Republicans: Only Our Pastors Are Allowed To Say Crazy Shit


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Republicans: Only Our Pastors Are Allowed To Say Crazy Shit

As the wingnut chorus predictably disses Obama's eloquent speech, it's important to remember how completely ridiculous and manufactured this whole Wright "controversy" is:

...the idea that America deserves terrorist attacks and other horrendous disasters has long been a frequently expressed view among the faction of white evangelical ministers to whom the Republican Party is most inextricably linked. Neither Jerry Falwell nor Pat Robertson ever retracted or denounced their view that America provoked the 9/11 attacks by doing things to anger God. John Hagee continues to believe that the City of New Orleans got what it deserved when Katrina drowned its residents and devastated the lives of thousands of Americans. And James Inhofe -- who happens to still be a Republican U.S. Senator -- blamed America for the 9/11 attacks by arguing in a 2002 Senate floor speech that "the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America" because we pressured Israel to give away parts of the West Bank. The phrases "anti-American" and "America-haters" are among the most barren and manipulative in our entire political lexicon, but whatever they happen to mean on any given day, they easily encompass people who believe that the U.S. deserved the 9/11 attacks, devastating hurricanes and the like. Yet when are people like Falwell, Robertson, Hagee, Inhofe and other white Christian radicals ever described as anti-American or America-hating extremists? Never -- because white Christian evangelicals who tie themselves to the political Right are intrinsically patriotic.

Well, yeah. Duh.

By all accounts, George Bush had private conversations with Pat Robertson about matters as weighty as whether to invade Iraq. Isn't that a big scandal -- that the President is consulting with an American-hating minister -- someone who believes God allowed the 9/11 attacks as punishment for our evil country -- about vital foreign policy decisions? No, it wasn't controversial at all.

John Hagee privately visits with the highest level Middle East officials in the White House and afterwards pronounces that they're in agreement. John McCain shares a stage with Hagee and lavishes him with praise, as Rudy Giuliani did with Pat Robertson. James Inhofe remains a member in good standing in the GOP Senate Caucus. The Republican Party has tied itself at the hip to a whole slew of "anti-American extremists" -- people who believe that the U.S. provoked the 9/11 attacks because God wants to punish us for the evil, wicked nation we've become -- and yet there is virtual silence about these associations.

Once again, it's important to keep making the point that when you've built an entire political movement on the backs of a crazy mob of Dixiecrat Savonarolas who make outrageous hateful comments pretty much every day, you've sort of opted-out of your ability to throw stones.
They're such idiots. I made the mistake of watching the Fox panel w/ Britt Hume last night; they didn't get "the fuss" over the speech. They said Obama threw his grandmother under the bus & let Wright off the hook.

Anything less than a firing squad for Wright was unacceptable to them. Desh had a good post yesterday on how some evangelicals preach "America hate" constantly, calling 9/11, Katrina & all kinds of calamities godly retribution for our flawed, evil ways.

We're just "used to" the white evangelical BS. When a black man says it, in the context of a black church - which most whites haven't been privvy to until youtube - it's a scary thing. Obama was as clear as day in denouncing Wright's words in his speech, but they're still saying he "evaded the issue."
They're such idiots. I made the mistake of watching the Fox panel w/ Britt Hume last night; they didn't get "the fuss" over the speech. They said Obama threw his grandmother under the bus & let Wright off the hook.

Anything less than a firing squad for Wright was unacceptable to them.

Onceler, it doesn't matter if Obama threw his pastor under the bus. Nothing would have stopped the wingnuts from flogging this issue. They were willing to lie about Barack Hussein Obama being a muslim. They wouldn't have stopped flogging this, no matter what Obama did.

It's all because its a black minister. Basically, its fear of the black man.
Oh look... the "The Republicans do it too" excuse... how quaint.

AND we get Gumby back on the "fear of the black man" bullshit.... despite Obama's comments yesterday. Gumby's idiocy knows no bounds.
They're such idiots. I made the mistake of watching the Fox panel w/ Britt Hume last night; they didn't get "the fuss" over the speech. They said Obama threw his grandmother under the bus & let Wright off the hook.

Anything less than a firing squad for Wright was unacceptable to them.

Onceler, it doesn't matter if Obama threw his pastor under the bus. Nothing would have stopped the wingnuts from flogging this issue. They were willing to lie about Barack Hussein Obama being a muslim. They wouldn't have stopped flogging this, no matter what Obama did.

It's all because its a black minister. Basically, its fear of the black man.

But America will vote for a black man for President...just ask Damo. As long as he's not black. He'd have to be a black white guy.
Oh look... the "The Republicans do it too" excuse... how quaint.

AND we get Gumby back on the "fear of the black man" bullshit.... despite Obama's comments yesterday. Gumby's idiocy knows no bounds.

I think the point of the post is "the Republicans do it too but no one gives a shit when they do it." In other words, it's ok if you are a Republican. However, when a Democrat does it . . .
But America will vote for a black man for President...just ask Damo. As long as he's not black. He'd have to be a black white guy.

LOL - a black white guy?!

I know what you're saying. Yeah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and a raucous black preacher make white people uncomfortable. Its a fact.
Obama ALMOST is a black white guy. Maybe they should powder him up a bit.

Jarod had an interesting point yesterday, that Obama is known as "black," even though he has a white mother.

I don't know what that says, but I doubt it's good.
I think the point of the post is "the Republicans do it too but no one gives a shit when they do it." In other words, it's ok if you are a Republican. However, when a Democrat does it . . .

I think the issue is Obama's 20 year relationship with this guy and the importance Obama places on the relationship with him. Thus the intrigue of how similar are Obama's views to Wright's.

If a Republican spoke about having a 20 year relationship with someone like Pat Robertson then yes they would getting their ass drilled for it.

Pandering for votes from some religious wack job is one thing and stating your long term personal relationship with one is another.
I think the point of the post is "the Republicans do it too but no one gives a shit when they do it." In other words, it's ok if you are a Republican. However, when a Democrat does it . . .

Bullshit... Falwell and his ilk were lambasted when they made the comments that 9/11 was punishment for tolerance of gays etc...

Yes, Hagee was given a pass, especially compared to Wright. The reason? Not positive but could be the difference between Obama being a member of Wrights church and McCain not belonging to Hagees. Obama having Wright as a mentor and part of his campaign and McCain accepting Hagees endorsement.

But yeah, we can continue to play the "the situations are the same" card... or perhaps you could use Cypress's idiotic "fear of a black man" chant.
Bullshit... Falwell and his ilk were lambasted when they made the comments that 9/11 was punishment for tolerance of gays etc...

Yes, Hagee was given a pass, especially compared to Wright. The reason? Not positive but could be the difference between Obama being a member of Wrights church and McCain not belonging to Hagees. Obama having Wright as a mentor and part of his campaign and McCain accepting Hagees endorsement.

But yeah, we can continue to play the "the situations are the same" card... or perhaps you could use Cypress's idiotic "fear of a black man" chant.
That's because they fear white men, you know, because you can't criticize something without fear. It's hard for them to look in the mirror.
LOL - a black white guy?!

I know what you're saying. Yeah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and a raucous black preacher make white people uncomfortable. Its a fact.

They make white people uncomfortable? They also make black people uncomfortable because they are buffons who the media love to go to to speak for the black community.
I think the issue is Obama's 20 year relationship with this guy and the importance Obama places on the relationship with him. Thus the intrigue of how similar are Obama's views to Wright's.

If a Republican spoke about having a 20 year relationship with someone like Pat Robertson then yes they would getting their ass drilled for it.

Pandering for votes from some religious wack job is one thing and stating your long term personal relationship with one is another.

I think some of these ideas stem from a right-wing inability to comprehend the idea that people hang with people who they don't always agree with. I have always thought the right was more about "lockstep" (see: Dixie Chicks, dittohead, Iraq War). When I pick my friends, "people who agree with me on everything" is not the top criterion. I like viewpoints that challenge me, and that take me out of my comfort zone.

It's absurd to think that Obama "agrees" with a lot of what Wright has said on the youtube videos. It's also absurd to take those videos - obviously chosen for their inflammatory nature - and say that it represents everything that Wright is about. We have no idea what the bulk of his sermons or views were like, because those are not being shown.
LOL - a black white guy?!

I know what you're saying. Yeah, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and a raucous black preacher make white people uncomfortable. Its a fact.

Well, because that's how they see race, you know? Oh skin color doesn't bother me one way or the other. Yeah, I believe that's true for some. But they think that skin color has no meaning in the American experience, so they expect a black guy to be a white guy. If a black guy is actually black, then sorry, they can't vote for him, he sounds "militant".

It's so simple-minded it makes me laugh. Sometimes.
Not true. Obama said otherwise. Idiot. [/Superfreak]

yes, he did.... almost verbatim to what we were saying on the issue.

""But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren’t simply controversial. They weren’t simply a religious leader’s effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country – a view that sees white racism as endemic, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; a view that sees the conflicts in the Middle East as rooted primarily in the actions of stalwart allies like Israel, instead of emanating from the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam.

As such, Reverend Wright’s comments were not only wrong but divisive, divisive at a time when we need unity; racially charged at a time when we need to come together to solve a set of monumental problems – two wars, a terrorist threat, a falling economy, a chronic health care crisis and potentially devastating climate change; problems that are neither black or white or Latino or Asian, but rather problems that confront us all."

But as usual, you and Cypress will continue to ignore the fact that he said the same damn thing.

You will also continue to ignore the fact that we have said the above addresses his position quite clearly and should put an end to this.... unless of course idiots like Cypress continue posting one thread after another with his childish "the Reps did it too" or "they FEAR da black man" bullshit.
I think the issue is Obama's 20 year relationship with this guy and the importance Obama places on the relationship with him. Thus the intrigue of how similar are Obama's views to Wright's.

If a Republican spoke about having a 20 year relationship with someone like Pat Robertson then yes they would getting their ass drilled for it.
Pandering for votes from some religious wack job is one thing and stating your long term personal relationship with one is another.
Shenanigans! Rightwingers like hate when it is directed at the left. When the target is a queer or a feminist or a pro-choice politician or anything liberal and wrong in america Righties LOVE the hate. They sit around and giggle about the hate. It makes them giddy.
Shenanigans! Rightwingers like hate when it is directed at the left. When the target is a queer or a feminist or a pro-choice politician or anything liberal and wrong in america Righties LOVE the hate. They sit around and giggle about the hate. It makes them giddy.

I could argue that the left-wing loves the anti-American rhetoric. That's not really the issue though as it is the long term relationship with Wright vs. a Robertson or Fallwell.