Requirements to enter the upper house


  • A requirement to own property

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Should have a certain amount of wealth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Needs to be male

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Needs to be female

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Minorities or member of a non-majority group need to be disincluded

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"A proportion of the legislature needs to be aportioned to minorithy ethnic groups"

- watermark I think you're an idiot, ta.
This from a guy who buys into IQ tests? Pfui!

The only thing IQ tests can unequivocally be said to measure is the ability to take IQ tests. And I come from the IQ test capitol of the world.
"A proportion of the legislature needs to be aportioned to minorithy ethnic groups"

- watermark I think you're an idiot, ta.

Well, ethnic groups are important. People in Mississippi have a lot of experience with this stuff that you people in Mass. who've never seen a black person in your life don't. The minorities get run the hell over, and no one elected to the legislature is independent of majority opinion. It's a bad situation.
Grind selected that they need to meet an IQ test, which is entirely subjective. I, at least, suggested that they must be educated, while no one else did. Hell, they make our policies, sometimes getting a stupid majority isn't as imporatant as being intelligent. What is a majority? All it is is more people agreeing than disagreeing. That number is unimportant to me.
Yeah, it is on oddity... Until you get used to it.

Sorry for the confusion, but due to the nature of the poll I thought it wouldn't work well to restrict people to only one choice. Just because you want an age requirement doesn't mean you don't want an education requirement... and etc...
Ornot's requirement was intersting, though. I admitedly constructed my favored groups so that it would completely get rid of idiots and the ignorant masses and would leave mostly smart people with independent minds who weren't always subject to majority opinion. I might tolerate a 21 year old for the lower house, but not for the more deliberative upper house. Ornot's supposed requirement that they be 35, however, would probably be counterintuitive to the socialist causes he supports.
I am always torn between thinking that if society wants to fuck themselves over they should be able to.. and between actually wanting competant people in government.

It's a tightrope.

Yes IQ tests are subjective... but perhaps there is a better test that is more accurate as an indicator of intelligence.
I personally think all candidates for elected office should be required to publish a resume applying for the job, and if any lies are on there they are disqualified.
The most important jobs in the land and political ads/speeches are exempt from the truth in advertising law.....And don't even have to submit a work history or resume like a burger slinger at mickyd"s. Amazing what we stoopid Americans let our "leaders" get away with.
Wow what a very interesting poll. Apparently we have some pretty elitist people on here.

I put no restrictions myself although that doesn't mean I don't believe in any restrictions simply that I don't like any of the restrictions suggested.
Ornot's requirement was intersting, though. I admitedly constructed my favored groups so that it would completely get rid of idiots and the ignorant masses and would leave mostly smart people with independent minds who weren't always subject to majority opinion. I might tolerate a 21 year old for the lower house, but not for the more deliberative upper house. Ornot's supposed requirement that they be 35, however, would probably be counterintuitive to the socialist causes he supports.
But not counterintuitive to the cause of annoying certain younger persons. :D

Seriously, I'm not sure about 35. Upper house implies an age restriction to me but 35 is fairly arbitrary. Still, think about it. In today's world, someone 35 isn't even halfway through his or her lifetime yet. 35 is still young.
Wow what a very interesting poll. Apparently we have some pretty elitist people on here.

I put no restrictions myself although that doesn't mean I don't believe in any restrictions simply that I don't like any of the restrictions suggested.

Elitist? Because of things like age restrtictions? Please call it what you like, but even if you are a genius, wisdom is had over time. I don't think people that are 19 have the wisdom and experience to fullfill any of the duties described.
And some with 2 desgeew still don't have the wisdom.
My reason for a resume requirement as with applying for any job. Education gets you started, experiece teaches you wisdom.
Wow what a very interesting poll. Apparently we have some pretty elitist people on here.

I put no restrictions myself although that doesn't mean I don't believe in any restrictions simply that I don't like any of the restrictions suggested.

It's an UPPER HOUSE. It's supposed to be a consenus body that counters the populists tendencies of the more democratic lower house and prevents tyrranny of the majority. This is why many upper houses are elected with PR and have stricter standards than the lower house - to ensure consensus. A person aged 18 isn't even fully mentally developed. He may be persuasive and charsmatic enough to get elected, but that's not what we're looking for. Also, people of certain ethnic groups and genders have feelings and experiences independent to their group, and that needs to be taken into account.

A person with education is far less likely to make hasty decisions than an uneducated person - Hitler, for instance, didn't have much education. He was charismatic but knew shit about how people lived. An upper house needs to protect against such things, not be a mirror image of the lower house, which is pointless. If you're going to arrange things most states do you might as well only have one house, and any differences between decisions made in the house are only due to flaws in the electoral system.
But not counterintuitive to the cause of annoying certain younger persons. :D

Seriously, I'm not sure about 35. Upper house implies an age restriction to me but 35 is fairly arbitrary. Still, think about it. In today's world, someone 35 isn't even halfway through his or her lifetime yet. 35 is still young.

No, I put the age limit at thirty. I put the most restrictions out of everyone. It's an upper house, to protect against tyrranny of the majority, and it needs to be composed of wise men. Age and education won't certainly produce this, but it's a lot better tool than simply crossing your fingers and hoping the people don't elect some fiery young person who hates gays and wants to take away democracy in the US simply because he has nice hair.