Right setting new standard for "guilt by association"


New member
As usual, it has gotten completely over-the-top with the usual suspects: Medved, Fred Barnes, Gingrich, Hannity, Wallace, et al. The false outrage on Wright is so far beyond anything that is reasonably warranted. Does anyone really think that what he's saying on the clips is how Obama feels?

Anyhoo, good luck with your candidates over the next few elections, GOP. For that matter, good luck with McCain. Every relationship is open to scrutiny now, every differing view that you associate with in any non-political way is fair game.

"GOP sees Rev. Wright as pathway to victory"


Again - we're in a recession & a war. Are Americans dumb enough to keep letting unrelated subterfuge like bitter swiftboat veterans & over-the-top pastors decide their future?

If they are, they certainly deserve what they end up getting.
This country is very vulnerable to racial politics, so I am not surprised, and I actually think it will probably work. I guess I am cynical because i know too many racists, and always have, but I think the gop does see this as what puts McCain in the white house. I mean, not just this, but this is where it starts. What they have succesfully done, or what has been done here (becuase clinton might not be totally innocent on this either) is that they have taken a pretty conservative democrat, the most you could call him is moderate (he's dlc for god sakes), and painted him as a black militant. And America isn't voting for any black militant, though they will vote for a white one.

They are geniuses, truly. They took a war hero and made him a coward, and a coward and made him a freaking war hero the last time around. This time they took a half white moderate, mainstream politican and turned him into Stokey fucking Carmichael. That's what you do when you have no conscience. It comes easy to you.
It did not take rove long after he started on McCains campaign did it ?

That's right.

Hopefully he will die a painful death and see it coming, but even so, he has fucked this country and his comeupance will be too little too late. It will no longer matter.
"They are geniuses, truly. They took a war hero and made him a coward, and a coward and made him a freaking war hero the last time around. This time they took a half white moderate, mainstream politican and turned him into Stokey fucking Carmichael. That's what you do when you have no conscience. It comes easy to you."

Yep; well said. It's all so blatantly obvious to me, and I'm sure to you. But it keeps working. When was the last time the GOP won an election on "the issues"? Sure wasn't '00 or '04, and it doesn't look like they're planning on touching those pesky things this time around.

The funny thing is, Hannity & the rest, after both of the last 2 Presidential elections, came out with "once again, Americans rejected liberals on the issues," when they spent the previous 4-5 months hammering away at swiftboats, windsurfing and claims of "inventing the internet".....
As usual, it has gotten completely over-the-top with the usual suspects: Medved, Fred Barnes, Gingrich, Hannity, Wallace, et al. The false outrage on Wright is so far beyond anything that is reasonably warranted. Does anyone really think that what he's saying on the clips is how Obama feels?

Anyhoo, good luck with your candidates over the next few elections, GOP. For that matter, good luck with McCain. Every relationship is open to scrutiny now, every differing view that you associate with in any non-political way is fair game.

"GOP sees Rev. Wright as pathway to victory"


Again - we're in a recession & a war. Are Americans dumb enough to keep letting unrelated subterfuge like bitter swiftboat veterans & over-the-top pastors decide their future?

If they are, they certainly deserve what they end up getting.
But...but..but everyone here keeps saying that it is the left that continues to make an issue out of this? So which is it? Is it the right that is going to continue to make political hay out of this? And if so then why should Robertson and Falwell be out of bounds. They are both spiritual leaders in the republican party. If they weren't why doesn't the GOP denounce them strongly by saying "The GOP does not endorse the politics of hate and blame and it's tent is not big enough for those that engage in hate and blame"? Because they don't believe it AND it is not politically expedient. Hate is okay if pointed left. If pointed at gays and women and those that do not worship the blastocyst. Only when a preacher says that 9-11 is punishment for the treatment of blacks at the hands of whites is it bad. When it the Robertson saying that it is the fault of Queers and feminists and the ACLU is it acceptable. And don't tell me Bush repudiated it because in 2003 JUST before the invasion of Iraq Bush gave Robertson a private audience to discuss Iraq. Guess his harshly worded ADVISORY was all he had time to give Robertson before giving him a private audience. What the fuck does Robertson need to have a private audience with Bush for about Iraq. I didn't know Robertson was an expert on Iraq.
As usual, it has gotten completely over-the-top with the usual suspects: Medved, Fred Barnes, Gingrich, Hannity, Wallace, et al. The false outrage on Wright is so far beyond anything that is reasonably warranted. Does anyone really think that what he's saying on the clips is how Obama feels?

Anyhoo, good luck with your candidates over the next few elections, GOP. For that matter, good luck with McCain. Every relationship is open to scrutiny now, every differing view that you associate with in any non-political way is fair game.

"GOP sees Rev. Wright as pathway to victory"


Again - we're in a recession & a war. Are Americans dumb enough to keep letting unrelated subterfuge like bitter swiftboat veterans & over-the-top pastors decide their future?

If they are, they certainly deserve what they end up getting.

Are Americans dumb enough to keep letting unrelated subterfuge like bitter swiftboat veterans & over-the-top pastors decide their future?

Are you kidding? Of course they are. Particulary with this issue. This is a racist nation. Whether one is overtly racist, or subconciously biased, it doesn't really matter. I've been worried about this for a while. I don't think it really takes a whole lot, to plant the seed of doubt about a black man, in the minds of many voters. Think about the blue collar Reagan democrats. That should be a lock for the Dem party this year. But, think about the culture, background, and attitudes about race with the reagan democrats and with white america at large. And the GOP knows this. Why do you think Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Superfreak, and Damo are flogging the "racist" church angle. Or, others who have been playing up the radical muslim angle. Do you really think the GOP is going to campaign on Iraq and the Economy?
"They are geniuses, truly. They took a war hero and made him a coward, and a coward and made him a freaking war hero the last time around. This time they took a half white moderate, mainstream politican and turned him into Stokey fucking Carmichael. That's what you do when you have no conscience. It comes easy to you."

Yep; well said. It's all so blatantly obvious to me, and I'm sure to you. But it keeps working. When was the last time the GOP won an election on "the issues"? Sure wasn't '00 or '04, and it doesn't look like they're planning on touching those pesky things this time around.

The funny thing is, Hannity & the rest, after both of the last 2 Presidential elections, came out with "once again, Americans rejected liberals on the issues," when they spent the previous 4-5 months hammering away at swiftboats, windsurfing and claims of "inventing the internet".....

What do you feel won the 2000 election for Bush?
If that was the case McCain wouldn't be the nominee.

Oh, please. Sure, they went with Huckabee in the primaries (for the most part), but where are they gonna go in the general? The scary, crazy black church of Obama?

No way. They need McCain, and he needs them.
No, I hope this makes it so that Robertson and Fallwell are pushed on back where they belong.

Whats good for the goose it appears is not whats good for the gander in American politics... Especally when it is a black goose.
What do you feel won the 2000 election for Bush?

A variety of things, none related to the issues. They ran on "Gore the serial exaggerator," and in general, people thought Bush was more "likable."

Besides, Gore won the popular vote, and likely won the electoral if votes were counted correctly. That's not exactly a case for "Americans rejecting liberal stands on the issues," as Hannity & his ilk portrayed it...
Or, I could be wrong, cawacko - maybe they were taken with Bush's promise to conduct foreign policy in a "humble" manner....
Oh, please. Sure, they went with Huckabee in the primaries (for the most part), but where are they gonna go in the general? The scary, crazy black church of Obama?

No way. They need McCain, and he needs them.

If they "owned" the base as you say McCain would not be the choice. As for the general sure you either vote for McCain or you stay home if you are a Republican. That's nothing new or a surprise. If a liberal Democrat thinks Obama is to DLC do you think he would then vote for McCain?
Whats good for the goose it appears is not whats good for the gander in American politics... Especally when it is a black goose.
I have no problem with my stance. I don't like their presence any more than I would go to a place that taught racism from a pulpit.
If they "owned" the base as you say McCain would not be the choice. As for the general sure you either vote for McCain or you stay home if you are a Republican. That's nothing new or a surprise. If a liberal Democrat thinks Obama is to DLC do you think he would then vote for McCain?

Ooooh....you "got me." You guys are really good at that wordplay.

The salient point is that the GOP needs & openly courts the evangelicals in every general election, because they absolutely, positively need them to win. That was my point when saying that there is little chance Robertson & those like him will be pushed to the background.

Wanna try disputing that, or do you want to get hung up on minutiae?
It does not seem so new to me. If you are going to tar someone for what a small campaign contributor publishes on his website, this seems fair game.