Ron paul doesnt make the debate cut

something like anyone not poling at double digits. but wtf things can change so quick. WAY to premature to start limiting the candidates. This is outrageous. if i was a ron paul supporter id be livid.

We've been livid for some time now by the MSM attempt to choose the "viable" candidates.

Glad you've finally noticed though.
That is unfair. Especially given his recent fundraising success and hte grass roots movement and the fact that he's been winning a significant amount of online polls.

I still think he's a racist bastard. But it speaks volumes to the press' unfair ability to essentially choose who's going to win and who the serious contenders are.

That being said:
Hugo Chavez '08.

Let the racist in the debates!
I'll laugh my ass off if Duncan Hunter (1% in the polls) and Fred Thompson (4% in the NH polls) are on that stage, and Ron Paul isn't.

That's just wrong.

I'm definitely aiming this at no one in particular.

What was the name of that band from the early 90's? They did that song "Insane in the Brain" and "hits from the bong".

Something Hill. _______ Hill. What was it?

What was the name of that band from the early 90's? They did that song "Insane in the Brain" and "hits from the bong".

Something Hill. _______ Hill. What was it?
Wasn't it named after a tree? Pine Hill, or something like that?
I don't know why we suddenly got the urge to post all of these pictures of really ugly men with mullets and talk about the band CYPRESS hill.


I don't know why we suddenly got the urge to post all of these pictures of really ugly men with mullets and talk about the band CYPRESS hill.



I had "Insane in the Brain" in my head, and I remembered this picture I had of this fellow on the beach who said he was from Central California.... I had to share it.
I said it on the other post about this and Iwill say it here. The tent is big but it is full of cookie cutter gingerbread men. If you don't support the president on the war on terra, if you don't think that the government should have unlimited powers to listen in on anyone they deem a enemy combatant or a ferin threat to the US then you have no place in the party. Cue the goose steppers, and get the band to play some Wagner.
Actually here is what I said earlier and I like it better:

Socrtease the genius said earlier and was right then:

Again the republicans get caught showing their ass. They are a big tent and as many of you as want can come in so longs as you come from the same pro-bush, pro-war cookie cutter. Otherwise to the kids table with you. If Eisenhower was alive now he would not be welcome in his own party, nor would Goldwater. The republicans have little use anymore for Snow or Warner or any other moderate Republican. If you are not born again, bathed in the blood, bible thumping war mongering then you can't be included. And the Republican media mouth piece is making sure that Ron Paul, who though he has been a republican for quite a few years, cannot take part in the republican debate.
Eisenhower was the last great Republican president. Interestingly enough, he was the only candidate that was getting wooed by both the (D) and (R) prior to the party conventions in the history of the US, I believe. If he were being wooed again by both sides today, I think he'd puke, and wonder wtf happened to this country.