Revamping the Republican Strategy

it's like dragging a bit of catnip on a string.....every time I jerk it, the Cunt pounces......fact is, I intend to call you cunt everyday forever......we had put it on the shelf for a while because the admins said you would behave yourself....even your friends know its only happening because you couldn't resist being a cunt.....since you've demonstrated you are still a cunt the cease fire is and Hamas, two birds of a feather.....

News flash, Sandusky. There was no 'cease fire'. Calling a spade a spade isn't firing a shot of any kind. You know what you are and you proudly fly your freak-flag with every child avatar and every spewage of hatred towards women. Live with it. The label ain't going anywhere. Just because the board rules prohibit using a particular word to describe you doesn't mean the word still doesn't aptly describe you. Deal with it, scumbag. It is what it is.
ME! Now, granted, I don't have billions in wealth, and if I went to a rich person convention, I might get snickered at over my meager fortune, but compared to the average person, I think I qualify as "wealthy" with just over $6 mil in personal assets. I'm not the least bit interested in making more money.

Do you have that money invested or in a shoe box? If invested, do you seek out the best return? Not that I believe you. I'm just going along for argument's sake because anyone with 6 million who spends a good portion of their day on a chat board lacks the most basic inquisitiveness and motivation that is natural in human beings. In other words one would be doing something. Pursuing knowledge or involved in some interest, or helping people or ...... Now I understand why you think people are generally lazy because you have to be the laziest individual I've even known.

I never said anything about spite. I agree, they won't stop making money to spite you. They'll stop because the costs and risks aren't worth the headaches. You can't fix that by adding more cost and headaches. I can assure you of that.

No, Dix. They won't stop. They'll figure out ways to make money. Any money. Not necessarily out of necessity but because that's what they do. They like "doing", for lack of a better term.

I never said they intend to live a poor lifestyle. I'm an eccentric wealthy person, I live in a small modest home, I have a couple of older cars, never have owned a yacht or jet, and probably never will. I don't blow money on material things, I am much happier with the simple things in life. I could vacation anywhere in the world, stay in the finest hotels, eat at the finest restaurants, and have champagne at my table every night.... I am happier with a 6-pack and my guitar, somewhere in the wilderness with my tent and a campfire. That said, I never live a "poor lifestyle" or do without the things I want.

Then you're definitely not the average case. The majority of wealthy people are easily bored. They seek out new experiences. They enjoy figuring out ways to make money just as much as actually making it. They enjoy the fine hotels and the expensive vacations for the experience of it.

Nope. Not following you, are you trying to argue that market prices are determined by what one rich person may do? When I go to the store, I look at the prices just like anyone who is on a budget. I don't HAVE to do this, it's just how I approach things. I like a lean hamburger, so one of my quirks is, I will look at the prices on round or sirloin roast, it's usually cheaper than ground beef, so I have the butcher grind up the roast and save about .50-.75 a pound, plus, get the lean kind of hamburger I like. I paid cash for my home, it came from a tax lien auction, where I got it for about 1/4 what it's value is.

Well, we have lean meat in common. :lol: My wife does the same thing. She has the butcher grind the meat, extra lean, for her meat pies. However, it's more expensive than the regular ground meat. Not sure how you pay less for lean grind??

My point about market prices is the wealthy person can afford to pay whatever is necessary to get the basics. More about that later.

See, I have this problem with your platitude statement regarding poverty. What the fuck do you mean by "relationship between people?" Sounds like an ever-changing goal post, which we will never meet the demand of. Regardless of how much wealth we redistribute, the relationship between people defining poverty, is not changed. Therefore, we will always have people living in "poverty" even if they are all millionaires! It's this disturbing definition of poverty that troubles me most about liberal ideology.

As I look across the landscape of dead moderate corpses who've tried to "reach across the aisle" and work with the Democrats, I am somewhat skeptical of your offer. It seems to me, what often happens is a moderate attempts to reach out, and ends up being crucified by the liberals. This makes me believe my best bet is to hold firm to my conservative convictions and relentlessly fight for core conservative values. I don't care that Socialist Marxists won an election, it doesn't matter to me. You can try and cram liberalism down our throats, and you can pass new tax laws and make the wealthy pay more, but then you'll live with the consequences. The rich are not sitting in a corner crying over this, they will be just fine paying another 3-4% in income tax, since most of them no longer really earn income. All it means to them is, income earning isn't going to be a big part of their future endeavors. It doesn't change what they have or how they live, it only changes the availability of venture capital, capitalist investments, and new job creation or economic prosperity. But hey, I am sure Obama has a plan for that!

First, we're talking about two types of wealthy people. I'm not talking about the billionaires. I'm talking about the average wealthy individual and they do not want to see their money decrease. They may have 10 million but unless invested and earning money they'll soon have a problem as they have an acquired lifestyle to maintain. It costs money to maintain a large house, a country home, a couple of cars, the gardener, vacations.....Let's say the typical savings account pays 1.5% interest. On 10 million that's a mere $150,000/yr. 5 million--$75,000/yr. The person with 5 or 10 million is going to keep adding to their funds, be it a job or investments. Or change their lifestyle.

Now, as to stealing from the rich to give to the poor or "equalizing" everyone, that troubling liberal ideology as you refer to it, you have it all wrong. If you knew someone who had sufficient food to eat, a decent place to live, a good medical plan and decent clothes to wear would you consider them living in poverty? Probably not, however, if they didn't own a home and had a bank balance of $10.00 they'd definitely be considered poor, would they not?

As you can see there is a difference between "poor" and "poverty" and Obama is trying to reduce poverty. Look at social security. "The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012." ( That's just shy of $15,000/yr. or equivalent to having one million dollars in the bank at 1.5% interest. While all retirees are not millionaires they are "equivalent" to millionaires, in a certain aspect, and that's my point about equivalency.

With Obamacare the average person is a multi-millionaire in regards to what they can afford to pay in order to live, survive, not die! So, while we haven't made the wealthy person poor we have made the poor person wealthy. At least that's the goal and regarding that goal we have come a long way. Before SS people suffered and died at a relatively young age. We've greatly improved that statistic. People live considerably longer.

That is the Liberal goal and the reality is the typical Conservative is not so much worried about their money, per se. It's like they hold a grudge. They worked harder than anyone else. They sacrificed more than anyone else. They "earned" it so why should the other person have access to food and shelter and medical care? The Liberal didn't suffer like the Conservative. That is their way of thinking and it's just not nice. :(
Do you have that money invested or in a shoe box? If invested, do you seek out the best return? Not that I believe you. I'm just going along for argument's sake because anyone with 6 million who spends a good portion of their day on a chat board lacks the most basic inquisitiveness and motivation that is natural in human beings. In other words one would be doing something. Pursuing knowledge or involved in some interest, or helping people or ...... Now I understand why you think people are generally lazy because you have to be the laziest individual I've even known.

I have the money invested, but I don't seek out the best return. I seek the best return with the lowest risk or penalty. Wow, I never realized all these people here (including yourself) were lazy and lacked the most basic inquisitiveness or motivation.

No, Dix. They won't stop. They'll figure out ways to make money. Any money. Not necessarily out of necessity but because that's what they do. They like "doing", for lack of a better term.

Yes, Apple, they will stop, just as many of them HAVE stopped. Not "making money" because it's actually hard to be wealthy and not make money, but venture capital investing and taking risks with money to make more money, that will stop and has stopped.

Then you're definitely not the average case. The majority of wealthy people are easily bored. They seek out new experiences. They enjoy figuring out ways to make money just as much as actually making it. They enjoy the fine hotels and the expensive vacations for the experience of it.

Oh I've experienced it and can afford to do whatever I want. I've stayed in fine hotels and taken expensive vacations, but I am happier camped out in the wilderness, roughing it. Again, I have no desire to make more money or to figure out a way to make more money. I have plenty of money and can do whatever I want to do.

Well, we have lean meat in common. :lol: My wife does the same thing. She has the butcher grind the meat, extra lean, for her meat pies. However, it's more expensive than the regular ground meat. Not sure how you pay less for lean grind??

I wait for the roasts to go on sale, when they are less per pound than ground beef, I pick a few out and have them grind them, which they do for free. I save about .50 a lb. over the cheap-o ground beef in a tube. A lot of people simply don't realize you can do this.

First, we're talking about two types of wealthy people. I'm not talking about the billionaires. I'm talking about the average wealthy individual and they do not want to see their money decrease. They may have 10 million but unless invested and earning money they'll soon have a problem as they have an acquired lifestyle to maintain. It costs money to maintain a large house, a country home, a couple of cars, the gardener, vacations.....Let's say the typical savings account pays 1.5% interest. On 10 million that's a mere $150,000/yr. 5 million--$75,000/yr. The person with 5 or 10 million is going to keep adding to their funds, be it a job or investments. Or change their lifestyle.

Wow, so there are different degrees of "rich" people? And they can all be a little different? They don't all have this same nagging desire to make more and more wealth they don't need? Look, everyone is different, there is no monolithic standard you can apply to all rich people, just as you can't apply the same monolith to all poor people. We're all different, have different motivations and desires, have different wants and needs, and have different ideas for what to do or not do with our money. That said, the more you create a burden on capital investment, the less of it you're going to see. The more you punish the risk takers, the fewer of them will take the risks. None of the wealthy people are going to lose money, just the general interest from their wealth takes care of that. I live quite comfortably on less than $75k per year, so at 1.5% interest, I am as happy as can be. The thing I am not going to do, is use my wealth to invest in capitalist projects to make more wealth, because of the heavy taxation and high risks. It's just not worth it to me, I had rather play it safe and leave my money in secure investments which will provide adequately for my needs.

Now, as to stealing from the rich to give to the poor or "equalizing" everyone, that troubling liberal ideology as you refer to it, you have it all wrong. If you knew someone who had sufficient food to eat, a decent place to live, a good medical plan and decent clothes to wear would you consider them living in poverty? Probably not, however, if they didn't own a home and had a bank balance of $10.00 they'd definitely be considered poor, would they not?

Well I don't know, Apple, you see, that's the problem with your open-ended platitude about poverty, if it's a "relationship between people" then when does someone have "sufficient" food to eat? What is a "decent" place to live? What is a "good" medical plan? It seems these parameters can all change, and we'll have a real problem ever addressing poverty.

As you can see there is a difference between "poor" and "poverty" and Obama is trying to reduce poverty. Look at social security. "The average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker was about $1,230 at the beginning of 2012." ( That's just shy of $15,000/yr. or equivalent to having one million dollars in the bank at 1.5% interest. While all retirees are not millionaires they are "equivalent" to millionaires, in a certain aspect, and that's my point about equivalency.

???? You're math has lost me. Now you are claiming someone who earns benefits from their Social Security is equivalent to a millionaire? Obama might be trying to reduce poverty, just as liberals have been trying to reduce poverty for over 40 years, the problem is, you're not succeeding at it, poverty is as high as it has ever been, unchanged in the past 40 years.

With Obamacare the average person is a multi-millionaire in regards to what they can afford to pay in order to live, survive, not die! So, while we haven't made the wealthy person poor we have made the poor person wealthy. At least that's the goal and regarding that goal we have come a long way. Before SS people suffered and died at a relatively young age. We've greatly improved that statistic. People live considerably longer.

Sorry, but you can't create money and wealth from nothing, it has to come from somewhere. Obamacare is going to continue to be a drag on the economy, and it will ultimately destroy our state-of-the-art medical system in America. We may have free doctors visits, but what use are they if there are no doctors?

That is the Liberal goal and the reality is the typical Conservative is not so much worried about their money, per se. It's like they hold a grudge. They worked harder than anyone else. They sacrificed more than anyone else. They "earned" it so why should the other person have access to food and shelter and medical care? The Liberal didn't suffer like the Conservative. That is their way of thinking and it's just not nice. :(

Yeah, I kinda hold a grudge against people who want to steal what I own and give it to those who didn't earn it. Sorry if you think that's not nice. And you've failed to define a goal here, you have created a platitude to describe "poverty" and it changes, so the "goal" can never really be met. What you advocate is societal equity in terms of wealth, which is what Mao advocated in China... didn't work. 60 million people died, trying to make it work.
News flash, Sandusky. There was no 'cease fire'. Calling a spade a spade isn't firing a shot of any kind. You know what you are and you proudly fly your freak-flag with every child avatar and every spewage of hatred towards women. Live with it. The label ain't going anywhere. Just because the board rules prohibit using a particular word to describe you doesn't mean the word still doesn't aptly describe you. Deal with it, scumbag. It is what it is.

so you acknowledge you are accusing me of being a pedophile.....and based on my avatar?......does that make you a cat fucker?......
so you acknowledge you are accusing me of being a pedophile.....and based on my avatar?......does that make you a cat fucker?......

I never rescinded my suspicion about you. Your image screams it. Don't like it? Do something about it, crybaby. And I don't give a fuck what you think of me. That's the difference here - you're a thin-skinned crybaby freak who I can wind up like a top, and your words have ZERO effect on me. Sucks to be you. :)
I have the money invested, but I don't seek out the best return. I seek the best return with the lowest risk or penalty. Wow, I never realized all these people here (including yourself) were lazy and lacked the most basic inquisitiveness or motivation.

Why do you seek any return if, as you mentioned, you’re not interested in making money? Did you mis-speak mis-type? :)

As for my being here I can unequivocally state I do not have 6 million dollars.

Yes, Apple, they will stop, just as many of them HAVE stopped. Not "making money" because it's actually hard to be wealthy and not make money, but venture capital investing and taking risks with money to make more money, that will stop and has stopped.

It’s slowed due to the economy, in general. People put their money in investment firms and those firms invest. Should a good opportunity come along, something that people will buy during this recession, then those firms will invest.

Oh I've experienced it and can afford to do whatever I want. I've stayed in fine hotels and taken expensive vacations, but I am happier camped out in the wilderness, roughing it. Again, I have no desire to make more money or to figure out a way to make more money. I have plenty of money and can do whatever I want to do.

Here we go, again. You wrote, “I seek the best return with the lowest risk or penalty.” Then you write, “Again, I have no desire to make more money or to figure out a way to make more money.”

Are you on drugs? Are you unable to see the contradiction which is mere sentences apart? What the hell is wrong with you?

Well I don't know, Apple, you see, that's the problem with your open-ended platitude about poverty, if it's a "relationship between people" then when does someone have "sufficient" food to eat? What is a "decent" place to live? What is a "good" medical plan? It seems these parameters can all change, and we'll have a real problem ever addressing poverty.

Never heard of the food guide pyramid?
Unable to conclude what a decent place to live is like? A good medical plan means acquiring medical attention without worrying about money. Are you seriously telling me you have difficulty figuring those things out?

???? You're math has lost me. Now you are claiming someone who earns benefits from their Social Security is equivalent to a millionaire? Obama might be trying to reduce poverty, just as liberals have been trying to reduce poverty for over 40 years, the problem is, you're not succeeding at it, poverty is as high as it has ever been, unchanged in the past 40 years.

Someone who collects SS collects almost the same amount of money as one would collect on one million dollars at the interest rate of 1.5%, $15,000/yr. Do the math. It’s not that difficult.

As for poverty what rules have changed to reduce it? Have welfare benefits dramatically increased? One thing that has or shortly will reduce poverty is ObamaCare. It will reduce poverty in a BIG way because people will not go bankrupt due to medical expenses which are the greatest cause of bankruptcy in the entire country. And how did ObamaCare come about? The greedy, selfish Repubs did all they could to stop Obamacare including uttering every lie and misrepresentation possible. In the end the Dems had to completely ignore them. If the Repub Reps just stayed home a lot more could be done.

Sorry, but you can't create money and wealth from nothing, it has to come from somewhere. Obamacare is going to continue to be a drag on the economy, and it will ultimately destroy our state-of-the-art medical system in America. We may have free doctors visits, but what use are they if there are no doctors?

Good grief. I can assure you there are doctors in countries that have government medical. Don’t worry your head about having no doctors. It’s just people trying to scare you. Like death panels. Utter nonsense.

Yeah, I kinda hold a grudge against people who want to steal what I own and give it to those who didn't earn it. Sorry if you think that's not nice. And you've failed to define a goal here, you have created a platitude to describe "poverty" and it changes, so the "goal" can never really be met. What you advocate is societal equity in terms of wealth, which is what Mao advocated in China... didn't work. 60 million people died, trying to make it work.

No, I'm not trying to advocate societal equity in terms of wealth if by wealth you mean dollars and cents. As I explained the retiree collecting SS is collecting the same amount of money as if they had one million dollars in the bank and collected 1.5% interest. But no one has given the retiree one million dollars. While he’s certainly not wealthy he’s a lot better off than the folks who lived before SS was implemented and that’s the goal.

There is nothing platitudic about it. (Is there such a word as “platitudic”?) Food, shelter, medical care….to ensure everyone has the basic necessities of life. That’s not dividing up your money or making sure everyone has the same amount no matter how you try to spin it. Reducing poverty can be done and it is being done, albeit, pretty damn slowly and ObamaCare is one small step in that direction. Well, actually it’s a giant leap and more leaps are in the future.

The people have woken up. At least started. Those who ran around telling people how hard they worked and everyone can make it and the unemployed are lazy bums and they find themselves out of work and losing their home and medical coverage or they go to work with an extra pair of underwear in case their boss rips them a new azzhole because they know they will have to stay there and tolerate it because they have nowhere else to go. Maybe there is justice in the world.
How about 'cunt'? That's acceptable?

I hate it when people use that word. But every site draws a line in the sand and the C word isn't over that line. It's a very sexist gendered term, and I dont like it. But if we banned that word we would have to ban pretty much any word that offended anyone here. Dixie doesn't like being called a retard and an idiot, I assure you... But people will hurl insults at him regardless. Others don't like being called stupid, dumb, a sociopath, an asshole, dickhead, etc. As a general policy we don't moderate language. If we did, not only would half the threads need to be shut down, but we would end up policing insult exchanges rather than worrying about stuff like personal information and other important things to safeguard.

All the language about doing stuff to children/accusations etc is explicitly banned because it's especially sick and the convos that revolve around all that always go down into dark places. It usually ends up dragging family members into convos and using the most innocent people - kids, as a tool for personal vendettas.

Is the C-word and other words acceptable? No. Are they bannable? No. And in the coming weeks we'll be rolling out even additional stuff to help the userbase deal with assholes. But the bottom line is for every person that calls out someone for using certain words, they are almost always using barbed words themselves. If you want respect here, you have to give it in return, and so few people here do that.

As for the specific incidents in this thread, I go by what I see, and what I saw was a completely unprovoked attack on pmp's character just because he has a different point of view. He didn't start using those words until others had already said sick shit about him.
Why do you seek any return if, as you mentioned, you’re not interested in making money? Did you mis-speak mis-type? :)

Here we go, again. You wrote, “I seek the best return with the lowest risk or penalty.” Then you write, “Again, I have no desire to make more money or to figure out a way to make more money.”

Are you on drugs? Are you unable to see the contradiction which is mere sentences apart? What the hell is wrong with you?

As for my being here I can unequivocally state I do not have 6 million dollars.

I have no desire to lose money, Apple. If my options are to make money or lose money, I will opt to make it. I'm not interested in paying excessive taxes or taking excessive risks so I can pay excessive taxes, even if it means making more money. I had rather make less money and have lower taxes and fewer risks. I see no contradiction in anything I have said.

So, only wealthy people who hang out at message boards all day, lack motivation and inquisitiveness? Others are perfectly fine?

It’s slowed due to the economy, in general. People put their money in investment firms and those firms invest. Should a good opportunity come along, something that people will buy during this recession, then those firms will invest.

Investment capital is almost non-existent these days. Investment is happening every day, Apple. Right now, the smart investor is investing in securities and bonds, things that are relatively secure and with low risk and tax liability. To remedy this condition, you don't increase tax burdens and regulations.

Never heard of the food guide pyramid?
Unable to conclude what a decent place to live is like? A good medical plan means acquiring medical attention without worrying about money. Are you seriously telling me you have difficulty figuring those things out?

Oh, I am very familiar with the food pyramid, but it doesn't factor in your platitude of poverty being a "relationship between people." I am unable to conclude what a "good place to live" is when the parameters change with the changing relationship between people. Will a person in poverty EVER live in the same neighborhood as a wealthy person? If the parameters change based on our relationships, the people in poverty will never have enough. They may live in a $100k home in a gated community with a pool, if the wealthy person lives in a million-dollar mansion, they still have more and the poor still suffer accordingly. In other words, we can never fix the poverty problem, no matter how hard we try. Not only will we fail to fix the problem, we will never help the problem, as the parameter constantly changes.

Someone who collects SS collects almost the same amount of money as one would collect on one million dollars at the interest rate of 1.5%, $15,000/yr. Do the math. It’s not that difficult.

Well first of all, a person who collects SS, is collecting a benefit from a plan they paid into. It's their money. And a 1.5% return is not even keeping up with the cost of living, so a millionaire is actually losing money at that rate. Not really sure what this has to do with our discussion, or why you're obsessing on it. But it's basically an irrelevant comparison, because the SS recipient isn't gaining interest or wealth.

As for poverty what rules have changed to reduce it? Have welfare benefits dramatically increased? One thing that has or shortly will reduce poverty is ObamaCare. It will reduce poverty in a BIG way because people will not go bankrupt due to medical expenses which are the greatest cause of bankruptcy in the entire country. And how did ObamaCare come about? The greedy, selfish Repubs did all they could to stop Obamacare including uttering every lie and misrepresentation possible. In the end the Dems had to completely ignore them. If the Repub Reps just stayed home a lot more could be done.

Obamacare will prove to be a bust. It will create a much worse system than we had. Instead of being able to see a doctor at any time, whenever you need a doctor, there will be waiting periods and lists. It's won't reduce poverty by your own defined parameters of 'relationship between people' unless you envision people in poverty getting boob-jobs, face lifts and liposuction at taxpayers expense. Again, we have adopted this "solution" to a problem you can't ever fix.

Good grief. I can assure you there are doctors in countries that have government medical. Don’t worry your head about having no doctors. It’s just people trying to scare you. Like death panels. Utter nonsense.

Death panels are for real, and part of the Obamacare plan. As demands increase on the already over-burdened medical system, there will be no other option but to ration care. We'll have to accept the death panels, we won't have any other options at that point. Like in other countries with government medical.

No, I'm not trying to advocate societal equity in terms of wealth if by wealth you mean dollars and cents. As I explained the retiree collecting SS is collecting the same amount of money as if they had one million dollars in the bank and collected 1.5% interest. But no one has given the retiree one million dollars. While he’s certainly not wealthy he’s a lot better off than the folks who lived before SS was implemented and that’s the goal.

There is nothing platitudic about it. (Is there such a word as “platitudic”?) Food, shelter, medical care….to ensure everyone has the basic necessities of life. That’s not dividing up your money or making sure everyone has the same amount no matter how you try to spin it. Reducing poverty can be done and it is being done, albeit, pretty damn slowly and ObamaCare is one small step in that direction. Well, actually it’s a giant leap and more leaps are in the future.

But the "basic necessities" change in relation to our relationships, right? And again, poverty has not been reduced, according to all the studies and statistics on poverty. We've spent literally trillions and trillions of dollars, and yet we still have poverty rate just as bad as we had 40-60 years ago. Now you claim things are better, but it's just that poverty is relational, but if that is the case, we can never hope to end poverty, and we can't afford your plan to reduce it. Yeah, I know you won an election, but you still can't spend money that doesn't exist, so sooner or later reality has to be faced. Ask the Greeks.

The people have woken up. At least started. Those who ran around telling people how hard they worked and everyone can make it and the unemployed are lazy bums and they find themselves out of work and losing their home and medical coverage or they go to work with an extra pair of underwear in case their boss rips them a new azzhole because they know they will have to stay there and tolerate it because they have nowhere else to go. Maybe there is justice in the world.

Fine, crow some more! It still doesn't change reality. There is no money without wealthy people using their resources to create more wealth. They don't do this when you punish wealth creation. In order to pay for all your social Utopian dreams, you need money. Right now, the solution is being found by simply printing more money. For your next rude awakening, let's all see how THAT turns out?
How about 'cunt'? That's acceptable?

on a scale of calling someone a pedophile a 10 and calling them a diseased, two dollar hooker a 9, calling them a cunt ranks at least a 1.5.....people have gone to jail being falsely accused of pedophilia.......nobody has ever gone to jail for being a cunt, even when its true......
on a scale of calling someone a pedophile a 10 and calling them a diseased, two dollar hooker a 9, calling them a cunt ranks at least a 1.5.....people have gone to jail being falsely accused of pedophilia.......nobody has ever gone to jail for being a cunt, even when its true......

That's your opinion. It's not mine.

When she calls you, or implies that about you, it's about YOU. When you use the c word, it's about every woman, and only crawling, slavish, con women don't know it.

If a black guy calls you a criminal, that's about you. If you return the insult and call him a dick, that's about him. If you call him the n word, that's about every black person.

But most of all, when you use racial and gender slurs, well, that's all about you.

You're wearing it. And you will never get it off.
What's the purpose of allowing all the sock puppets?

Women on this board can be verbally assaulted at will with no repercussions in my view. If we hit back we're the ones punished...there is no scale of words with numerical values. It's very subjective in my view and loaded in favor of a few males who whine. If we women say anything we're called whiners and worse and ignored. We deal with it but I'm supposed to feel, with regard to the name Sandusky, that context is everything and it can't be used when referring to a thin skinned weirdo? I get it.

Giving unaccountable sock puppets the run of the board to slime and disrupt conversation (when we manage it in this climate) is counter productive and I'd like to know why it's allowed and encouraged.
What's the purpose of allowing all the sock puppets?

Women on this board can be verbally assaulted at will with no repercussions in my view. If we hit back we're the ones punished...there is no scale of words with numerical values. It's very subjective in my view and loaded in favor of a few males who whine. If we women say anything we're called whiners and worse and ignored. We deal with it but I'm supposed to feel, with regard to the name Sandusky, that context is everything and it can't be used when referring to a thin skinned weirdo? I get it.

Giving unaccountable sock puppets the run of the board to slime and disrupt conversation (when we manage it in this climate) is counter productive and I'd like to know why it's allowed and encouraged.

Hit back with other than accusations of pedophilia. It's that simple. You do not bring children onto this board in a sexual manner. I don't give a crap if he called you a "c-word" for accusing him of pedophilia. I do care that you will argue that it will be okay to bring that pedo garbage here, we've permabanned people for it. It is where the line is drawn here. Stop it. Saying, "but he called me a c-word!" is no excuse especially when he never did until you tried to sexualize children on my site.

It is very simple: Do not accuse users or others of sexualizing children on this site, it only leads to places where we will not let this site go. If you have evidence of it, call the police. We do not need you trying to "out" a pedophile on this site, even if you had that kind of evidence. There are places you can go if you want to drag your mind through that whale poop, this isn't one of them. If you like imagining that, then using your imagination to "accuse" others of it, it isn't okay here.

I don't know how else to express it.

It would be best, if you can't stop yourself from thinking and talking about sexualized children, that you leave because you will be "asked" to some time in the future.
That's your opinion. It's not mine.

When she calls you, or implies that about you, it's about YOU. When you use the c word, it's about every woman, and only crawling, slavish, con women don't know it.

except for the fact it isn't.....whan I call Bijou something, I call Bijou something.....if you want to imagine its somethings else it is simply that.....your imagination......
except for the fact it isn't.....whan I call Bijou something, I call Bijou something.....if you want to imagine its somethings else it is simply that.....your imagination......

Exactly the same as claiming that calling a black guy the n word is only calling him that word. Clueless, wrong, and racist. Clueless, wrong, and misogynistic.

I have zero doubt you hate women.
Hit back with other than accusations of pedophilia. It's that simple. You do not bring children onto this board in a sexual manner. I don't give a crap if he called you a "c-word" for accusing him of pedophilia. I do care that you will argue that it will be okay to bring that pedo garbage here, we've permabanned people for it. It is where the line is drawn here. Stop it. Saying, "but he called me a c-word!" is no excuse especially when he never did until you tried to sexualize children on my site.

Thanks for addressing my questions. First I'm not seem to think I am. Even so no one made the argument you're addressing above. The question was how can a name like Sandosky be declared off limits when any other word, for the most part, is allowed. I see it has to do with calling out someone for being a pedophile...Thanks for your answer.

It is very simple: Do not accuse users or others of sexualizing children on this site, it only leads to places where we will not let this site go. If you have evidence of it, call the police. We do not need you trying to "out" a pedophile on this site, even if you had that kind of evidence. There are places you can go if you want to drag your mind through that whale poop, this isn't one of them. If you like imagining that, then using your imagination to "accuse" others of it, it isn't okay here.

I don't know how else to express it.

It would be best, if you can't stop yourself from thinking and talking about sexualized children, that you leave because you will be "asked" to some time in the future.
I never have me confused with someone else. I support free speech...moving that kind of back and forth to 'the war zone' would work in my view.

While I have your attention why the sock puppets? What possible purpose does allowing multiple accounts serve?
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Hit back with other than accusations of pedophilia. It's that simple. You do not bring children onto this board in a sexual manner. I don't give a crap if he called you a "c-word" for accusing him of pedophilia. I do care that you will argue that it will be okay to bring that pedo garbage here, we've permabanned people for it. It is where the line is drawn here. Stop it. Saying, "but he called me a c-word!" is no excuse especially when he never did until you tried to sexualize children on my site.

It is very simple: Do not accuse users or others of sexualizing children on this site, it only leads to places where we will not let this site go. If you have evidence of it, call the police. We do not need you trying to "out" a pedophile on this site, even if you had that kind of evidence. There are places you can go if you want to drag your mind through that whale poop, this isn't one of them. If you like imagining that, then using your imagination to "accuse" others of it, it isn't okay here.

I don't know how else to express it.

It would be best, if you can't stop yourself from thinking and talking about sexualized children, that you leave because you will be "asked" to some time in the future.

Agree 100% with the ban on depictions of sex with children, which sadly we have had here in the past.

I think that the zero tolerance policy has morphed into equating calling someone a pedophile with writing child pornography. It's two very different things. However, this always happens with zero tolerance policies and is why i am highly resistant to them in my office. They're for authoritarians, not thinkers.

However, I accept the policy here and I abide by it. In the end I think the policy does more good than harm.

As to misogyny on the internet, and here specifically, I would like to see that decoupled from this issue. There are books to be written on it. It's disgusting and all men, all men, who post on the internet should go somewhere like this, or reddit, or anywhere political (or for that matter, in the online gaming world) and post as a woman for a month.

If you haven't done that, STFU about it. You don't get an opinion.