Ron paul doesnt make the debate cut


Abreast of the situations
NEW YORK (AP) -- ABC and Fox News Channel are narrowing the field of presidential candidates invited to debates this weekend just before the New Hampshire primary, in Fox's case infuriating supporters of Republican Rep. Ron Paul.

Fox News says it has limited space in its studio, which leaves Rep. Ron Paul out of a weekend debate.

The roster of participants for ABC's back-to-back, prime-time Republican and Democratic debates Saturday in New Hampshire will be determined after results of Thursday's Iowa caucus become clear.

Fox, meanwhile, has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites, leaving Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on the sidelines.

The network said it had limited space in its studio -- a souped-up bus -- and that it invited candidates who had received double-digit support in recent polls.

In a nationwide poll conducted December 14-20 by The Associated Press and Yahoo, Thompson had the support of 11 percent of GOP voters and Paul was at 3 percent. Paul's support is at 6 percent in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll conducted in early December.

Paul was tied with Thompson for fifth in New Hampshire in the most recent Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, each with the support of 4 percent of likely voters. Among all New Hampshire voters, Paul led Thompson 6 percent to 4 percent, but that was within the poll's margin of error.
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* Paul rakes in millions

Jesse Benton, Paul's spokesman, said it was a "big mistake" not to include Paul, especially given Paul's recent success in fundraising. He said the campaign has been trying to reach Fox News to get an explanation for the decision, but its calls had not been returned.

"There very well might be some bias," Benton said. "Ron brings up some topics that aren't very popular with Fox News, as in fiscal responsibility and withdrawing from the war in Iraq ... that does leave us scratching our heads a little bit about whether it was deliberate. Based on metrics, I don't see how you can possibly exclude Dr. Paul."

Some livid Paul supporters are distributing e-mails calling for a boycott of Fox advertisers.

A Fox representative did not immediately return calls for comment about the complaints.

Paul has been invited to a GOP forum that Fox News is sponsoring in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on January 10, Benton said.

To participate in ABC's Saturday night debate, Republican and Democratic candidates must meet at least one of three benchmarks: place first through fourth in Iowa, poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major New Hampshire surveys, or poll 5 percent or higher in one of the last four major national surveys.

ABC News anchor Charles Gibson said the criteria were actually quite inclusive. He defended the network taking the initiative in effectively narrowing the field at a point when no actual voters had cast a ballot, except for Iowa caucus-goers.

"You will have had a year's politicking," he said. "You will have had, I think by count, about 641 debates. You will have had national polls and state polls and one state's vote. I think that's pretty indicative."

Gibson said ABC explained the rules for participation in a conference call with all the campaigns and "nobody said, "How dare you!' " E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend
That is unfair. Especially given his recent fundraising success and hte grass roots movement and the fact that he's been winning a significant amount of online polls.

I still think he's a racist bastard. But it speaks volumes to the press' unfair ability to essentially choose who's going to win and who the serious contenders are.

That being said:

Hugo Chavez '08.
Another thread about Ron Paul! Adding to his massive thread count numbers and assuring him victory in 2008!

It appears that Huckabee and McCain are going to be the front runners for the GOP if either wins the primary and they put Duncan Hunter on as VP...I would vote for either one of them to get Duncan in a better postion for the next Presidential run...Duncan Hunter is my first choice and has a slim chance... if he can muster traction...we will see!:)
Hugo cannot run as he is not a citizen. First he should enter illegally and get Bush to pass legislation giving him a path to citizenship, then we'd need to alter the constitution with an Amendment that allowed all citizens to run.

So, Hugo's clear path is to resign as communist dictator of Venezuela and illegally immigrate to the US. Otherwise it's all just talk.
Hugo cannot run as he is not a citizen. First he should enter illegally and get Bush to pass legislation giving him a path to citizenship, then we'd need to alter the constitution with an Amendment that allowed all citizens to run.

So, Hugo's clear path is to resign as communist dictator of Venezuela and illegally immigrate to the US. Otherwise it's all just talk.

Well, I have to Ron Paul someone on equal footing to compare him to. I figure a Venezuelen communist known for hating the current admin levels the field.
I'm not particularly a fan of Ron Paul, but considering that he is outpolling Thompson in New Hampshire, is likely to beat Giuliani in Iowa and has raised more money than any of the other guys in the fourth quarter, I fail to see how Fox News can justify this decision.

Anyone have the criteria they're using for invitations to the debate?
And if there's one candidate who's going to benefit from the numbers in an actual election, it will be Ron Paul. I'm not saying it will be the 30% RS seems to be expecting, but it may be enough to outdo Guliani.
I'm not particularly a fan of Ron Paul, but considering that he is outpolling Thompson in New Hampshire, is likely to beat Giuliani in Iowa and has raised more money than any of the other guys in the fourth quarter, I fail to see how Fox News can justify this decision.

Anyone have the criteria they're using for invitations to the debate?


I think his campaign chest is doing better than McCains.

I'm not particularly a fan of Ron Paul, but considering that he is outpolling Thompson in New Hampshire, is likely to beat Giuliani in Iowa and has raised more money than any of the other guys in the fourth quarter, I fail to see how Fox News can justify this decision.

Anyone have the criteria they're using for invitations to the debate?


I think his campaign chest is doing better than McCains.

MSN are control freaks they only put forth the candidates they like...predjudice comes to mind!
I mean for as low as Ron Paul's numbers are it amazes me that he is so talked about online... I still do not think he has a chance though.

I mean for as low as Ron Paul's numbers are it amazes me that he is so talked about online... I still do not think he has a chance though.

Gotta love damo and Beefy...but ya are right...RP(GOP) is to what the DNC 'Dennis the Mennace'(Kuchi boy) is for the DNC...end of story..:D
I mean for as low as Ron Paul's numbers are it amazes me that he is so talked about online... I still do not think he has a chance though.

The proportion of libertarians on the internet is much higher than in mainstream society. And libertarians are just much more dedicated in politics, and to any serious candidate who represents their beliefs seriously.

It just pisses me off that he polls twice what Thompson does in NH, he may actually beat Guliani in Iowa, he has more money than pretty much everyone up there, and yet they choose not to send him.

At least they're not letting Hunter participate. But it would've made more sense to leave Thompson out than Paul.
I'm not particularly a fan of Ron Paul, but considering that he is outpolling Thompson in New Hampshire, is likely to beat Giuliani in Iowa and has raised more money than any of the other guys in the fourth quarter, I fail to see how Fox News can justify this decision.

Anyone have the criteria they're using for invitations to the debate?

This is a dumb move by fox. It lends creedence to the bias and the rumors of a GOP fear of Ron Paul. This will actually get Paul votes.

I writing him in as my choice either way. I hate all the other candidates and Paul is the only one I trust to put the people first. Can you say that about hillary or rudy? LOL
I'm not particularly a fan of Ron Paul, but considering that he is outpolling Thompson in New Hampshire, is likely to beat Giuliani in Iowa and has raised more money than any of the other guys in the fourth quarter, I fail to see how Fox News can justify this decision.

Anyone have the criteria they're using for invitations to the debate?


I think his campaign chest is doing better than McCains.

something like anyone not poling at double digits. but wtf things can change so quick. WAY to premature to start limiting the candidates. This is outrageous. if i was a ron paul supporter id be livid.