Rick Santorum​, right for America

When Santorum gives up, will his supporters mostly go to Perry?
I like Santorum. I like Cain. Ron Paul is flaky, but has a few good ideas. Herman Cain is probably the guy who should be President and I like him a lot. We need someone who can get this country back to work.
I like Santorum. I like Cain. Ron Paul is flaky, but has a few good ideas. Herman Cain is probably the guy who should be President and I like him a lot. We need someone who can get this country back to work.

You'll get Perry and like it.
I like Santorum. I like Cain. Ron Paul is flaky, but has a few good ideas. Herman Cain is probably the guy who should be President and I like him a lot. We need someone who can get this country back to work.

Perhaps use cars adapted for the handicapped. The elderly and infirm could deliver pizza. A slight "toot-toot" on the horn and the customer runs out to the car to get their pizza. Quick, efficient and the extra income would result in less government subsidies/welfare.
He may be a RINO, It is still to early and the field is wide open. Soon we will have all the big news outlets telling us who to vote for and why.
If you rely on google searches for your information, you will not get the truth. Google has been accused of filtering what come up on search engines. Just type in Rick Santorum in google and see what pulls up.

People are to busy trying to earn a living to do the research and look into the candidates. They are struggling under the Obama Recession and anyone but Obama will probably win. which can be a good thing unless we get the same status quo.

I don't google.,,,,,,,,,,,, Anymore.

Very well,,,,,,,,,,,, let's see what happens come Jan, 1.
Maybe you should direct that pissy little 'tude at USF...if it weren't for his incessant correction of other's spelling, yours might have gone unnoticed.


By the way; your use of the word "yours"(sp) appears to a contraction and is normally spelled thusly: your's.
I was going to just laugh and pass this by; but your insistance that I'm "incessant", prompted me to point and laugh. :lol:
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