Republicans learn lessons why doesn't LIEberman??


Junior Member
Wallace had previously indicated he would stay in the race despite the party's snub.

"What I am choosing to do at this time is unite with the Republican Party behind one candidate," Wallace said at a news conference. "There is no way that two write-in candidates could win. It would be very difficult and divisive to the Republican Party."

Sekula-Gibbs applauded Wallace's decision. "I'm very pleased that Mayor Wallace has looked into this carefully and he has made the right decision to come and be a team player and now we are going to go forward and win in November," she said.

definently not a sore loserman here!!!
LMAO.... The man is LEADING the race, and you guys think he should do the "noble" thing and kiss the DNC's ass???? After the way they treated him.... After essentially blackballing him from the party.... After pouring millions of George Soros' money into getting him defeated in the primary.... What the fuck are you smoking?
LMAO.... The man is LEADING the race, and you guys think he should do the "noble" thing and kiss the DNC's ass???? After the way they treated him.... After essentially blackballing him from the party.... After pouring millions of George Soros' money into getting him defeated in the primary.... What the fuck are you smoking?

The man is LEADING the race, and you guys think he should do the "noble" thing and kiss the DNC's ass???? After the way they treated him....

You really should try Honesty sometime. You just might like it ;)

The "DNC", and virtually all leading democrats, from Bill Clinton, to Barbara Boxer, to Chris Dodd, endorsed and supported Lieberman in the Democratic primary.

Oh, and the race is a statistical tie now. Lieberman is not "ahead" in the most recent polling.
The man is LEADING the race, and you guys think he should do the "noble" thing and kiss the DNC's ass???? After the way they treated him....

You really should try Honesty sometime. You just might like it ;)

The "DNC", and virtually all leading democrats, from Bill Clinton, to Barbara Boxer, to Chris Dodd, endorsed and supported Lieberman in the Democratic primary.

Oh, and the race is a statistical tie now. Lieberman is not "ahead" in the most recent polling.

Every poll I've seen, Lieberman leads. George Soros and MoveOn.Org contributed millions to Lamont, if you deny this, you are the one being dishonest. Hillary and Kerry both went on record stating they would support whoever won the primary, and neither endorsed Joe, if you claim otherwise, you are lying.

Lieberman is leading the race, and all you hear is Democrats clamoring on how he should get out of the way and let Lamont win. The Liberal Wacko Wing of the Democratic Party, threw the guy under the bus and pissed on him, and continue to piss on him, while questioning why he isn't kissing their asses, and speculating that even if he wins, he will still be kissing Democratic asses. I've got news for you, the Democrat Wacko's just shit in their lunch pail, and it's going to come home to roost in November.

Now, you can't ever "un-fuck" this fuckup, you have to live with it, but really, you look completely silly groveling and begging Joe to back out and let the Wacko Lamont win by default. In the first place, the leader of the race has no reason to quit, and Joe has never been much of a quitter. In the second place, Joe doesn't owe you or your left-wing radicals ANY favors, or mercy on your pathetic souls.
I guess dixie would still support McCain if McCain started supporting hillary ?

False. In order to "still support" someone, you must first support them, and I have never supported McCain, and don't plan to. As far as I'm concerned, he is part of the problem with the Republican party today, he is the leader of the "Moderate Pack" that has prevented a Republican Congress from passing Conservative legislation the past 6 years.
dixie i loved your post, its funny, but lets also talk about big BIG union who was supporting LIEberman, and lets not forget all those campaigne contributions LIEberman received. If anyone was getting big money, it was LIEberman. and honestly dixie its a statistical tie, Lamont closed in on an 11pt gap a month ago within 1-2% pts.
False. In order to "still support" someone, you must first support them, and I have never supported McCain, and don't plan to. As far as I'm concerned, he is part of the problem with the Republican party today, he is the leader of the "Moderate Pack" that has prevented a Republican Congress from passing Conservative legislation the past 6 years.

so you want a tight fit, rather than a big tent? You want more of the Religious Right to take over the republican party is that what your saying?
Dixie, of course every poll you see, you only watch Pox and listen to Rush and coulter :)
Broaden your horizons a bit and see a bit more of reality.

The Pox was a typo, but on review I thought it fit so I left it :)
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so you want a tight fit, rather than a big tent? You want more of the Religious Right to take over the republican party is that what your saying?

I don't recall ever mentioning the RR. How do you derive such nonsense from what I post? I will say this... If you are under the dillusion that anything other than a Social Conservative can get elected president in America, you need to take a good look at who has been elected. About the closest thing to a Social Liberal, was Clinton, and he had the black churches singing gospel tunes of praise for him as he bit his bottom lip and carried his Bible around. Even the Great Bill Clinton understood how important Social Conservativism is, in garnering a majority of votes. This is because, in spite of your beliefs, about 80% of America is clearly Socially Conservative, regardless of party.
I wish I had just a bit of Dixie's self assurance :)

Just a small dose though, I already have enough asshole tendancies.
Dixie, of course every poll you see, you only watch Pox and listen to Rush and coulter :)
Broaden your horizons a bit and see a bit more of reality.

The Pox was a typo, but on review I thought it fit so I left it :)

Whatever. I don't really concern myself with polls, they really don't mean a lot, I just found it funny that Liberman is leading in the polls and all you pinheads are screaming that he should abandon the race... my question is, why the fuck would he want to do that, if he's leading the race? Okay, so you want to claim it's a "statistical tie" ...still.... why the fuck would Lieberman give up his career without a fight? To pay homage to the Great George Soros and the MoveOn Pinhead Nation for all their support and dedication? What fucking possible reason would Joe have to pull out of this race?

You are a bunch of scared little idiots who aren't even thinking before you post, in my opinion. You simply clamor for Joe to drop out, because you know damn well he can win and probably will win, and you want your little sicophant mouthpiece Lamont to win instead. Rather than being content with the will of the people, you want to force Joe out of the race so they don't have an option and you win by default, but politics doesn't work like that, and you just sound like an ignorant fool.
I don't recall ever mentioning the RR. How do you derive such nonsense from what I post? I will say this... If you are under the dillusion that anything other than a Social Conservative can get elected president in America, you need to take a good look at who has been elected. About the closest thing to a Social Liberal, was Clinton, and he had the black churches singing gospel tunes of praise for him as he bit his bottom lip and carried his Bible around. Even the Great Bill Clinton understood how important Social Conservativism is, in garnering a majority of votes. This is because, in spite of your beliefs, about 80% of America is clearly Socially Conservative, regardless of party.

dixie i wasn't trying to insult you as far as mentioning the RR thing i was just wondering if that was the direction you want the R's to go in is all.
in all honesty if i had to guess id say its 50/50 maybe.. MAYBE... 55/45 Social conservative.

I think 80% is skewed as well. That's why I was waiting for a link to the study that provided dixie with that statistic (LOL, as if he reads "studies")
OHHH NOO, slammed by Dixie. It concerns me just about as much as one of the many mosquito bites I got last night. And they itch no more :)