"Responsible Gun Owner" Leaves Gun In Theatre


Gotta love it...thankfully the two young kids who found it did the right thing.
“He sat down in his chair and I heard a ‘clunk’ and I looked down and there it was,” Kolton’s classmate, Levi Crabtree, told CNN affiliate KGW in Portland.

It was a gun, a small-caliber, semi-automatic pistol. It was fully loaded with a round in the chamber, Tillamook Police Chief Terry Wright said.

Levi and Kolton didn’t touch the weapon. They alerted a school staffer who was on the field trip, who then alerted police.

Why didn’t the boys pick up the firearm?

"I'm a Boy Scout and Kolton and me took a hunter safety class. One of the rules is that you treat all guns as if they're loaded," Levi told KPTV.

Who would do that? Seriously, there’s a bunch of people that go to that theater and they put a gun in there,” Kolton told KGW.

Somebody who’s “careless” and “reckless,” Wright said.

Police told KPTV that a man went to the theater on Wednesday night asking if anyone had found his gun and turned it in to the lost and found. He’d lost it the night before in the theater.

The man, who has a Tillamook County concealed handgun license, never notified police he’d lost the weapon, KPTV reported.

Proof positive there's no such thing as a "responsible gun owner".
The owner should be charged with wanton endangerment.

another example of why CC holders should be required to have liability ins on their gun.
Gotta love it...thankfully the two young kids who found it did the right thing.

Proof positive there's no such thing as a "responsible gun owner".

Your final comment is about as stupid as saying that since a male homosexual got AIDs from visiting bath houses, that all homosexual males are irresponsible.
Gotta love it...thankfully the two young kids who found it did the right thing.

Proof positive there's no such thing as a "responsible gun owner".

I have no doubt you will ignore my questions, but do you really think one idiot being irresponsible is proof that 60 million citizens are irresponsible??

Can you tell us what constitutes "irresponsible" to you? Is the mere ownership of a gun an irresponsible act?
I have no doubt you will ignore my questions, but do you really think one idiot being irresponsible is proof that 60 million citizens are irresponsible??

Can you tell us what constitutes "irresponsible" to you? Is the mere ownership of a gun an irresponsible act?

To the anti 2nd Amendmet types yes
Howey, since you have stated several times that there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, can you please tell us what I do that is irresponsible??

I look forward to you answering. (although I won't hold my breath)
Howey, since you have stated several times that there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, can you please tell us what I do that is irresponsible??

I look forward to you answering. (although I won't hold my breath)

Sorry, I thought I had.

Anyone who owns a gun, at any given moment, has the opportunity to be a irresponsible gun owner. I'm sure this person thought of himself as a "responsible gun owner".
Sorry, I thought I had.

Anyone who owns a gun, at any given moment, has the opportunity to be a irresponsible gun owner. I'm sure this person thought of himself as a "responsible gun owner".

Oh, so the fact that they have the "opportunity" to be an irresponsible gun owner means that they are irresponsible gun owners??

You have stated several times that there is no such thing as a "responsible gun owner". What you meant to say was that every gun owner COULD be an irresponsible gun owner, but you have no way of knowing whether they are or not.
The point is, was THIS particular gun owner responsible?
And does he bear any legal liability for leaving his loaded gun in a theatre?

both sides seem to love the absurdity tangent.
The point is, was THIS particular gun owner responsible?
And does he bear any legal liability for leaving his loaded gun in a theatre?

both sides seem to love the absurdity tangent.

I think he bears the same legal liability as anyone who left an item that can be dangerous when abused. If he had left dangerous medications, chemicals ect, he should be held liable.
No, that's STY.

Although our local police chief left her gun in her car a few years back and it was stolen. Oops!

And if a gun owner never leaves a gun unattended, keeps them locked unless he is transporting them to use them or is carrying them and keeping them under his control, would that be a responsible gun owner, Howey?
No, that's STY.

Although our local police chief left her gun in her car a few years back and it was stolen. Oops!

no, that is YOU.

you have said several times - there are NO responsible gun owners

therefore, in your world, not even the military or police are responsible gun owners
It is amazing that someone who chooses to live the lifestyle that Howey chooses has the nerve to lecture anyone on being responsible.

That is truly laughable
Howies lifestyle ?
Do elaborate ............

I find it amusing that ILA kept whining that my posts were off topic in his thread claiming traditional family values are the solution to income inequality, and suggested I start a new thread.

But he feels somehow justified in post personal attacks. There is a word for that. It is "Hypocrisy".
Howie makes sure that when he has someone pack his lunch for him, that they never forget his fudge.
Ah I see.
Howies sexual orientation has nothing to do with this subject or any other.

His opinions on gun ownership, however ridiculous or uninformed have no bearing on his personal life.

This is nothing to do with anything but the topic under discussion.

Freedom in the USA is given to all.