Republicans charging a fee to attend town hall meeting


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let's hear it for Righties!

Always thinking outside the box to discover new and different ways to alienate the common man!

Since they can't count on TEA Party nutbars to disrupt their town hall meetings, Republicans have found another way to avoid hearing a dissenting voice...

From HuffPo:

Republicans sought to lower the temperature by holding virtual town halls or only appearing at forums where attendees had to pay to attend. Rep. Chip Cravaack (Minn.) spoke at an event this week for which a business trade group set an admission price of $10. Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) went to an event hosted by a local Rotary Club that cost attendees $15. Reps. Lou Barletta (Penn.) appeared at a $30-per-plate "CEO-to-CEO" event last week, and Rep. Renee Ellmers (N.C.) appeared at an event that cost $13. The event Rep. Ben Quayle (Ariz.) showed up to cost $35 a head for a Q&A session and catered lunch.
my my....the same lie, different board

prove the reps charged. the article is clear the PRIVATE orgs that put on the events charged.

zappa caught in yet another, DAYS OLD lie. why is it you gave no link? where did you get this?
What no mention of Obama and his $35,000 per person fee???

President Obama tried his hand at being schmoozer-in-chief in New York on Thursday, attending a fundraiser in his honor at the home of studio exec Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein and wife, Georgina Chapman, welcomed celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow and hubby Chris Martin, Vogue Editor Anna Wintour, Alicia Keys, Jimmy Fallon, Pharrell Williams and cosmetics heiress Aerin Lauder.
The fete cost $35,800 per guest, with 50 guests reportedly seated at a total of 10 tables. The West Village townhouse was heavy on glamour, with some humor sprinkled between courses. "This is a pretty good-looking crowd," Obama said, knowing exactly which string to pull in a room full of entertainers.

Time to send in the ........

Webby is jealous. How many Teabagger entertainers are there?
What no mention of Obama and his $35,000 per person fee???

President Obama tried his hand at being schmoozer-in-chief in New York on Thursday, attending a fundraiser in his honor at the home of studio exec Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein and wife, Georgina Chapman, welcomed celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow and hubby Chris Martin, Vogue Editor Anna Wintour, Alicia Keys, Jimmy Fallon, Pharrell Williams and cosmetics heiress Aerin Lauder.
The fete cost $35,800 per guest, with 50 guests reportedly seated at a total of 10 tables. The West Village townhouse was heavy on glamour, with some humor sprinkled between courses. "This is a pretty good-looking crowd," Obama said, knowing exactly which string to pull in a room full of entertainers.

Time to send in the ........


And? What's the problem? The Repubs do it. Romney gets a million dollars per his PAC, and he even admits to it. Where is your outrage there? You just have such a "hard on" for Barack, you can't see straight.
And? What's the problem? The Repubs do it. Romney gets a million dollars per his PAC, and he even admits to it. Where is your outrage there? You just have such a "hard on" for Barack, you can't see straight.

Obama's approval numbers are dropping, especially on his handling of the economy. This is going to be a no brainer election.
Obama's approval numbers are dropping, especially on his handling of the economy. This is going to be a no brainer election.

You're right. Even an unpopular incumbent should have no trouble against Perry/Bachmann, Teatard.
And? What's the problem? The Repubs do it. Romney gets a million dollars per his PAC, and he even admits to it. Where is your outrage there? You just have such a "hard on" for Barack, you can't see straight.
Nice rant homo, but its more likely YOU that has the hard on for Barack, don't ya think ?
Let's review:

  • Republicans fear dissent so much that they decided to charge people to attend their meetings.

  • Yurtroll, Webby, and Blabo have nothing pertinent to add.
What no mention of Obama and his $35,000 per person fee???

President Obama tried his hand at being schmoozer-in-chief in New York on Thursday, attending a fundraiser in his honor at the home of studio exec Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein and wife, Georgina Chapman, welcomed celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow and hubby Chris Martin, Vogue Editor Anna Wintour, Alicia Keys, Jimmy Fallon, Pharrell Williams and cosmetics heiress Aerin Lauder.
The fete cost $35,800 per guest, with 50 guests reportedly seated at a total of 10 tables. The West Village townhouse was heavy on glamour, with some humor sprinkled between courses. "This is a pretty good-looking crowd," Obama said, knowing exactly which string to pull in a room full of entertainers.

Time to send in the ........


Do you think they served tater tots?
let's hear it for Righties!

Always thinking outside the box to discover new and different ways to alienate the common man!

Since they can't count on TEA Party nutbars to disrupt their town hall meetings, Republicans have found another way to avoid hearing a dissenting voice...

From HuffPo:

Republicans sought to lower the temperature by holding virtual town halls or only appearing at forums where attendees had to pay to attend. Rep. Chip Cravaack (Minn.) spoke at an event this week for which a business trade group set an admission price of $10. Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) went to an event hosted by a local Rotary Club that cost attendees $15. Reps. Lou Barletta (Penn.) appeared at a $30-per-plate "CEO-to-CEO" event last week, and Rep. Renee Ellmers (N.C.) appeared at an event that cost $13. The event Rep. Ben Quayle (Ariz.) showed up to cost $35 a head for a Q&A session and catered lunch.

The repubs know how to party! They serve tater tots wih bacon bits. That's how we roll!
Isn't that cute?

Yurtroll is posting deflections with his suck puppet account.