Review of Barack Obama's new book "Dreams from my Father"

Curiouser and curiouser. No one seems able to refute anything that Coulter said. She points out quotes where Obama apparently wrote grossly racist things about white people - statements that glaringly contradict his smooth, urbane persona that he presents on his campaign.

One person told me that this book was actually first published in 1995, and was his first. It may be worth getting from a library and actually reading, to see how much of this stuff is in there.

Could it be that Obama's real thoughts and nature, are much closer to those of his nutcase pastor than he wants us to be aware of?

You don't get it .. and I'm real sure you still won't .. but no one but people like you gives a rats ass about what Ann "Man Thing" Coulter has to say.

This is real easy .. there aren't too many people like you on this site.

Try, or, or

You won't have toi bump your own thread on any of these.
"Well, apparently little onceler is going to go on ignoring the obvious, and pretending that he has a point. I wish him luck in finding a suitably illiterate useful idiot to agree with him"

What was it that you said about "how to tell when someone is losing an argument?" Didn't it have something to do with insults & personal attacks?

Who did I insult? "Ignoring the obvious" isn't an insult, it's an accurate description of what you keep doing, which I've detailed previously in this thread. Same with "pretending he has a point", also well detailed. Perhaps you hope people don't remember these things about your posts?

And who does "finding a suitably illiterate useful idiot" insult? I merely point out that you haven't found one yet. Or hadn't at the time I wrote that. It appears to have changed now.

Nice try at (yet again) trying to change the subject from Obama's apparent bigotry, to "Acorn isn't a nice guy". Can't blame you for trying, since you have been losing the argument hands down on Obama's bigotry - the real subject of the thread.

Back to the subject:
Although the leftist-fanatic squawking and caterwauling is increasing on schedule, no one seems able to offer any examples of where Coulter has mischaracterized Obama's feelings as he wrote them in his first book. Anyone else like to try?

Or should we write this thread off as another one hijacked by the board leftists when they found they couldn't defeat the argument presented?
I haven't read Obama's book, though I have read "Heart of Darkness". It sounded like Obama was calling "Heart of Darkness" racist, which upsets me because it is a very good book aimed at examining racism, not perpetuating it. Its only flaw is that the language is a little outdated, since it was written at the beginning of the 19th century and uses racial terms that would be inappropriate these days.
Well, to answer your main premise: no, I would not take the excerpts that Ann has taken from Obama's book - on their own, without her running commentary - and conclude, in any way imaginable, that Obama is filled with "blind racial hatred," as you characterized it.

The column, and the way it is written, actually reinforces the strong degree of Ann's disconnect with reality more than anything.
You don't get it .. and I'm real sure you still won't .. but no one but people like you gives a rats ass about what Ann "Man Thing" Coulter has to say.

This is real easy .. there aren't too many people like you on this site.

Try, or, or

You won't have toi bump your own thread on any of these.

Please read this twice. Three times if necessary. And then stop squeaking about Ann Coulter. Nobody but the few that are left like you, care what that shrieking polemicist and terrorist has to say.

I certainly would not bother to read anything that anyone who called for more terrorist attacks on a building in NYC had to say. I might as well as read the rantings of Ted Kaczynski.
Ann coulter, that's I person I trust to give me accurate reviews.

You know, I seriously doubt Ann Coulter is even serious with the persona she pretends to be. It's just too ridiculous. She's 100 times viler than Rev. Wright. Little Acorn should be banned from the site for this vague assocation.
Please read this twice. Three times if necessary. And then stop squeaking about Ann Coulter. Nobody but the few that are left like you, care what that shrieking polemicist and terrorist has to say.

I certainly would not bother to read anything that anyone who called for more terrorist attacks on a building in NYC had to say. I might as well as read the rantings of Ted Kaczynski.

Ann coulter, that's I person I trust to give me accurate reviews.

You know, I seriously doubt Ann Coulter is even serious with the persona she pretends to be. It's just too ridiculous. She's 100 times viler than Rev. Wright. Little Acorn should be banned from the site for this vague assocation.

I've heard that she is friends in real life with many of the left, so I would not be surprised if it is an act.
Posting anything that Ann says with anything other than ridicule in mind says infinitely more about the person posting it than it does about whatever the subject of her ranting du jour is.

Acorn is a dittohead, too; go figure...
Posting anything that Ann says with anything other than ridicule in mind says infinitely more about the person posting it than it does about whatever the subject of her ranting du jour is.

Acorn is a dittohead, too; go figure...

It is scary, though, to think that someone keeps her on the best-seller list.
I haven't read Obama's book, though I have read "Heart of Darkness". It sounded like Obama was calling "Heart of Darkness" racist, which upsets me because it is a very good book aimed at examining racism, not perpetuating it. Its only flaw is that the language is a little outdated, since it was written at the beginning of the 19th century and uses racial terms that would be inappropriate these days.

I believe the difference is perspective.

Blacks hold a different perspective of what is "racist" and how one should respond to it.

I believe Obama speaks from that perspective.
Ann Coulter, to me, is like a right-wing version of Marylin Manson. She holds ridiculous opinions and a ridiculous persona just for the attention so that she can make money.


Like a right-winger would listen to the Greatful Dead.
Not arguing, but could you help my understanding somewhat by elaborating.

I see nothing "racist" in what Rev. Wright had to say, but rather a generational perspective that is typically African-American.

If, when playing his comments about the government giving AIDS to blacks, those comments were also combined with the truth thatthis government did indeed purposefully injected blacks with venereal diseases .. within the lifetime of Wright, his comments come from a factual history, not racism.

If, when Wright spoke of the "chickens coming home to roost", one also considers that Ron Paul effectively said the same thing, how is Wrights comments more "racist" than an uber-white supremist like Ron Paul?

Additionally, his comments should be accompanied by the truth that America will overthrow a democratically elected government and install and supporta brutal dictator, ie; Iran. Why do Iranians hate America .. go ask the Shah of Iran and SAVAK.

Could Wrights' statement about the chickens possibly be more "racist" than those of the former head of Star Wars in the Reagan Administration, Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, who thinks 9/11 was done by this government?

Wasn't Colin Powell also part of this government?

Where is the racism?

Many African-Americans, like myself, see racism in the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Aren't arabs every bit as "semitic" as Israelis? Aren't all people who speak an afro-asiatic language "semitic?"

Black history in the US makes us far more critical of American society and politics than most .. and it often leads to a more correct perspective and view of the facts; Bush, the war on Iraq, the prison/industrial complex, etc.