Rick Warren: Noahide Agent Of Olam Ha ba

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Rick Warren calls for Christian-Muslim partnership
Sarah Karush - Associated Press Writer - 7/6/2009 7:35:00 AM

WASHINGTON, DC – Defying some of his fellow conservative Christian critics, one of the most prominent religious leaders in the country told several thousand American Muslims on Saturday that "the two largest faiths on the planet" must work together to combat stereotypes and solve global problems.

"Some problems are so big you have to team tackle them," evangelical megachurch pastor Rick Warren addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Warren said Muslims and Christians should be partners in working to end what he calls "the five global giants" of war, poverty, corruption, disease, and illiteracy.
Rick Warren calls for Christian-Muslim partnership
Sarah Karush - Associated Press Writer - 7/6/2009 7:35:00 AM

WASHINGTON, DC – Defying some of his fellow conservative Christian critics, one of the most prominent religious leaders in the country told several thousand American Muslims on Saturday that "the two largest faiths on the planet" must work together to combat stereotypes and solve global problems.

"Some problems are so big you have to team tackle them," evangelical megachurch pastor Rick Warren addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Warren said Muslims and Christians should be partners in working to end what he calls "the five global giants" of war, poverty, corruption, disease, and illiteracy.

Boy howdy he sure is the bad guy. How dare he want to try to end war, poverty, corruption, disease, and illiteracy. You have FINALLY showed me the light. This Jewish conspiracy to make us live in peace is just plain evil! Than you so much for lifting the shroud from my eyes. I once was blind but NOW I see, can I get an AMEN!
Boy howdy he sure is the bad guy. How dare he want to try to end war, poverty, corruption, disease, and illiteracy. You have FINALLY showed me the light. This Jewish conspiracy to make us live in peace is just plain evil! Than you so much for lifting the shroud from my eyes. I once was blind but NOW I see, can I get an AMEN!

It's a plan to make us live in a global fascist theocracy.
Yes yes, plans to have people cooperate are very bad, I see now. Muslims and Christians should live in a constant state of agitation and war. Much better than peacefully cooperating.

Mixing religion and politics is always a bad idea, but of course, you're a moron and think it's dandy.
Ending war. Wow. war between nations may end when there are no more nations, but then beating the population into submission will just a routine law enforcement matter. This is the 'peace' you refer to.
Mixing religion and politics is always a bad idea, but of course, you're a moron and think it's dandy.
This wasn't about politics. Warren, (great oogly moogly am I really defending this guy?) said that people of both faiths should work together to end those problems. Ever hear of Non-Governmental Organizations working to help make the world a better place? Happens all the time. United Way? Church organizations? Any of this ring a bell?
This wasn't about politics. Warren, (great oogly moogly am I really defending this guy?) said that people of both faiths should work together to end those problems. Ever hear of Non-Governmental Organizations working to help make the world a better place? Happens all the time. United Way? Church organizations? Any of this ring a bell?

You are defending him because he's a brainwashed noahide internationalist fascist like you are. You can't help it.
Ending war. Wow. war between nations may end when there are no more nations, but then beating the population into submission will just a routine law enforcement matter. This is the 'peace' you refer to.
Wow you see evil Jews behind every rock huh? What chapter of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion did you commit to memory this morning?
Wow you see evil Jews behind every rock huh? What chapter of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion did you commit to memory this morning?

I've never read it. go research noahide and olam ha ba and you will see the docrine of racist world domination is indeed, part of the jewish faith.

God's Chosen People = overt racism.
that's that. socrtease = bent over and pwned by the truth once again. I love this place. It makes me feel smart to be able to own so hard.
that's that. socrtease = bent over and pwned by the truth once again. I love this place. It makes me feel smart to be able to own so hard.
YOu spout conspiracy theory bullshit and YOU are the superior one? So I guess the grand champion of the world is the guy on the corner that wears tinfoil on his head to keep the bad messages out? You tell me about all this conspiracy theory bullshit and that makes it so? You send me to look up some bullshit about Jewish domination of the world and that is the truth? This is an old song sung by antisemites since Jesus done got nailt to a tree. Just because a bunch of you loons got together and put the shit on the internet does not make it so. So, no, I have not been owned by you, and your sense of intelligence and achievement are nothing but self delusion. Seek help. There is an axis diagnosis for you in the DSM-IV
YOu spout conspiracy theory bullshit and YOU are the superior one? So I guess the grand champion of the world is the guy on the corner that wears tinfoil on his head to keep the bad messages out? You tell me about all this conspiracy theory bullshit and that makes it so? You send me to look up some bullshit about Jewish domination of the world and that is the truth? This is an old song sung by antisemites since Jesus done got nailt to a tree. Just because a bunch of you loons got together and put the shit on the internet does not make it so. So, no, I have not been owned by you, and your sense of intelligence and achievement are nothing but self delusion. Seek help. There is an axis diagnosis for you in the DSM-IV

It's not bullshit. It's all true.

Are you aware that the Federal Reserve has been granted the power to do basically anything it wants regarding businesses? The banker conspiracy is all true right before your fucking eyes and you're still too dense to see it.
Did you google The Noahide Laws, socrtease? let me know when you do. Then come tell me how it's not a recipe for theocracy.
Did you google The Noahide Laws, socrtease? let me know when you do. Then come tell me how it's not a recipe for theocracy.
IF it was the desire of ALL the jews, and IF they were able to convince enough of us to go along and IF such a small percentage of the human population to continue to keep us all in the dark forever then MAYBE it might work, but this is no more sane than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or any of Hitler's rants about the evil that jews do.
IF it was the desire of ALL the jews, and IF they were able to convince enough of us to go along and IF such a small percentage of the human population to continue to keep us all in the dark forever then MAYBE it might work, but this is no more sane than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or any of Hitler's rants about the evil that jews do.

So you admit the noahide laws if implemented would be a global theocracy?

Good. you're learning to be honest. go with that.
So you admit the noahide laws if implemented would be a global theocracy?

for the sake of accuracy, in order for there to be a theocracy you need direct control of the government by a deity.....if government is done by a small group of people claiming to act on the deity's behalf it would be a religious oligarchy......