Republicans: Only Our Pastors Are Allowed To Say Crazy Shit

I think the issue is Obama's 20 year relationship with this guy and the importance Obama places on the relationship with him. Thus the intrigue of how similar are Obama's views to Wright's.

If a Republican spoke about having a 20 year relationship with someone like Pat Robertson then yes they would getting their ass drilled for it.

Pandering for votes from some religious wack job is one thing and stating your long term personal relationship with one is another.

Bush has been inviting these rightwing nut jobs into the oval office and to meet with top adminstration officials. For YEARS.

I'm not buying this nuance, that the "relationship" is different. It sounds to me like a David Vitter-esqe explanation about why Spitzer's dalliances with prostitutes is different than Diaper Dave's was.

And for that matter, I personally didn't see anything offensive in any of the minister's comments. With the exception of the KKK one, which given the context and given that america IS racist nation, didn't bother me personally. Everything else he said was true. But, it was said in a way that is sometime typical of racuous revival preaching in the black community, that frightened white people can be jarred by it. Personally, I think that says more about white people, than it does about blacks.
Bush has been inviting these rightwing nut jobs into the oval office and to meet with top adminstration officials. For YEARS.

I'm not buying this nuance, that the "relationship" is different. It sounds to me like a David Vitter-esqe explanation about why Spitzer's dalliances with prostitutes is different than Diaper Dave's was.

And for that matter, I personally didn't see anything offensive in any of the minister's comments. With the exception of the KKK one, which given the context and given that america IS racist nation, didn't bother me personally. Everything else he said was true. But, it was said in a way that is sometime typical of racuous revival preaching in the black community, that frightened white people can be jarred by it. Personally, I think that says more about white people, than it does about blacks.

You like the anti-American rhetoric. That talk doesn't scare white people it pisses off many Americans. It's not even a racial thing as much as it is a divide between those who blame America first and those on the opposite side.
You like the anti-American rhetoric. That talk doesn't scare white people it pisses off many Americans. It's not even a racial thing as much as it is a divide between those who blame America first and those on the opposite side.

Do you speak for all white people?
Bush has been inviting these rightwing nut jobs into the oval office and to meet with top adminstration officials. For YEARS.

I'm not buying this nuance, that the "relationship" is different. It sounds to me like a David Vitter-esqe explanation about why Spitzer's dalliances with prostitutes is different than Diaper Dave's was.

And for that matter, I personally didn't see anything offensive in any of the minister's comments. With the exception of the KKK one, which given the context and given that america IS racist nation, didn't bother me personally. Everything else he said was true. But, it was said in a way that is sometime typical of racuous revival preaching in the black community, that frightened white people can be jarred by it. Personally, I think that says more about white people, than it does about blacks.

As to the first part of your post its called Pandering. It's taught in Politics 101. Bush is obviously pandering to these people. It's not a nuanced position stating the difference.
You like the anti-American rhetoric. That talk doesn't scare white people it pisses off many Americans. It's not even a racial thing as much as it is a divide between those who blame America first and those on the opposite side.
So go read my quotes by Robertson and see how is blames America first.
Do you speak for all white people?

Actually yes. A survey was taken of a majority of white Americans that asked if Cawacko speaks for you as a white person. The response was overwhemingly affirmitive. The people have spoken.
Actually yes. A survey was taken of a majority of white Americans that asked if Cawacko speaks for you as a white person. The response was overwhemingly affirmitive. The people have spoken.

IN that case, you still only speak for a majority of white people, not all of them. And you have no idea what emotion is driving every white person's reaction to this. You're pulling things out of your butt Cawacko, when you make the claim "white people don't fear". You are projecting your feelings on to all white people, which is amusing, but not valid.
I think your title, cypress, is based on a false assumption. That "White Churches", or "Republican Churches"(funny, I never heard of those, that excluded Liberal Socialists, or Blacks. My church will even take Godless Heathen Athiests, and show you the Love of God), but your assumption says that these "White Churches" spew the VISCIOUS HATRED that Barack Obama sits and listens to, for TWENTY YEARS. I wrote an excellent piece on this subject, "I don't CARE what Rev. Wright says", because I ONLY CARE about Barack Obama's JUDGEMENT. But you Liberals will probably be too closed-minded and prejudiced to read it. I'll only give you 2 quick excerpts, THIS is what Barack Obama's "faith" is BASED ON:
Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."
Nice "theology", Barack and his wife listens to, huh? The ONLY other "church" I've ever even heard anything CLOSE to this stuff, is a RADICAL ISLAMIST MOSQUE, where they preach Mohammed told them to KILL ALL JEWS, KILL ALL CHRISTIANS, THEY ARE THE INFIDEL. The "nicer" Islamists say you can first offer them the CHOICE, with the Sword over their Head: "Will you Convert to Islam? No? Well, then......CHOP!!!!

That's the only church similar to "black liberation theology" I ever heard of
You like the anti-American rhetoric. That talk doesn't scare white people it pisses off many Americans. It's not even a racial thing as much as it is a divide between those who blame America first and those on the opposite side.

You like the anti-American rhetoric

I don't even know what that means cawacko. I'm sure that Thomas Paine, and Jerry Falwell would have toxic disagreements on what constitutes patriotism and what doesn't. I'm not impressed by anyone's alleged pro-amerian rhetoric , nor am I impressed by how many flag lapel pins one wears. If I was impressed by that as evidence of patriotism, I might have been one of the people who were fooled into thinking "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq was a great and noble patriotic endeavor to protect america and its values.

I'm more impressed by actions, than rhetoric. From what I understand, Trinity church and Pastor Wright have spent countless hours providing needed services for their community like child day care, drug counselling, job assistance, spirtitual guidance. That seems like a much better service to the community and the nation than countless hours of lecturing about the evils of gay marriage. And I dont' think cursing, or damning the flaws of america is an unpatriotic thing to do. Frederick Douglas, one of the greatest americans ever, spent countless hours damning the evils and flaws that existed in america.
IN that case, you still only speak for a majority of white people, not all of them. And you have no idea what emotion is driving every white person's reaction to this. You're pulling things out of your butt Cawacko, when you make the claim "white people don't fear". You are projecting your feelings on to all white people, which is amusing, but not valid.

Umm Cawacko does not speak fot this white person.
Seems like probably not for at several of the white people on here.

Just another right wing exageration it would seem.