting to sample reps to see just what percentage agree with the woman - i agree with mc's response and think the same of him - now palin and rove...

Why is he an idiot? Dropped on his head as a youth, perhaps he was.

This false outrage on a couple of supporters has the libtards all in a whirl. Guess you twits all live in caves and have never seen any of the vile things your own party has said about the candidates or the current president. But lets not bring those things up, because they were not talking about your one true messiah.

This false outrage on a couple of supporters has the libtards all in a whirl. Guess you twits all live in caves and have never seen any of the vile things your own party has said about the candidates or the current president. But lets not bring those things up, because they were not talking about your one true messiah.

there is enough blame to go around

but do not say my party - i am an independent

as for bush, he deserves every last one - he is watching his legacy be flushed down the toliet

so send in the clowns
The sad part is no matter the evidence that Bush has abused his power and got our troops killed for a lie the like of this guy wont ever recognize it.

There is a good reason people have said bad things about Bush and team.

They falsely attack Obama because deep inside they dont want a man of color leading the country.
The sad part is no matter the evidence that Bush has abused his power and got our troops killed for a lie the like of this guy wont ever recognize it.

There is a good reason people have said bad things about Bush and team.

They falsely attack Obama because deep inside they dont want a man of color leading the country.

consider this, both sides have patriots

both sides think that their way is the correct way

both sides are rather short on thinking that the other side may have a point

and people on both sides have a tendency to demonize their opponents
Both sides have their fair share of crazies.

The Republican crazies have more guns.

Be scared Obama.

BTW- Sarah fucking Palin is an absolute monstrosity - will people actually vote for her? I saw some interviews with supporters talking about how they would vote for her because she was 'beautiful'. Is this really why people vote for politicians? Naked self interest is a more worthwhile reason than 'she's beautiful'.

Beauty being in the eye of the beholder comes to mind.
Back on the origional topic. I saw the clip of McCain getting booed. That will teach him to show up without Palin :D
Just heard Anna Marie Cox who is the Editor of Radar Washington and was there when McCain chastised the crowd about being respectful. She said that for the first time in a long time she saw the same McCain she saw back in 2007 when he would fire back at the crazies who talked about the secret NAFTA highway and the open borders and the evil wetbacks when he would remind them that we are all god's children. She said that it was good to have that McCain back.

There have been somewhat similar situations when someone in the crowd or on stage would say something off the chain about McCain and Obama would remind the crowd that McCain is a good and decent man. You didn't get booing from the crowd when he defended McCain .. in fact, sometimes you got applause.

Unfortunately, McCain isn't back, nor can he be. The maverick McCain is not what his base wants to see. They want him to attack Obama with everything he's got. They want him to shout "William Ayers, William Ayers, WILLIAM AYERS" at the top of his lungs.

Simply put, that's who the republicans are. There is no democratic equivelent of Karl Rove. Republicans like the kind of bullshit he produces .. but an ever-growing majority of Americans do not.

Irrespective of judging the whole from a subset .. which is what polls do .. there is a certain characteristic about republicans that doom them .. and again, they will pay the price this coming November in a democratic psunami of the White House and Congress.

That characteristic is their inability to adapt to change or even the dynamic nature of life. They are stuck hundreds of years in the past when white males dominated everything. They are stuck in a belief that they can simply force their will on the world .. because they are "entitled" to do so. They believe you go forward by looking backwards.

With their feet planted firmly in the past, the future will overwhelm them.