Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviewed by Bill Maher |


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Article just published on that I thought was interesting. articles are put behind a paywall after 48 hours, but they you can download them as pdfs during that 48 hour window by clicking on the "download pdf" button near the top left corner.

Almost 2 weeks ago, Bill Maher conducted an almost 2 hour interview with RFK Jr., which is the basis of's article. The interview itself can be seen here and includes a lot of other interesting information:

I'll quote Mercola's "story at a glance version":


•June 26, 2023, Bill Maher, host of the Club Random Podcast, interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 2024 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. They discussed the Kennedy family’s political history, legacy media’s fierce opposition to his bid for the presidency, ideological changes within the Democratic Party, the tragic assassination of his father, and why the claim that vaccines are “safe and effective” is false

•The reason the U.S. government gave vaccine makers immunity against liability is because they convinced the Reagan White House that vaccines could not be made safe and will injure certain people

•According to the CDC, vaccine injuries are very rare, affecting only 1 in 1 million. However, since 2010, the CDC has known that the injury rate is about 1 in 37

•Vaccines have not saved millions of lives. In 2000, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health reviewed vital statistics data to assess the degree to which medical interventions contributed to the decrease in infectious disease mortality in the 20th century. Medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines were found to have played a minute role. The explanation for the improvement in public health was improvements in nutrition and sanitation

•Earlier research concluded that less than 1% of the decline in mortality from infectious disease in the U.S. in the 20th century could be attributed to modern medical interventions, including drugs, vaccines and surgeries


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviewed by Bill Maher |
I am glad the DNC is giving the nomination to Biden because if RFK got it the republicans would probably lose.

I think you're saying that you prefer Trump over RFK Jr., but if RFK Jr. were to get the democratic nomination, he'd win the elections. That about right?
He’s not getting the nominations, and the only people interested in him are right wing vaccine deniers

Until the Covid narrative started, I was solidly left wing apart form gun control. I'm not sure what "vaccine deniers" is supposed to mean. It sounds like someone who denies the existence of vaccines. If you can point to someone that actually fits that description, let me know. I go for terms like anti vaxxers (I could myself amoung them) and "vaccine hesitant", which I think is still much better than those who follow whatever Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma tells them to do without question.
I am glad the DNC is giving the nomination to Biden because if RFK got it the republicans would probably lose.

It's not really up to the DNC, like many Republicans think!

The Super Delegates make the decisions, and once they decide, that's pretty much it as the DNC falls right in line behind them.

If the Republicans had Super delegates, Trump would have never made it past New Hampshire. Trust me on that!
It's not really up to the DNC, like many Republicans think!

The Super Delegates make the decisions, and once they decide, that's pretty much it as the DNC falls right in line behind them.

If the Republicans had Super delegates, Trump would have never made it past New Hampshire. Trust me on that!

This was Bernie's largest obstacle, he never passed the Super Delegates litmus test.

The Democratic Party like a lot of the progressive ideas, but, they will never select a Socialist Democrat to be the president.

Bernie is a party favorite with the Democrats, and he is a good activist for progressives, but, the Democrats are never going to allow their party to wander that far into socialism. Socialism is and should be used as safety valves only, just as it is used in most other free countries in the world.

And also Socialist programs essentially must be passed by all three branches of government, given the fact that they have to be in accordance to the Constitution, and they will never all agree on all the social policies that end up on the congressional floors. Bernie would have had a lot of problems as president, getting all 3 branches of government lined up for approval of his agenda and thrust, and most of all, the Super Delegates saw the writing on the wall for Bernie.

Simply put, socialist programs and policies are very difficult to get passed and into law- because they are the most costly and the Republicans are going to have them challenged in the Supreme court!
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I used to watch Maher's HBO show regularly,

but then I realized that I didn't have as much in common with him

as I originally thought.

Haven't watched in at least a couple of years now.
It's not really up to the DNC, like many Republicans think!

The Super Delegates make the decisions, and once they decide, that's pretty much it as the DNC falls right in line behind them.

If the Republicans had Super delegates, Trump would have never made it past New Hampshire. Trust me on that!

You don't know how it actually works, the super delegates are the DNC for all intents and purposes.
You don't know how it actually works, the super delegates are the DNC for all intents and purposes.

Not really, you are putting the cart before the horse.

The Super Delegates have chosen no one but Centrist candidates since Bill Clinton. And for a very good reason, because most of the country are Centrist!

And several of them didn't even win, but they wouldn't have even had a chance had they been radical leftists.

So, I believe the Super Delegates knows what is best for the party and our country.

And you Republicans should have your very own to keep people like Donald Trump from hijacking your party!
Not really, you are putting the cart before the horse.

The Super Delegates have chosen no one but Centrist candidates since Bill Clinton. And for a very good reason, because most of the country are Centrist!

And several of them didn't even win, but they wouldn't have even had a chance had they been radical leftists.

So, I believe the Super Delegates knows what is best for the party and our country.

And you Republicans should have your very own to keep people like Donald Trump from hijacking your party!

The point is that democrats do not vote in their nominee, the super delegates do unlike the republicans who use a purely democratic system.

The one with the most votes gets the nomination.

No corruption.
The point is that democrats do not vote in their nominee, the super delegates do unlike the republicans who use a purely democratic system.

The one with the most votes gets the nomination.

No corruption.

There is nothing corrupt about the Super Delegates.

They just happen to have the largest influence inside the Democratic party.

Distinguished party leaders: consisting of all former Democratic presidents, vice presidents, congressional leaders (Democratic speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic minority leaders of the House, and Democratic leaders of the Senate), and DNC chairs).

Their seats are automatic at the DNC. When they talk- WE listen!

As I said before, if you retards listened to your own proven leaders of the past, TRUMP WOULD HAVE NEVER REACHED THE GATES OF THE WHITE HOUSE!
The point is that democrats do not vote in their nominee, the super delegates do unlike the republicans who use a purely democratic system.

The one with the most votes gets the nomination.

No corruption.

If you don't know the process, maybe you should just keep silent instead of proving yourself a fool.
Super delegates only vote if there is no winner on the first delegate vote by awarded delegates.

The Democratic party awards delegates based on percentage of vote in each state. A candidate has to meet the 15% threshold to be awarded delegates. A candidate that gets 30% of the vote in a state will get 30% of the delegates.
The Democratic system of awarding delegates bases on the percent of the vote is certainly more democratic than the GOP system which is winner take all. In the GOP if one candidate gets the highest vote total at 31% and another candidate gets 30% the candidate that gets 31% gets 100% of the delegates and the other candidate gets none. Hardly a democratic system.