Required Reading for GOP


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[ame=""] The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado (and Why Republicans Everywhere Should Care) (9781936218004): Rob Witwer, Adam Schrager: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

If you don't want to be the minority for a long, long time... Pay attention GOP.
Can you sum it up?

But I'll try anyway.

Basically, what happened in CO was a direct attack at the State Legislative bodies so that they could control redistricting. There were 4 (yeah, really just 4) very rich people who donated to political organizations with direct intent of funneling money into this effort. Amazingly, they did exactly what they pretend the R party has always done, the Very Rich controlled the election by message management.

For example, in the last election the Ds spent (and this is just the reported amounts, it doesn't cover the 527s that don't report who and how much) 3.5 million in the last election just on the State Legislators, 2.8 Million of that came from those 4 people. In contrast the Rs spent $854,000 on the state legislator races.

In CO this is huge, the Majority leaders in the legislative bodies put 2 people each on the redistricting board, the Governor puts 2 (that's 6) and the state supreme court adds 5. If they control one of those bodies and the SC (which they do) that means that it is a 7 to 4 deficit on that body for Rs who will be redistricted into nothing...

The book goes into how these people, using their funds, got groups that were "at odds" in the D Party to come together and fight as one (this is the 527s, not the Party groups, they donate to them but they mostly work through things at the state level that are equivalent to and Progress Now! and other groups like that.) By doing that they were able to maximize control of the message, data-mining on the interwebs allowed them to target messaging like never before, and other things they did to take control of the state... This formula is now being applied in 2 dozen other states...

WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 — The Colorado Supreme Court on Monday rejected a Republican effort to redraw the state's Congressional map to the party's advantage, handing Democrats a victory in the first of a series of legal fights that could help determine control of the House.

The court, in a 5-to-2 decision, ruled that Colorado's Constitution allowed only one round of Congressional redistricting after each 10-year census. The judges found that the Republican-controlled Legislature exceeded its authority last May when it tried to replace a map imposed by a federal court in 2002 after the House and Senate deadlocked.

But I'll try anyway.

Basically, what happened in CO was a direct attack at the State Legislative bodies so that they could control redistricting. There were 4 (yeah, really just 4) very rich people who donated to political organizations with direct intent of funneling money into this effort. Amazingly, they did exactly what they pretend the R party has always done, the Very Rich controlled the election by message management.

For example, in the last election the Ds spent (and this is just the reported amounts, it doesn't cover the 527s that don't report who and how much) 3.5 million in the last election just on the State Legislators, 2.8 Million of that came from those 4 people. In contrast the Rs spent $854,000 on the state legislator races.

In CO this is huge, the Majority leaders in the legislative bodies put 2 people each on the redistricting board, the Governor puts 2 (that's 6) and the state supreme court adds 5. If they control one of those bodies and the SC (which they do) that means that it is a 7 to 4 deficit on that body for Rs who will be redistricted into nothing...

The book goes into how these people, using their funds, got groups that were "at odds" in the D Party to come together and fight as one (this is the 527s, not the Party groups, they donate to them but they mostly work through things at the state level that are equivalent to and Progress Now! and other groups like that.) By doing that they were able to maximize control of the message, data-mining on the interwebs allowed them to target messaging like never before, and other things they did to take control of the state... This formula is now being applied in 2 dozen other states...

If i could take the liberty of summing up your summing up -

They had more money and were more devious.

Don't lose hope though. At some point the R party will get more money and/or become more devious and the roles will be reversed.
We can win with protectionism. Most people want it, it just the paid agit-prop agents who scream otherwise.

Protectionism Now.
Americans Forever.
Its called Gerrymandering Damo. Its was invented by Elbridge Gerry when he was govenor of Massachusetts in 1812.

It's been a hallmark of both parties politics ever since.


This is NC district 12, after a long court battle to make it less Gerrymandered.



I know what Gerrymandering is... Seriously, just read the book. If the GOP doesn't pay attention they'll be permanent minority for decades after about 4 election cycles.
I know what Gerrymandering is... Seriously, just read the book. If the GOP doesn't pay attention they'll be permanent minority for decades after about 4 election cycles.

yeah, and we have to racially pander to hispanics and discriminate against white people too....

voters should ignore the "wisdom" of the two party pundits.
Focussing on big huge winning ideas like defending americans against idiot globalism is a much better approach. It will be so successful and popular, no amount gerrymandering will be able to stop the wave.
Actually, this would be good reading for the Libertarian Party too. They can use much of this to actually make themselves into something more than silly 1%ers of Politics.
I know what Gerrymandering is... Seriously, just read the book. If the GOP doesn't pay attention they'll be permanent minority for decades after about 4 election cycles.
Instead of perfecting Gerrymandering at the political party level wouldn't it be better for the People to outlaw it altogether?
Why? Gerrymandering has been around as long as Democracy. You think you're going to get rid of that?

I reject focussing on it as a major point of strategy for republicans.

The first party which picks up the anti-globalization platform will have support from all americans. That's the tack a thinking strategist would take.

But I'll try anyway.

Basically, what happened in CO was a direct attack at the State Legislative bodies so that they could control redistricting. There were 4 (yeah, really just 4) very rich people who donated to political organizations with direct intent of funneling money into this effort. Amazingly, they did exactly what they pretend the R party has always done, the Very Rich controlled the election by message management.

For example, in the last election the Ds spent (and this is just the reported amounts, it doesn't cover the 527s that don't report who and how much) 3.5 million in the last election just on the State Legislators, 2.8 Million of that came from those 4 people. In contrast the Rs spent $854,000 on the state legislator races.

In CO this is huge, the Majority leaders in the legislative bodies put 2 people each on the redistricting board, the Governor puts 2 (that's 6) and the state supreme court adds 5. If they control one of those bodies and the SC (which they do) that means that it is a 7 to 4 deficit on that body for Rs who will be redistricted into nothing...

The book goes into how these people, using their funds, got groups that were "at odds" in the D Party to come together and fight as one (this is the 527s, not the Party groups, they donate to them but they mostly work through things at the state level that are equivalent to and Progress Now! and other groups like that.) By doing that they were able to maximize control of the message, data-mining on the interwebs allowed them to target messaging like never before, and other things they did to take control of the state... This formula is now being applied in 2 dozen other states...

I'd like to congratulate the Democrats on growing some balls and using decent political strategy. Hopefully this continues to be successful in the future.