Rick Santorum​, right for America

Mr. T

Verified User
2012 Candidate Cheat Sheet: Rick Santorum​

Who He is: Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum currently works as both a lawyer and a Fox News​ contributor. He attended PEnn State for undergrad, received his MBA from Pitt, and his JD from Dickinson School of Law. As a lawyer, he has represented (among other clients) the World Wrestling Federation​, where he lobbied for the organization to be exempt from steroid regulations because it was not a sport. Santorum is well known for his vocal stance on many socially conservative issues and has published a book on the subject, 2005's It Takes A Family.

Why He'll Win:

•Santorum is the dream candidate of social conservative voters. He is opposed to gay marriage, gays in the military, and pretty much anything else that involves the word "gay." He also has come out in favor of intelligent design and prayer in the workplace, among other religious causes. He is also a fiscally conservative candidate, but social conservatism is where he's made a name for himself.

•Santorum has a history of not just supporting social conservative policies, but supporting them vocally and aggressively. While it's easy to imagine some other candidates paying lip service to social conservatives in the primaries and then moderating themselves once the general election rolls around, that has never been Santorum's style.

•He has legislative experience. Santorum was a senator for 16 years before losing the 2006 election to Bob Casey, Jr. Even while out of office, Santorum has kept his political profile high by working on campaign strategy through his new law firm and commentating for Fox News. He lacks specific executive experience, but there's no doubt he understands how Washington works.

Why don't you explain what "santorium won't even the nom" means?

Are you having a stroke?
that is really on topic and a great contribution to the thread

fucking retarded typo nazi troll


Maybe you should direct that pissy little 'tude at USF...if it weren't for his incessant correction of other's spelling, yours might have gone unnoticed.
I'll just jump right in and predict that Santorum isn't going to be the nominee of the republican party.
Nothing personal Mr. T, but Rick Santorum​ looks like a Rhino.

I bet my next pay check,,,,,,,,, that he doesn't have a chance.

I couldn't support him.
Nothing personal Mr. T, but Rick Santorum​ looks like a Rhino.

I bet my next pay check,,,,,,,,, that he doesn't have a chance.

I couldn't support him.

He may be a RINO, It is still to early and the field is wide open. Soon we will have all the big news outlets telling us who to vote for and why.
If you rely on google searches for your information, you will not get the truth. Google has been accused of filtering what come up on search engines. Just type in Rick Santorum in google and see what pulls up.

People are to busy trying to earn a living to do the research and look into the candidates. They are struggling under the Obama Recession and anyone but Obama will probably win. which can be a good thing unless we get the same status quo.
I'm going to read a list of people who may be running in the Republican primary for president in 2012. After I read all the names, please tell me which candidate you would be most likely to support for the Republican nomination for president in the year 2012, or if you would support someone else. Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, businessman Herman Cain, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, or former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum."
