Romney/Rubio would Win in 2016 Against THE HILLARY


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Mitt Romney lost because too many stubborn Conservatives listened to all the slanted BS about Romney being reported by the biased Liberal Lame Stream Media and did not vote for Romney in this last election, and of course there were all those Illegals voting for Obama, using fake ID's to Register. I believe that if Romney runs again with Marco Rubio this time around, he can win, especially if he goes up against THE HILLARY and her connection with BenghaziGate. Rubio will help draw off enough of the Hispanic vote to level the playing field. The Conservatives, after realizing that their ill-conceived no-vote attitude cost Romney the election, will finally come around and vote for Mitt, after viewing the Obama Food Stamp Presidency FIASCO and Obamacare. The illegal Aliens who voted for Obama the last time around won't dare vote for THE HILLARY, because if Mitt wins and they get caught, they will forever ruin their chance to get legalized. Also, because so many Illegals voted for Obama, there will not be any Immigration reform passed unless Romney/Rubio are elected. I will not vote for any of those primary Republicans, just because of the way they acted during the Primary debates, they kept giving "AMMO" to the Lame Stream Liberal biased press, it was a joke. It will be Romney in 2016 or this time, I will not vote just like those Stubborn Conservatives did not vote. Romney is just plain smarter than THE HILLARY, end of story. Also, Romney/Rubio may just get some of the 98% of Blacks who voted for Obama, just maybe, they might level that UN-LEVEL playing field a little bit.
Romney lost because he's nothing but a sleazy used car salesman.
What I stated above was absolutely true and you and your Lib cohors know it. There will be no immigration reform for a bunch of illegal Lib voters, are you kidding me? There will be no new gun laws passed, the writing is on the wall. The Conservatives will hold onto the House and regain the Senate and many Libs have stated as much. All those illegals who voted Lib will be investigated, and sent back home. The borders will be secured with National Guard troops and armed citizen volunteers, like in Arizona and Texas. The National Guardsmen and Army Reservists can do their Summer camps along the Border. The People will volunteer to build the fences along the border, actually two fences with infrared barriers in the middle. Anyone caught trying to illegally enter the US will be finger printed, and Iris scanned and then will never gain the right to become a US Citizen I gots lots mo fo ya, keep it coming. It is inevitable that the Left loses, they always do, ask Jimmy Carter. THE HILLARY will lose Latino votes just because she is a women, many Latinos will not vote for a women President, it is what it is...sorry about that...sometimes the truth hurts..
As of right now, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are the best candidates the Republicans have. Corey Booker and Joe Biden are the best the Dems have. I wouldn't be surprised if any of those folks were in the general.
As of right now, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are the best candidates the Republicans have. Corey Booker and Joe Biden are the best the Dems have. I wouldn't be surprised if any of those folks were in the general.
Rand Paul is the Liberal favorite because he is too radical Right and would lose. Who in the hell is Corey Booker, is he any relation to Booker T and the MG's? Joe Biden is a clown, they will run THE HILLARY.
Rand Paul is the Liberal favorite because he is too radical Right and would lose. Who in the hell is Corey Booker, is he any relation to Booker T and the MG's? Joe Biden is a clown, they will run THE HILLARY.

I don't thin Rand Paul's is too radical. If anything, being associated with the big Ls, he doesn't carry much of the baggage of a SocCon. Booker is a NJ mayor that's been made famous for street politics - he made a really compelling DNC speech, if you don't peel back any layers. Biden has the tendency of making gaffes, but he's a fantastic orator and seemingly a lot smarter than the President.
What I stated above was absolutely true and you and your Lib cohors know it. There will be no immigration reform for a bunch of illegal Lib voters, are you kidding me? There will be no new gun laws passed, the writing is on the wall. The Conservatives will hold onto the House and regain the Senate and many Libs have stated as much. All those illegals who voted Lib will be investigated, and sent back home. The borders will be secured with National Guard troops and armed citizen volunteers, like in Arizona and Texas. The National Guardsmen and Army Reservists can do their Summer camps along the Border. The People will volunteer to build the fences along the border, actually two fences with infrared barriers in the middle. Anyone caught trying to illegally enter the US will be finger printed, and Iris scanned and then will never gain the right to become a US Citizen I gots lots mo fo ya, keep it coming. It is inevitable that the Left loses, they always do, ask Jimmy Carter. THE HILLARY will lose Latino votes just because she is a women, many Latinos will not vote for a women President, it is what it is...sorry about that...sometimes the truth hurts..

The Right can win easy in 2016. The only people that can hurt the Right now, are from the Right.

I stated the day after Obama was re-elected that my next vote would be Rand Paul. But the more I'm on forums, the more I am attacked for free thinking by the Right.

I would HATE to vote for Hillary. But if the Right keeps the path they are on, I might just change my vote.......AGAIN
The Right can win easy in 2016. The only people that can hurt the Right now, are from the Right.

I stated the day after Obama was re-elected that my next vote would be Rand Paul. But the more I'm on forums, the more I am attacked for free thinking by the Right.

I would HATE to vote for Hillary. But if the Right keeps the path they are on, I might just change my vote.......AGAIN
I hate to brag about myself again, but next to Rush Limbaugh, I consider myself to be one the best analyzers as far as knowing how conniving the Leftists are. Rush calls it strategery and he is the best there ever was, and I have listened to Rush since he was in Northern California back in the 80's. The Libs and the Lame Stream Media are going to do everything in their power to push for Rand Paul, because like his Dad, he cannot win, but he will get a lot of votes. If, to far to the Right, Rand Paul does not get nominated by the Republicans, which he won't, he will run as a TeaPartier, or Independent. The Libs want him to garner enough votes that he will be the difference in a three way election, so THE HILLARY can win.
I hate to brag about myself again, but next to Rush Limbaugh, I consider myself to be one the best analyzers as far as knowing how conniving the Leftists are. Rush calls it strategery and he is the best there ever was, and I have listened to Rush since he was in Northern California back in the 80's. The Libs and the Lame Stream Media are going to do everything in their power to push for Rand Paul, because like his Dad, he cannot win, but he will get a lot of votes. If, to far to the Right, Rand Paul does not get nominated by the Republicans, which he won't, he will run as a TeaPartier, or Independent. The Libs want him to garner enough votes that he will be the difference in a three way election, so THE HILLARY can win.

Rush? Wow...explains a lot.

Once again....what's more likely? A few hard right media types are telling the truth and ALL the other media outlets are a part of some Commie plot, or the right wing media is a Marketing campaign to promote the crooked corporatocracy that this country has been slowly turning into?
Romney lost because he's nothing but a sleazy used car salesman.
That's an ad hom. Romney lost because he was an out of touch plutocrat and demonstrated that with his fatal 47% comment. In addition Romney's campaign was seriously hurt by a far to long primary season and far too many debates which forced Romney to abandon his center right positions and adopt far right positions, to appease the base. That backfired on him big time for by consolidating the conservative base, who are completely out of touch with mainstream America, he alienated single women, young adults, blacks and hispanics and a large percentage of moderates.

SJob, Dixie and others are delusional in thinking that the problem with the last few Republican candidates is that they aren't conservative enough and so should double down on conservatism. That only makes Democrats smile. :)

The fact that they think that having a woman or a Latino or an African American on the ticket will persuade people that their policies don't suck is pretty delusional too.
I hate to brag about myself again, but next to Rush Limbaugh, I consider myself to be one the best analyzers as far as knowing how conniving the Leftists are. Rush calls it strategery and he is the best there ever was, and I have listened to Rush since he was in Northern California back in the 80's. The Libs and the Lame Stream Media are going to do everything in their power to push for Rand Paul, because like his Dad, he cannot win, but he will get a lot of votes. If, to far to the Right, Rand Paul does not get nominated by the Republicans, which he won't, he will run as a TeaPartier, or Independent. The Libs want him to garner enough votes that he will be the difference in a three way election, so THE HILLARY can win.
Uhhh you're not exactly setting the bar very high. Rush Limbaugh is a Goebelesque propagandist with the analytical skills of a chimpanzee with downs syndrome....but we do agree on one thing......your analytical skills aren't quite up there with Limbaughs.
As of right now, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are the best candidates the Republicans have. Corey Booker and Joe Biden are the best the Dems have. I wouldn't be surprised if any of those folks were in the general.
Rand Paul? Seriously? Why not just hand the 2016 election to Democrats. Chris Christy is currently the most viable Republican candidate on a national level. It's also been conclusively demonstrated in 5 of the last six elections that you don't need southern conservatives to become President. Romney broke the stranglehold the south has on the GOP nomination process. Paul is a man with a couple of good ideas and a whole shit load of very, very bad ideas. Rubio is not prepared for the top job, nor is Jhindal.

Christie is the man. He's not a reactionary wingnut, he's a proven he's competent at governance, he's not a plutocrat and he's shown he can get things done. Would he be popular in the South? Not really but who cares about southern conservatives. They're mostly morons anyways. The rest of the nation would be attracted to a traditional conservative candidate who has rational policies and isn't an ideological moron.
The Right can win easy in 2016. The only people that can hurt the Right now, are from the Right.

I stated the day after Obama was re-elected that my next vote would be Rand Paul. But the more I'm on forums, the more I am attacked for free thinking by the Right.

I would HATE to vote for Hillary. But if the Right keeps the path they are on, I might just change my vote.......AGAIN
Dude....I think you miss the idea of forums. If your ideas aren't being attacked then thats proof positive that you probably don't have any. ;)
If Rand Paul runs for the Presidency, the BIG government Nanny Staters on the left and the BIG government neo-con militarist neo-Imperialist Drug Warriors on the right and the duopoly collation World Police Forcers will crucify him just like they did his father.

Washington and America in general has no respect for constitutionally limited government. America is a duopoly dictatorship designed now days of the bribed, by the bribed and for the bribed. Rand Paul is a ”radical” anti-BIG intrusive government constitutionalist. He’ll be marginalized, slandered and ignored when push comes to shove with the BIG government duopoly.

The neo-cons on Fox News Hannity, O’Reilly and the fucking neo-con Idiot favored guest John McCain will insult and slander Rand Paul until his mother won’t even vote for him. Maddow and Morrissey on MSNBC will make Rand Paul look like Adolph Hitler whipping black slaves and murdering Jews.

Oh yeah! Romney or a Romney like will be the fucking BIG government neo-con’s next attempt at the Presidency. The neo-cons own the RNC & Fox News they’ll choose your next candidate for ya just like they do in every Presidential election. Carl Rove owns the RNC, he’s their hero. Carl Rove hated Ron Paul and you can bet your rightwing ass he hates Rand Paul.
Besides, Hilary might just have Romney killed, anyway... :D


I said it before and I'll say it now. Both Paul and Rubio have too much baggage out there to ever be prez.

Paul in the form of kidnapped and possibly raped debutantes and Rubio in the form of almost-mafioso business dealings, bankruptcy and a rumored gay tryst.
If Rand Paul runs for the Presidency, the BIG government Nanny Staters on the left and the BIG government neo-con militarist neo-Imperialist Drug Warriors on the right and the duopoly collation World Police Forcers will crucify him just like they did his father.

Washington and America in general has no respect for constitutionally limited government. America is a duopoly dictatorship designed now days of the bribed, by the bribed and for the bribed. Rand Paul is a ”radical” anti-BIG intrusive government constitutionalist. He’ll be marginalized, slandered and ignored when push comes to shove with the BIG government duopoly.

The neo-cons on Fox News Hannity, O’Reilly and the fucking neo-con Idiot favored guest John McCain will insult and slander Rand Paul until his mother won’t even vote for him. Maddow and Morrissey on MSNBC will make Rand Paul look like Adolph Hitler whipping black slaves and murdering Jews.

Oh yeah! Romney or a Romney like will be the fucking BIG government neo-con’s next attempt at the Presidency. The neo-cons own the RNC & Fox News they’ll choose your next candidate for ya just like they do in every Presidential election. Carl Rove owns the RNC, he’s their hero. Carl Rove hated Ron Paul and you can bet your rightwing ass he hates Rand Paul.
Well no shit they'll crucify him. Maybe that because he has one or two good ideas and a crap load of bad ones. What do you expect? A pass?
I would love to see Romney run in 2016, provided he doesn't listen to the party machine hacks this time around. Romney should run as himself (a moderate) and select a centre-right running mate, such as Chris Christie or Jon Huntsman.
I would love to see Romney run in 2016, provided he doesn't listen to the party machine hacks this time around. Romney should run as himself (a moderate) and select a centre-right running mate, such as Chris Christie or Jon Huntsman.

Oh, please let Romney run, again! Please! You apparently are not up on Christe, he is a GOP has been. He was a naughty boy, he is being punished for governing his state, thinking of the people of New Jersey first during Sandy, so he is pariah.
Oh, please let Romney run, again! Please! You apparently are not up on Christe, he is a GOP has been. He was a naughty boy, he is being punished for governing his state, thinking of the people of New Jersey first during Sandy, so he is pariah.

Oh! Oh!
