Revamping the Republican Strategy

It's always interesting after an election, especially when your side loses. Suddenly, all of the "experts" come out of the woodwork to give you their rather simple notions of how things may have turned out differently, what went wrong, who was to blame, and what needs to be done in the future. Where was all this brilliance and foresight before the elections? It's no surprise that most of these experts espouse ideas they held before the election, and their ideas were simply rejected by the others. We get a really good dose of "if you had listened to me..." and the same old idea is trotted out once again. Ron Paul supporters are literally gloating at the re-election of Barack Obama. A man who is so far removed from anything uttered by Dr. Paul, their respective ideologies exist in completely different universes, but the Paul supporters beam with pride over what they think they accomplished. Nearly 3 million registered republicans sat this election out, and are now expressing pride in what they did. That will teach the GOP to act like they did! But let's really examine some things here, shall we?

First of all, the "GOP" didn't pick Mitt Romney as the candidate to run against Barack Obama, the voters did. This was largely due to the fact that they had 9 candidates to pick from, and while most conservatives split their votes between 8 of them, the establishment republicans stuck by Romney, and he won by default. He was arguably the least conservative of all the candidates, but he wasn't so non-conservative as to upset the apple cart, and he did make an attempt to pretend to be conservative. Over and over, the "experts" told us, Romney is the only candidate who can defeat Obama. Perhaps this was true, but he didn't defeat Obama, an he leaves conservatives scratching their heads trying to figure out what to do now. The very same people who claimed Romney was the only candidate who could defeat Obama, are now telling us we need to abandon God and get away from the social issues. We need to "reach out" to women and minorities more. I personally think they are getting it wrong again, and such a direction would kill any hope of future victory. That doesn't mean we should "double down" on what failed to work, or that we need to stubbornly and defiantly stick with a message that is failing. Clearly, we need to revamp the republican strategy, but we don't do that by abandoning principles.

On abandoning God, we need to understand, Religion and Politics don't mix well. Taking religion out of republican politics doesn't have to mean, completely abandoning God. It is primarily anti-religious seculars who fuel the liberal ideology. Liberalism in general, is rooted in the belief that Government has to be our Savior, that we can't depend on faith in a God that doesn't exist. Liberals believe our rights come from man, ordained through the Constitution, and defined by the courts, they aren't endowed or inalienable. It is the foundation of conservatism to believe our rights come from our Creator and are inalienable and endowed, and not subject to determination by men. Abandoning God means we sacrifice this basic principle and concept before we begin the argument against Liberalism. It's like a NASCAR driver switching to an electric motor because he thinks the traditional motors contribute to global warming. It's a losing proposition.

Conservatism can't be successfully argued without the presence of a God, it's impossible to make a valid argument for conservative principles without the foundation conservatism is established on. That doesn't mean "religion" has to be a part of this, just the generic belief in our Creator, and endowed, inalienable rights. Many conservatives point to Ronald Reagan as a model for where we need to go, and they will point out that Reagan didn't preach social conservatism, but one of the most profound speeches the man ever made, was about a "shining city on a hill" and that is a direct Biblical reference. Reagan found the secret formula for bringing the foundation of God to the table, without introducing religion. In that respect, what republicans need to do, is find a way to articulate their message including God, but not including the religiously-based interpretations of God. That's where their problems have been. God doesn't say gay marriage or abortion is wrong, that is a religious determination based on a religious understanding of God. It's a judgement. Conservatives can stand up for the right to life without relying on religious judgement, because the Constitution explicitly states we have a right to life. The whole entire "marriage" issue can be settled easily, conservatives shouldn't support ANY governmental favoritism toward ANY social domestic arrangement. It's an issue that shouldn't even be on the table.

The main thing republicans have failed at, is not taking control of the dialogue, and allowing liberals to define the conversation and parameters. We start off in a debate about abortion and morality, when they shouldn't even matter in the debate. We try and defend an argument over "rights" of gays to marry, when we should reject any notion of special rights, we are all equally endowed with the same rights. We're hopelessly trying to argue the "how often do you beat your wife" argument, and failing. All of these issues can be rejected on the basis they shouldn't be a part of what federal government does. Smaller limited federal government should not be dictating morality of social issues, that should be left for the people and states to determine, and the federal government should return to it's rightful role in our lives.

Then there is the whole "reach out" thing. What does that really mean? Well, it means we should cater to special interest groups, like the democrats. Does anyone see a problem with our ideology if it is to pattern our opposition? Conservatives should make it clear that we "reach out" to EVERY American. Ronald Reagan brilliantly did this by introducing us to individuals, sharing their individual story with us, to illustrate his points. The democrats have had a field day with this strategy, and taken it to a whole new level, but they use it to promote special interests. We can't out-liberal the liberals, we have to return to a message rooted in equality for all, and not cater to various groups of people. We have to make the argument that, if you are Hispanic, a woman, black, or whatever, you are better off with principled conservatism which enables ALL Americans and floats ALL boats.

Finally, we need a strong conservative voice. Mitt Romney is a great guy, he has done many admirable things, he is a good man and has enormous character, but he was not a conservative who was passionately convicted to conservative principles, and that is what we needed. Who will that voice be? Many are saying, Marco Rubio. I don't know, is it because he is a minority? Or does the man have core conservative convictions, which he is able to deliver in a cohesive conservative message? Because the later is far more important than the former, I promise.
So, in your opinion, Mitt lost because he wasn't conservative enough.

Thanks for confirming your delusional status.

Meanwhile, consider this. We are all born with instinctual attributes such as desire to procreate, conserve, etc.

In spite of this, the vast majority of men do not rape nubile females on sight. This is because they are able to hold back their instincts with their intellects. For some reason, many such as yourself are incapable of intellectualising past their innate conservative instincts. Is there hope for your kind? In many cases,(such as your own) I doubt it, though there are some who have managed to educate themselves beyond utter selfishness.
So, in your opinion, Mitt lost because he wasn't conservative enough.

Yes, and the number of conservatives who voted in 2008, but did not vote in 2012, is a testament to that fact.

We can go back to the GOP primaries, where Mitt was never the popular choice. Before picking Mitt, it was Bachmann, Cain, Trump, Santorum, Perry, Newt.... just about ALL the possible choices besides Mitt. Conservatives were conflicted, and caught between ideology and pragmatics, but in the end, Mitt was the winner by default. I personally didn't know anyone who picked Mitt as their man from the get-go, we didn't have anyone on this board who expressed support for him during the primaries. When you asked most conservatives, and even the liberals, the complaint on Mitt was, he's NOT conservative. Governor of the most liberal state in America, except for maybe California, brain-trust of Romneycare, and practicing Mormon, Mitt was by every definition of the word, a MODERATE!

Now, I realize, with liberals, the post-election narrative is that conservatism lost and liberalism won, but that is simply a fallacy. A moderate lost to a liberal, yet AGAIN. The CONSERVATIVE BASE proved once again to the GOP, they will not vote for a moderate. Romney won the moderates and independents, by about 20 points over Obama, he didn't win the conservative base, they stayed home. The GOP would be wise to take this to heart, but they won't. We already have the GOP talking heads, telling us that we have to be more moderate, we have to appeal to special interests and get off this 'God' thing. Perhaps the GOP needs to lose another election or two? I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is certainly not to become more moderate than Mitt Romney.
Yes, and the number of conservatives who voted in 2008, but did not vote in 2012, is a testament to that fact.

Why do you waste all that typing on something that could have been said in one short sentence? It's not like you thought about it. Your analyses is nothing but self serving spin.
Romney was not really the problem. It was Akin, Mourdock, six years of immigration craziness, decades of homosexual bashing, racism and war mongering. Romney's only real failing was that he was too weak kneed to stand up to them. He probably would have lost, but the changes in the message need to happen at the lower levels. The last ditch efforts are over. You can hope the Democrats will nominate a really bad candidate in 2016 and while there is a good chance of that it will not change the fact that extreme social conservatism is not going to become popular and will continue to decline.
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Yes, and the number of conservatives who voted in 2008, but did not vote in 2012, is a testament to that fact.

We can go back to the GOP primaries, where Mitt was never the popular choice. Before picking Mitt, it was Bachmann, Cain, Trump, Santorum, Perry, Newt.... just about ALL the possible choices besides Mitt. Conservatives were conflicted, and caught between ideology and pragmatics, but in the end, Mitt was the winner by default. I personally didn't know anyone who picked Mitt as their man from the get-go, we didn't have anyone on this board who expressed support for him during the primaries. When you asked most conservatives, and even the liberals, the complaint on Mitt was, he's NOT conservative. Governor of the most liberal state in America, except for maybe California, brain-trust of Romneycare, and practicing Mormon, Mitt was by every definition of the word, a MODERATE!

Now, I realize, with liberals, the post-election narrative is that conservatism lost and liberalism won, but that is simply a fallacy. A moderate lost to a liberal, yet AGAIN. The CONSERVATIVE BASE proved once again to the GOP, they will not vote for a moderate. Romney won the moderates and independents, by about 20 points over Obama, he didn't win the conservative base, they stayed home. The GOP would be wise to take this to heart, but they won't. We already have the GOP talking heads, telling us that we have to be more moderate, we have to appeal to special interests and get off this 'God' thing. Perhaps the GOP needs to lose another election or two? I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is certainly not to become more moderate than Mitt Romney.

Well Dixie, please pick one from the following who could have defeated President Barack Obama...Bachmann, Cain, Trump, Santorum, Perry, Newt
This is really unfair Dixie! It is not your fault Romney lost. They just didn't listen to you.

The damn GOP has WAY too many RINOS who have tainted your message. They need to see the light. They need to water that conservative flower, not stomp on it!

You need to stand up and tell them all that's needed is to become more conservative, not less.

With the right message you can get those damn 47% moochers to look in the mirror and see that they ARE moochers. I already called grandma and told her to get off her 80 year old ass, get a job and stop mooching off government.

You need to push for more laws like Arizona S.B. 1070. Stop and search EVERY taco eater, not just some of them. Then they will get the message...this is OUR white ass country!

And those limp wristers need to be straightened out...literally!

You can't give up now Dixie, I am really counting on you to get out your message. Liberals are counting on you too, MUCH more than conservatives...
Obama is not a liberal. That is the radical rights narrative but like the rest of it's positions and planks it isn't based in fact. I differ from TRS and place Romney square in the center of the failure as a man and a candidate.
This is really unfair Dixie! It is not your fault Romney lost. They just didn't listen to you.

The damn GOP has WAY too many RINOS who have tainted your message. They need to see the light. They need to water that conservative flower, not stomp on it!

You need to stand up and tell them all that's needed is to become more conservative, not less.

With the right message you can get those damn 47% moochers to look in the mirror and see that they ARE moochers. I already called grandma and told her to get off her 80 year old ass, get a job and stop mooching off government.

You need to push for more laws like Arizona S.B. 1070. Stop and search EVERY taco eater, not just some of them. Then they will get the message...this is OUR white ass country!

And those limp wristers need to be straightened out...literally!

You can't give up now Dixie, I am really counting on you to get out your message. Liberals are counting on you too, MUCH more than conservatives...

Don't forget war with China and Iran. That will secure their declining support amongst members of the military and their families.
Obama is not a liberal. That is the radical rights narrative but like the rest of it's positions and planks it isn't based in fact. I differ from TRS and place Romney square in the center of the failure as a man and a candidate.

Well, he apparently had reason to think he could not stand up to the far right. I am not so sure a hard stance against Akin or Mourdock would have worked unless the pundits and grassroots would have shown support.

I think the GOPs failures have been something they have been working on for years. For instance, they once used the anti marriage equality referendums to increase turnout, but attitudes have changed and the memories of their divisiveness will haunt them. Their failures on immigration cant be washed by an endorsement from Rubio. This is part of their problem. They have a very deep contempt for voters and think they can be easily swayed by bs. Many Democrats have the same level of contempt which is why they are quite likely to fail to achieve any lasting majority.

Voters are not as stupid as most political junkies and the highly partisan true believers imagine. I know it is common to ignore claims of independence but we have seen shifts amongst posters on these boards.

But even when Romney did take on the far right no one really believed him. That was his fault and not easily overcome due to his history. At least, McCain could pull off the maverick role. Romney was pandering and the primaries made him look rather servile, weak and pathetic. HE lost, but the party is in trouble and needs to reform if it hopes to field a viable candidate in 2016.
Well, he apparently had reason to think he could not stand up to the far right. I am not so sure a hard stance against Akin or Mourdock would have worked unless the pundits and grassroots would have shown support.

I think the GOPs failures have been something they have been working on for years. For instance, they once used the anti marriage equality referendums to increase turnout, but attitudes have changed and the memories of their divisiveness will haunt them. Their failures on immigration cant be washed by an endorsement from Rubio. This is part of their problem. They have a very deep contempt for voters and think they can be easily swayed by bs. Many Democrats have the same level of contempt which is why they are quite likely to fail to achieve any lasting majority.

Voters are not as stupid as most political junkies and the highly partisan true believers imagine. I know it is common to ignore claims of independence but we have seen shifts amongst posters on these boards.

But even when Romney did take on the far right no one really believed him. That was his fault and not easily overcome due to his history. At least, McCain could pull off the maverick role. Romney was pandering and the primaries made him look rather servile, weak and pathetic. HE lost, but the party is in trouble and needs to reform if it hopes to field a viable candidate in 2016.

I agree with most of your assessment however McCain's claim to being a maverick evaporated with the choice of Palin. He foisted on the American people one of the most vile and divisive people possible and a true example of the religious right. He will forever be reviled for that and lost any and all claims to strength he may have had. (He was never what he pretended to be.)

In regard to the republicans, they are nothing if not the tools of the monied elite who have no wish to be part of a true democracy. They and their followers don't believe in democracy. They will fail in their efforts to put a 'new face' on their party. The libertarians and Tbaggers are nothing but Koch Brothers dupes. If the democrats don't take a stand and show strength, if they negotiate for privatizing or reducing social security, medicare, medicaid etc. then there will be very real trouble. I for one will never vote for them again. In my view this is their last chance to do what they were voted into office to do. I will never join the ranks of the selfish and despised 'me, me, me' greedy bastards I see posting around here and on the web. Hatefilled and short sited anarchists have nothing to offer but misery.
Well, he apparently had reason to think he could not stand up to the far right. I am not so sure a hard stance against Akin or Mourdock would have worked unless the pundits and grassroots would have shown support.

I think the GOPs failures have been something they have been working on for years. For instance, they once used the anti marriage equality referendums to increase turnout, but attitudes have changed and the memories of their divisiveness will haunt them. Their failures on immigration cant be washed by an endorsement from Rubio. This is part of their problem. They have a very deep contempt for voters and think they can be easily swayed by bs. Many Democrats have the same level of contempt which is why they are quite likely to fail to achieve any lasting majority.

Voters are not as stupid as most political junkies and the highly partisan true believers imagine. I know it is common to ignore claims of independence but we have seen shifts amongst posters on these boards.

But even when Romney did take on the far right no one really believed him. That was his fault and not easily overcome due to his history. At least, McCain could pull off the maverick role. Romney was pandering and the primaries made him look rather servile, weak and pathetic. HE lost, but the party is in trouble and needs to reform if it hopes to field a viable candidate in 2016.

I don't agree 'Many Democrats have the same level of contempt'. Many Democrats don't have the spine to jeopardize their own hides. If Ayn Rand is required reading for conservatives, John F. Kennedy's 'Profiles in Courage' should be mandatory for Democrats. And a little Harry S. Truman for plain speaking truth.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman
I don't agree 'Many Democrats have the same level of contempt'. Many Democrats don't have the spine to jeopardize their own hides. If Ayn Rand is required reading for conservatives, John F. Kennedy's 'Profiles in Courage' should be mandatory for Democrats. And a little Harry S. Truman for plain speaking truth.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Well put and I agree with your choice of reading material.
I agree with most of your assessment however McCain's claim to being a maverick evaporated with the choice of Palin. He foisted on the American people one of the most vile and divisive people possible and a true example of the religious right. He will forever be reviled for that and lost any and all claims to strength he may have had. (He was never what he pretended to be.)

In regard to the republicans, they are nothing if not the tools of the monied elite who have no wish to be part of a true democracy. They and their followers don't believe in democracy. They will fail in their efforts to put a 'new face' on their party. The libertarians and Tbaggers are nothing but Koch Brothers dupes. If the democrats don't take a stand and show strength, if they negotiate for privatizing or reducing social security, medicare, medicaid etc. then there will be very real trouble. I for one will never vote for them again. In my view this is their last chance to do what they were voted into office to do. I will never join the ranks of the selfish and despised 'me, me, me' greedy bastards I see posting around here and on the web. Hatefilled and short sited anarchists have nothing to offer but misery.

Of course, he was not. I never like using/admitting to the hate word but McCain comes as close as anybody to receiving mine. I think the left should thank him for Palin.

See, you are wrong on the economic issues and that is what threatens to hurt the Democrats. They get plenty of support from the monied elite. This notion that one side is all good and light and the other is pure evil fails both parties repeatedly and only works on the true believers who will always support their respective parties. The true believers are largely irrelevant extremist and the most successful party will be the one that mostly ignores their own and instead focuses on the middle.

Some sort of shift on Social Security and Medicare are going to be necessary. The Democrats are certainly capable of guiding the reforms but if they let their crazies have too much say it will cost them.

Obama was elected largely to hold the line against right wing hate, not too institute more big government solutions.
Yes, and the number of conservatives who voted in 2008, but did not vote in 2012, is a testament to that fact.

We can go back to the GOP primaries, where Mitt was never the popular choice. Before picking Mitt, it was Bachmann, Cain, Trump, Santorum, Perry, Newt.... just about ALL the possible choices besides Mitt. Conservatives were conflicted, and caught between ideology and pragmatics, but in the end, Mitt was the winner by default. I personally didn't know anyone who picked Mitt as their man from the get-go, we didn't have anyone on this board who expressed support for him during the primaries. When you asked most conservatives, and even the liberals, the complaint on Mitt was, he's NOT conservative. Governor of the most liberal state in America, except for maybe California, brain-trust of Romneycare, and practicing Mormon, Mitt was by every definition of the word, a MODERATE!

Exactly. The best candidate your party could come up with, out of maybe 150 MILLION eligible choices, still wasn't adequate, as a human or a president.

Therefore, since the best available wasn't good enough, the product he couldn't sell is obviously the issue, not whether or not he was "conservative" or not.

For your argument to have ANY merit whatsoever, Obama would have to be more conservative than Mitt, which he is not.
Now, I realize, with liberals, the post-election narrative is that conservatism lost and liberalism won, but that is simply a fallacy. A moderate lost to a liberal, yet AGAIN. The CONSERVATIVE BASE proved once again to the GOP, they will not vote for a moderate. Romney won the moderates and independents, by about 20 points over Obama, he didn't win the conservative base, they stayed home. The GOP would be wise to take this to heart, but they won't. We already have the GOP talking heads, telling us that we have to be more moderate, we have to appeal to special interests and get off this 'God' thing. Perhaps the GOP needs to lose another election or two? I'm not sure what the answer is, but it is certainly not to become more moderate than Mitt Romney.

The whole conservative base stayed home, and let a man described (by them) as; a muslem, a (insert racist epithet here), a marxist, a socialist, a terrorist, a non citizen etc., be elected rather than a "moderate" (Mitt).

This is why you are insane, not stupid.
I agree with most of your assessment however McCain's claim to being a maverick evaporated with the choice of Palin. He foisted on the American people one of the most vile and divisive people possible and a true example of the religious right. He will forever be reviled for that and lost any and all claims to strength he may have had. (He was never what he pretended to be.)

In regard to the republicans, they are nothing if not the tools of the monied elite who have no wish to be part of a true democracy. They and their followers don't believe in democracy. They will fail in their efforts to put a 'new face' on their party. The libertarians and Tbaggers are nothing but Koch Brothers dupes. If the democrats don't take a stand and show strength, if they negotiate for privatizing or reducing social security, medicare, medicaid etc. then there will be very real trouble. I for one will never vote for them again. In my view this is their last chance to do what they were voted into office to do. I will never join the ranks of the selfish and despised 'me, me, me' greedy bastards I see posting around here and on the web. Hatefilled and short sited anarchists have nothing to offer but misery.

I don't agree 'Many Democrats have the same level of contempt'. Many Democrats don't have the spine to jeopardize their own hides. If Ayn Rand is required reading for conservatives, John F. Kennedy's 'Profiles in Courage' should be mandatory for Democrats. And a little Harry S. Truman for plain speaking truth.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

I don't know what any of that has to do with the point that Democrats feel contempt for voters.

The ardently pro choice Ayn Rand has nothing to do with Akin, Mourdock and extreme social conservatives.
The ardently pro choice Ayn Rand has nothing to do with Akin, Mourdock and extreme social conservatives.

You've mentioned Akin and Mourdock more in this thread than anyone. No conservatives were out there holding these two up as fine examples to anyone. They made boneheaded statements they shouldn't have made, and Liberals (LIKE YOU) exploited them for political gain. They are certainly not the poster children for Conservatism.

I agree that EXTREME social conservatism won't work. No one is talking about EXTREME social conservatism, except YOU! When did it become "EXTREME" to acknowledge the existence of God? Why do you think it "EXTREME" to believe our nation is founded on the principle that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights from their Creator? Why is that such a volatile thing for pseudo-liberals such as yourself to accept?