Republicans simply don't know what the facts are on taxes

Chart 1 says that "Total Federal Revenue as share of GDP" is less than 15% in 2011, down from a high of 20.6% in 2000, and chart 2 says that "Average total revenues, as share of GDP, 2004-2008" is 26.9%.

Who's lying?
Taxes, and especially tax increases are always relative.

If I am paying 5% of my income in taxes, and then it increases to 7%, I am going to complain. Its like gas prices. We pay far less per gallon than many nations do, but why complain constantly.
Taxes, and especially tax increases are always relative.

If I am paying 5% of my income in taxes, and then it increases to 7%, I am going to complain. Its like gas prices. We pay far less per gallon than many nations do, but why complain constantly.

Exactly! Unfortunately, that's the human condition. It's the same mentality others have in countries with government medical. Even though government run medical insures everyone has coverage, operates at 1/3 less than private plans and results in a longer life span there are those who still complain.
Exactly! Unfortunately, that's the human condition. It's the same mentality others have in countries with government medical. Even though government run medical insures everyone has coverage, operates at 1/3 less than private plans and results in a longer life span there are those who still complain.

funny how that human condition works out. when i'm already barely making it with all my regular bills, then top it off with all the wifes medical bills, and now you parasites and tax revenue terrorists want even MORE of my money.
Please study Europe's economics libtards just a little.
Thier housing cost is way more than ours, and thier shitty houses don't have ac for the most part.
Thier companies suck dick, which is why nobody owns thier stocks.
We don't want to be them, they want to be us.
Taxes, and especially tax increases are always relative.

If I am paying 5% of my income in taxes, and then it increases to 7%, I am going to complain. Its like gas prices. We pay far less per gallon than many nations do, but why complain constantly.
Well of course. Who likes paying taxes? I don't like paying my cable bill either but I do like having cabl and digital cable at that with HD channels and HBO and Showtime. But that's a different thread and you don't want to get me started on those not good rotten thieves who run the cable and phone companies! grrrrrr!!!
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Please study Europe's economics libtards just a little.
Thier housing cost is way more than ours, and thier shitty houses don't have ac for the most part.
Thier companies suck dick, which is why nobody owns thier stocks.
We don't want to be them, they want to be us.
Oh that's just plain silly Topper, there's a whole hell of a lot the US does well if not better then the rest of the world and we should be rightfully proud of that but that doesn't mean their are some things the rest of the world doesn't do better then us and that we shouldn't learn from that.

You know what disgusts me? When I take a vacation to a third world country (Costa Rica) and their public infrastructure is better then ours. Their roads and bridges and utilities, public buildings, hospitals and public transportation are better then ours. Why? Cause they invest 5% of GDP in their pubic infrastructure. Our Infrastructure is rotting away. Why? Cause we invesnt 1.75% of GDP in public infrastructure. This is why the rest of the world is passing the USA up and I don't know about you....but I aint happy if we aint competing as top big dog on the block. There's no fucking reason for our public infrastructure to be crumbling away as it is other then pure sheer short sightedness.
wow mott that's as gay as your college football team

don't even pick a third world country to compare to us, I ain't waisting my time on that dribble.
wow mott that's as gay as your college football team

don't even pick a third world country to compare to us, I ain't waisting my time on that dribble.
Un huh....go to Costa Rica or Panama and then come back and tell me that the infrastructure situation here doesn't piss you off. If we only put 3 to 4% of GDP in our public infrastructure we'd blow the rest of the world away and think about how good that would be for business too!
Un huh....go to Costa Rica or Panama and then come back and tell me that the infrastructure situation here doesn't piss you off. If we only put 3 to 4% of GDP in our public infrastructure we'd blow the rest of the world away and think about how good that would be for business too!
Yeah....we give 2 billion in aid to a tiny country like Costa Rica and Intel moves a manufacturing plant there.....sure...if we could be like them....they would send us aid and move some manufacturing to Texas.........loon:palm:
Un huh....go to Costa Rica or Panama and then come back and tell me that the infrastructure situation here doesn't piss you off. If we only put 3 to 4% of GDP in our public infrastructure we'd blow the rest of the world away and think about how good that would be for business too!

I wouldn't even visit shitholes like that, move thier please
Un huh....go to Costa Rica or Panama and then come back and tell me that the infrastructure situation here doesn't piss you off. If we only put 3 to 4% of GDP in our public infrastructure we'd blow the rest of the world away and think about how good that would be for business too!

you are saying the infrastructure in Costa Rica is better than the US? or worse?
The one that is in dollars does. The others are either comparisons of tax rates or comparisons based on percentage of GDP.

I wonder why they didn't show the last one in terms of a percentage of GDP like they did with the others?

Oops... I see why...because it would show that tax rates and loopholes have NOT proliferated as they state. It would show that the percentage of GDP declined from 16.17% in 1982 to 7.05% now.

Amazing what happens when you put things in terms of our GDP. Isn't it....
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