Results of Thread Ban Poll


on indefiniate mod break

Preliminary Numbers:

Keep: 16
Abandon: 10

Actual Numbers:

  • Howey accidently voted neutral and wished to be moved to Keeping it
  • Shy Guy voted to keep, but he doesn't count as his account was signed up in January and I said accounts less than 2 months old would not count
  • Guest doesn't count
Thus: 16 - 9

Liberal/Conservative Break down:

To keep: 10 liberals, 6 conservatives

To Abandon: 5 liberals, 4 conservatives

Of those that felt strongly on the issue, one way or the other (i.e. we just aren't even paying attention to wishy-washy neutrals):

66% of liberals like it
60% of conservatives like it


Overall, it's clear that the favoring and opposing of this feature don't really break down on political lines. Ratio wise both sides are essentially the same.

Given that most of that this wasn't a partisan result and that the majority of the community likes the feature, we will be keeping it.

If at some point in the future people change their mind and we want to come back and re-evaluate this, we can. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Please continue to use it responsibly and to silence trolls or people that are just trying to just fuck up your threads. I know most of you are doing that, but just reminding people to keep using it maturely.

Thanks all!
Because it is a stupid way to exist on a political discussion forum. It is fun to create gag threads, but that's about it.

You see no value in banning this;

I'm not sling for definitions, idiot, I'm asking for clear proof that GWB went AWOL to avoid Vietnam, as alleged by rune.

Rune has none.

You have none.

So clearly you are both spouting liberal lies.
the people have spoken.

I will not ban anyone from any thread that I make.

so it will remain that the only person I ever banned from a thread was evince.