Republicans simply don't know what the facts are on taxes

I wonder why they didn't show the last one in terms of a percentage of GDP like they did with the others?

Oops... I see why...because it would show that tax rates and loopholes have NOT proliferated as they state. It would show that the percentage of GDP declined from 16.17% in 1982 to 7.05% now.

Amazing what happens when you put things in terms of our GDP. Isn't it....

Can you show me your math?
I think I see what you did there. You're using 1982 tax expenditures in 2010 constant dollars and using 1982 GDP in 1982 dollars to get the 16.17% figure. Tax expenditures have declined slightly since 1982 as a percentage of GDP (by about 0.5% according to my figurin), not anywhere close to what you have there.
funny how that human condition works out. when i'm already barely making it with all my regular bills, then top it off with all the wifes medical bills, and now you parasites and tax revenue terrorists want even MORE of my money.

If there was government medical, a true one payer system, universal care, you wouldn't have medical bills.
Always hilarious, folks who live in or near resort areas think that they're getting a great deal. Why do you think folks spend most of their time away from these areas?

When I decided to move from Upstate NY, I had the entire map of the US to choose from. My job allows me to live just about anywhere, same with my wife's. The first thing we did was eliminate resort towns from the list. The reason? They tend to attract losers. You are a prime example.
So, who is claiming the U.S. is a HIGH tax nation? (Since you want to prove we are a low tax nation....)

Or, are you saying we SHOULD be?