Romney/Rubio would Win in 2016 Against THE HILLARY

Oh, please let Romney run, again! Please! You apparently are not up on Christe, he is a GOP has been. He was a naughty boy, he is being punished for governing his state, thinking of the people of New Jersey first during Sandy, so he is pariah.

Romney could easily win provided he runs as himself - a moderate, sensible, compassionate person. Same goes for Christie. The party establishment may dislike Christie for doing what is morally right, but what the people think of him is what matters. Last I checked, he had a 68 percent approval rating in NJ, a very liberal state. I know many liberals that love Christie.
Romney could easily win provided he runs as himself - a moderate, sensible, compassionate person. Same goes for Christie. The party establishment may dislike Christie for doing what is morally right, but what the people think of him is what matters. Last I checked, he had a 68 percent approval rating in NJ, a very liberal state. I know many liberals that love Christie.

The GOP would never run Romney again, he not only lost, he lost big. Their support of him was milk toast, but they had nothing else to offer.

Rand was looking good till he shot himself in the foot this last week to the point even Ron criticized him.

Christie is damaged goods, he may redeem himself before 2016, but right now, he is hands off.
That's an ad hom. Romney lost because he was an out of touch plutocrat and demonstrated that with his fatal 47% comment. In addition Romney's campaign was seriously hurt by a far to long primary season and far too many debates which forced Romney to abandon his center right positions and adopt far right positions, to appease the base. That backfired on him big time for by consolidating the conservative base, who are completely out of touch with mainstream America, he alienated single women, young adults, blacks and hispanics and a large percentage of moderates.

SJob, Dixie and others are delusional in thinking that the problem with the last few Republican candidates is that they aren't conservative enough and so should double down on conservatism. That only makes Democrats smile. :)

The fact that they think that having a woman or a Latino or an African American on the ticket will persuade people that their policies don't suck is pretty delusional too.

You're was an ad hom. But it wasn't based on a dislike for the guy. It was my impression from watching numerous campaign stop speeches. When it came to interacting with people, he came across as fake and insincere. His whole demeanor seemed to be one of "what can I say to get you into this car today?"

The 47%, the cheesy grits thing he did in the South, the awkward way he explained his position(which I actually understood, but was a terrible and insanely insensitive way of saying it with so many people out of work and hurting) when he said "I like to be able to fire people". Those are just three incidents that stick out, out of quite a few

I think he's got an anti-social personality. Doesn't understand the way he comes across to everyday people...and how he came across to me was a sleazy used car salesman.
I would love to see Romney run in 2016, provided he doesn't listen to the party machine hacks this time around. Romney should run as himself (a moderate) and select a centre-right running mate, such as Chris Christie or Jon Huntsman.
That also sounds like a good combination, Romney is a great man, who normally would have won over Barak Hussein Obama. There needs to be an investigation into those voters who used fake ID's to become registered voters. I had to get a certifide copy of a close relative of mine's birth certificate to get her first Califa Driver's licenes and she speaks perfect English. Lately, I have gone to DMV a few extra times while buying a Pickup truck, and I sat there and listened to all the illegals taking their Driver's License tests, after the Latino clerks "overlook" the fake birth Certificate. It goes on all over this Country, Liberal DMV clerks helping illegals get driver's licenses. How do the 10 million or so Illegal Aliens Drive, unless they have driver's licenses?