restrict hate speech

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
yeah that pesky first amendment again

a big resounding NO! we must not restrict hate speech no matter how much we may disagree
sorry, i thought that the shooting at the holocaust museum in dc was on all the news services

ah, i gotcha. it was out there, but with some of these bozos on here, it's hard to tell whats up.

k, so you think a man opening fire on a room full of people with a rifle is indicative of him just using his first amendment rights?
ah, i gotcha. it was out there, but with some of these bozos on here, it's hard to tell whats up.

k, so you think a man opening fire on a room full of people with a rifle is indicative of him just using his first amendment rights?

at least he did not use a wmd and do not forget 2nd amendment rights

check out the guy's history and his web site for more details...he is part of the white supremists, anti black and jews along with holocaust deniers
at least he did not use a wmd and do not forget 2nd amendment rights

check out the guy's history and his web site for more details...he is part of the white supremists, anti black and jews along with holocaust deniers

yeah, I checked out the guys history. He was a convicted felon that didn't have 2nd Amendment rights anymore, yet still had a gun. He walked in to a museum and opened fire on people that he didnt' agree with. It had nothing to do with his first amendment rights.

Personally, as rude as it may be, I hope the guy dies painfully from his wounds.
yeah, I checked out the guys history. He was a convicted felon that didn't have 2nd Amendment rights anymore, yet still had a gun. He walked in to a museum and opened fire on people that he didnt' agree with. It had nothing to do with his first amendment rights.

Personally, as rude as it may be, I hope the guy dies painfully from his wounds.

i tend to agree with you - the talking heads are talking about whether or not hate speech is protected by the first amendment

personally, i think that the more they talk the less that they will do = the time to watch out is when they stop this guy - his site is up but he stopped attending rallies...
i tend to agree with you - the talking heads are talking about whether or not hate speech is protected by the first amendment
political speech, no matter how full of hatred, is a right not to be denied. I may not like it, but i'll defend your right to speak the death if necessary.
political speech, no matter how full of hatred, is a right not to be denied. I may not like it, but i'll defend your right to speak the death if necessary.

i too am a firm supporter of our constitution - as is damocles...especially the first amendment hence our site
I don't think anyone is promoting the idea of random murder as a means of expression. The complaint is against those promoting the idea that somehow shutting down the guys hate-blogs might have prevented the event in question. It's a load of shit. I detest neonazi anti-semite fucks as much as anyone, but shutting down hate speech just opens the door to who defines what as hate speech (reference: DHS warning of who could be "far right extremists").

Is calling Obama a mindless big government hack "hate speech"? There are some who would say "yes".
freedom of expression

care to wager how many posters on this board might like to kill an opponent or me:)

I have had too much of killing and hope to never have to kill again.
I do enjoy watching some wallow in their own muck though and feel little pity for some that die.