RIP "Ordinary American" ( Katleen Parker)

seems to be the modus operandi throughout American history; i'm having a difficult time trying to think back ( the mind gets cloudy with age), to when we were called by our leaders to be "exceptonal" ( not to be confused with todays "American Exceptionalism").

FDR comes to mind - or JFK's inaguration speech. Yet these seem to be the exceptions to the rule.
Today's hyper-partisanship leads to <snippets> as "truth".....have you seen any campaign ads? I'm already flooded with them here (swing state).

Beyond dumbed down, i'll post some examples when i can recall, but the banality of such is already unforgetably forgetable.

Agreed. Recall how Kerry, a decorated war veteran, was successfully swiftboated. Bush's Texas Ranger record was laughable by comparison. Yet the pro-chickenhawk propaganda prevailed.

United States of Imbeciles.
Agreed. Recall how Kerry, a decorated war veteran, was successfully swiftboated. Bush's Texas Ranger record was laughable by comparison. Yet the pro-chickenhawk propaganda prevailed.

United States of Imbeciles.
some of that was Bob Shrum's utter inability to run a campaign. absolutely festered(the swifboating), and built up all thru August,
i still don't understand the lack of a response. But yes. agreed on point.
kissing babies, overpromising, -I think I recall one candidate ( or more) eating hot dogs.
They smile and shake your hand, are "concerned" ( read out of touch) with "ordinary Americans", then hop back into their motorcade, or private jet.

I want extraordinary leadership, and attending state fairs, and eating/drinking is typical campaigns.
But these aren't ordinary times, we got a plate full of extraordinary problems.

Go ahead, use big words;-impress me with your grasp of "nuance". I want someone who can lead, who can innovate, and not follow the well trodden political path.

Being a politician and coming from the "ordinary" people is, as we know, unattainable for the poor and the middle class. The obscene amount of money being spent on political ads limits who is able to be a candidate. We have to change the law or this will, forever, change the USA.

I am seriously voting third party. I just am just horrified by the path the USA is taking.
A politician must have character but not too good or too much. Good character is a heavy mantle, and to be a good politician, one must be able to wear it but lightly. Besides dishonesty and duplicity, a politician’s principal virtues should be avarice and ambition, which in politics go hand in hand.